View Full Version : New Octagon firmware 1.08.44

25-09-2010, 01:07 PM
The latest Octagon firmware was released on the 21/9 with the following change list:

- Unicable Timing fix.
- EasyFind Function add.
--> for easyfind LNB`s
- USB detection bug fix.
- New Function in Playbar add.
--> Yellow Button for Skip : Auto 10 sec...~ 10 min.
- Online SW upgrade bug fix.
- Audio freeze by ******* 31+42E fix.
- Subtitle bug fix. (by REC)
- 21.51~21.54 Clock bug fix.
- Auto Timeshift improved + bug fix.
- Trick Mode Function improved + bug fix.
- Plugin API Verison 1.04 fix.
--> SW V10844 + Use Plugins like octacam mcas cs etc. 21.Sept 2010

27-09-2010, 12:35 PM
Sorry guys for the delay in the Icecrypt release.

28-09-2010, 02:44 PM
anyone used it yet?

any better?

i noticed after saying that i hadn't suffered any crashes, typically i had a few crashes shortly after (on .37 f/w)

i am always up for trying a later release.

is it good practice after upgrading the f/w to do a factory reset? if so how do i keep my timers and channel lists?

28-09-2010, 04:23 PM
It is good practise to carry out a factory reset after a firmware upgrade to clear any latent memory.
Store your channels settings using the system data store option before carrying out the factory reset, but that won't store your timers I'm afraid.

28-09-2010, 04:56 PM
thats a bummer, i did something once which brought back all my timers (by mistake), i think it was an .FDU file from memory....which is channels isnt it, r u sure, the channels list, doesnt bring back the timers too!>?


29-09-2010, 11:40 AM
To be honest I am not sure, as its a system data restore it might but I wouldn't put my house on it.
Only one way of finding out and I don't use timers!

29-09-2010, 10:35 PM
to confirm, SERVICE DATA restore, brings back both channels, AND timers.


29-09-2010, 10:55 PM
it seems that f/w.44 is given me problems with freezıng glitching and xcam clıent on the plug in has a mınd of its own turnıng its self off might go back to.37f/w try it a bıt longer HD channls are even worse takıng 15/20 seconds to lock thats if they do

i use xcam/cccam

29-09-2010, 11:59 PM
it seems that f/w.44 is given me problems with freezıng glitching and xcam clıent on the plug in has a mınd of its own turnıng its self off might go back to.37f/w try it a bıt longer HD channls are even worse takıng 15/20 seconds to lock thats if they do

i use xcam/cccam

did u do a factory restore after updating, and install the LATEST plugin?

30-09-2010, 05:05 AM
did u do a factory restore after updating, and install the LATEST plugin?

it seems that my server had problems last night iam glad i left it on working a treat very pleased and yes to the factory reset but still has the problem of turning its selfoff on the xcam client plug in