View Full Version : Message_From_Compass

25-09-2010, 08:22 PM
This decision i have not taken lightly

My support for Technomate has come to a end,

I have enjoyed many years helping fellow Technomate users with Patches, the odd channel list, softcams and of late SSSP updates .

Sadly i need to call time on these model receiver's i no longer have room on my display cabinet for testing my modifications.

I hope i have added to your satellite viewing over the years

I have moved on to the new Generation Receiver SpiderBox HD

Regards compass

25-09-2010, 08:27 PM
Let me be among the first to thank you for all your help down the years, in here, and elsewhere. Its been invaluable. I too have moved on to the Spiderbox, and a nice bit of kit it is too!
Very best regards

25-09-2010, 08:33 PM
Everything comes to an end Compass, your support had been greatly appreciated.
I am sure the spider fans will appreciate what you bring to them :respect-055:

25-09-2010, 08:34 PM
well what can i say only Respect to you @ ^^^Compass^^^
thank you very much for your hard work and efforts its been great fun but i guess its time to move onwards your hard work and efforts have been appreciated very much over the years ,
best wishes .

25-09-2010, 08:34 PM
same for me compass, shame because the tm is a good box.
spider is one great box that opens more doors with lots of sats that open.great pckages .spoilt for choice mate
regards tm

25-09-2010, 08:38 PM
i'd like to thank you for help and support i've received over the time i've had my tm . i know i said i'd never move on BUT after a time thinking ..........well in the next few months i might be pestering you again for help just see how the pennies go and the state of play at the time on the sat scene.

25-09-2010, 09:25 PM
Thanks Compass for all you help and advice in the forums over the years, it's been appreciated.

All the best.


25-09-2010, 09:41 PM
thanks for your work in the past compass,you've done yourself proud.

25-09-2010, 09:45 PM
Hehehe no room left on his display cabinet.

Also less room in his wallet.

Great job Darkmann

25-09-2010, 10:06 PM
Thanks for all the good work my TM is gathering dust at the mo as the spiderbox is the way forward

25-09-2010, 10:42 PM
thanks compass. the loosers will be technomate and its there own fault as they did not advance with the times.

25-09-2010, 10:48 PM
I have seen your posts on more than one forum, and the advice contained in them has always been top notch.
Thanks, 2Colby.

25-09-2010, 10:59 PM
Hehehe no room left on his display cabinet.

Also less room in his wallet.

Great job Darkmann

spot on................

25-09-2010, 11:07 PM
how long will it be for Glenn 911 befor he gives in?

25-09-2010, 11:14 PM
how long will it be for Glenn 911 befor he gives in?

not long:king-041:

thanks Dave for your contribution


25-09-2010, 11:16 PM
about time mate

Enough of supporting dead wood

25-09-2010, 11:22 PM
Well done. You'll have lots more fun and less frustration. :respect-023:

25-09-2010, 11:59 PM
Thank you very much for everything you've done :respect-054:

This monday, I will have also my spiderbox HD

It's indeed time to move on :iagree:



26-09-2010, 12:16 AM
about time mate

Enough of supporting dead wood

I don't think TM is deadwood. Picture quality is great and functionality is great too.

However cs is the way ahead. Most of recent developments in tm6900 were based on cs.

I will continue to use my tm6900hd super for cs for time being as it meets my needs.

26-09-2010, 12:18 AM
I don't think TM is deadwood. Picture quality is great and functionality is great too.

However cs is the way ahead. Most of recent developments in tm6900 were based on cs.

I will continue to use my tm6900hd super for cs for time being as it meets my needs.

At what cost ?

26-09-2010, 12:27 AM
At what cost ?

What do you mean?

Do you mean "how much does it cost per month?"

keith mawer
26-09-2010, 12:57 AM
to each his own ,, i love my techomate 6800hd,, love the epg/ love the swiss/french/dutch and many other channels .. love my diablo and the epl ...
and its reliable,,
to each his own i guess

26-09-2010, 01:57 AM
This decision i have not taken lightly

I have enjoyed many years helping fellow Technomate users with Patches, the odd channel list, softcams and of late SSSP updates.

