View Full Version : SB 7000 first impressions :))

Mr Batch
23-09-2010, 01:28 PM
Just a note to thank DMan for the box etc :))

Setup was very quick and easy for patching, USALS, channel lists and service+/LAN stuff & softcam. Los of good advice on the site for these. Interface is very like my old MVision but there are some improvements on the 7000.

Channels available are excellent on the service+ (had small down last night but i know alot of work is/has been going on as nuevostream is closed) but for other newbies be aware that often the whole package may not clear ie certain transponders may/maynot work in an "open" package.

This box is very good, and far superceeds my old mvision, diablo cam, old echostar etc etc.

I would recommend this to just get a up and running box to people who do not/can't play with linux. It just works.