I hope i have added to your satellite viewing over the years

I have moved on to the new Generation Receiver SpiderBox HD

Regards compass


Sad to hear you have hung up you Wellington boots ! But they eventually get a bit too smelly to wear in the end.......:respect-051:

Just a small note to say that "your" help and advice was very much appreciated in the last two years of this Hobby...:respect-052:

Best of luck with your future Endeavours ^^Compass^^ !:respect-023:

I trust that you haven't put them in the Skip just yet......

All the Best from Southern Eíre and best wishes for the future.

P.S. I hope that C.S. is secret safe 4 U ......:respect-062:

I might be looking into it soon enough......

Regards: Plessy:respect-051:

26-09-2010, 07:08 AM
^^COMPASS^^, thanks for all support given to us Technomate Users. Much appreciated.:respect-040:

26-09-2010, 07:31 AM
Thanks for all your help & support mate!!!!

26-09-2010, 08:26 AM
Top man compass sad to see your support going its been much appreciated.

26-09-2010, 09:35 AM
Cheers for all the help with my old TM over the years m8, I really appreciated it :D

26-09-2010, 09:41 AM
COMPASS, thanks for all support given to us Technomate Users, Much appreciated.

26-09-2010, 11:05 AM
^^Compass^^ - Many thanks for all your work over the last 18 months, since I got my 6900super. Updating to spiderbox might take me a little while, as it might be some time before I can get the expense of a new box past the XYL.

Best Regards

26-09-2010, 11:16 AM
At what cost ?

Quite right Dave - at what cost - in EVERY way, especially the ever increasing potential LEGAL costs, not just that of the receiver eh?
Thanks again for all your brilliant efforts on behalf of we Technomate owners - after all we werent to know the implications of what has happened since when we bought them eh mate, but wont say any more on that as it caused a lot of hastle last time I gave my opinion on all that!
Let sleeping dogs lie I say - but thanks again to YOU Compass! You after all are the gentle genius who has helped so many of us, at no cost to us but I'm sure it may have been at mega cost (not money) to you in YOUR life!:respect-055:

26-09-2010, 12:34 PM
Many thanks for your input m8,:respect-040:like others I have put TM away,Spiderbox is brilliant.:respect-055:

26-09-2010, 12:38 PM
please dont go stay with us

26-09-2010, 12:53 PM
Second that den123. Big "Thankyou" to Compass for all the effort and hopefully a comeback soon.:bravo-009:

Best wishes from,


26-09-2010, 01:05 PM
thanks COMPASS for all your support to tec you privided through out these
years actually what you were doing is resoucitating these boxes of which i already smelled the run out of support . all i can say is thanks:respect-055:
i hope someone will still provide us with support even though it's a hope
and i may call it a day for this hobby .........................:D

26-09-2010, 01:12 PM
Thanks Compass for all you help and advice in the forums , it's been Much appreciated.

All the best.

sad to see your support going!

26-09-2010, 03:11 PM
very sad news, top man :bowing-036::respect-023:

26-09-2010, 04:59 PM
COMPASS thanks for all support given to us Technomate Users Much appreciated

I don't think TM is dead

I will continue to use my tm6900hd super for cs

If by a cupal of months more my tm dont work or by an other 2 years on cs dose not conet any more opinean if cs stops then every body will be trowing the boxs everybody can see this with out cs is nothing left not like 9 years ago we had full beouse it use to be full up of chanalls


26-09-2010, 05:04 PM
Another familiar name here very sad you are packing it in Compass feel free to come visit again your help over the years supporting cams and receivers has been appreciated sad to see you go mate so all the best.

sheild 10
26-09-2010, 05:25 PM
^^Compass^^ - Many thanks for all your work over the last 18 months, since I got my 6900super. Updating to spiderbox might take me a little while, as it might be some time before I can get the expense of a new box past the XYL.

Best Regards

me 2 to get the money together just might as well get a dm( as of the spiderbox no way i getting one ) you no the saying once bitten, if he can run to spiderbox how long wil it be when a new reciever come out then they run there.
well that it for me with this messed up hobby:mad:

26-09-2010, 05:38 PM
Really sad and disappointed. Like shield 10 and KnockJohn I can't afford to run after the latest and hope it lasts. I think there is still life in TMs. I'll wait and see and maybe get an official card - it looks like its going to be cheaper! PS thanks for all your work Compass - really appreciated.

26-09-2010, 07:00 PM
oh bugger compass cheers for everythin PS just ordered a spiderbox now so u will have me mithering you again:respect-063::respect-063:

26-09-2010, 10:57 PM
to compass thank you for help us in life you are the first person i post and you leave us aney way good luck leaving us

27-09-2010, 12:37 PM
Really sad and disappointed. Like shield 10 and KnockJohn I can't afford to run after the latest and hope it lasts. I think there is still life in TMs. I'll wait and see and maybe get an official card - it looks like its going to be cheaper! PS thanks for all your work Compass - really appreciated.
I do think its plenty of life on my TM6900HD super+ its a great receiver, I own a Humax 5400 receiver and is still a lot of support for that, so the people that think TM is dead are very wrong, that's my believe

27-09-2010, 12:46 PM
I do think its plenty of life on my TM6900HD super+ its a great receiver, I own a Humax 5400 receiver and is still a lot of support for that, so the people that think TM is dead are very wrong, that's my believe

Hear hear Tony, I agree mate!:respect-055:

27-09-2010, 01:46 PM
its plenty of life great receivers TM6800HD super + TM6900HD super + TM7100 :cool: and is still a lot of life.

support is dead are very wrong m8.

CS dead TM6900HD super dead 1.

CS dead spiderbox dead 2.

CS dead Dreambox dead 3.

lot member :respect-062:

sheild 10
27-09-2010, 02:11 PM
the tm has only 1 problem and that the people who support it are all running to the spiderbox but like feneki said if cs is finnished for tm so it is finnished for all recievers

so like pricey said:-( maybe get an official card it might be cheaper )

and tony said :- ( I own a Humax 5400 receiver and is still a lot of support for that )

maybe people that the way to go forget the spiderbox as you going to be bitten:smash:

27-09-2010, 04:44 PM
the tm has only 1 problem and that the people who support it are all running to the spiderbox but like feneki said if cs is finnished for tm so it is finnished for all recievers

so like pricey said:-( maybe get an official card it might be cheaper )

and tony said :- ( I own a Humax 5400 receiver and is still a lot of support for that )

maybe people that the way to go forget the spiderbox as you going to be bitten:smash:

True mate, but the whole POINT of forums like Pimps is for a bunch of satellite enthusiasts such as all of US to benefit from FREE satellite tv transmissions and NOT to have to pay for them?
Anyone can BUY a card for a package, but thats not the point of our HOBBY!
That is surely the whole essence of why we are posting on here in the first place?:respect-051:

keith mawer
27-09-2010, 04:58 PM
well my techomate does enough for me right now although i realise the spider as a example will do more,,,,

27-09-2010, 06:30 PM
Many thanks for the help you gave us newbies, but glad you will be moving to spider box. cheers

27-09-2010, 07:09 PM
I never had a TM so cannot comment on that
But having a Spiderbox 9000 i will like to welcome you on that path
i know you,r work is Briliant and will help so many ppl on SP9000 section.

Yes times moves on, we cannot keep driving LADAS all the time can we :-)

Well donne Compass, and thatks for all the efort , time and help you give to many here and else where round on diferent sat forums

27-09-2010, 07:58 PM
well my techomate does enough for me right now although i realise the spider as a example will do more,,,,

Firstly I'd like to re-iterate that the Spiderbox is extremely good value for money (though I don't have one)

BUT please remember - The Spiderbox does NOT do more than the tm6900 hd super.

Both boxes have emu functionality (not sure if the spiderbox does as much as the tm6900) and both boxes have internet fuctionality and allow cs.

the Spiderbox has a cs package arranged with sub included in the purchase price,
My 6900hd super uses a cs package I arranged myself.

Both boxes rely on an internet connection to provide the realtime keys for decryption.

Not knocking the spiderbox but don't make it into more than what it is. And a final note: If my server gets busted I lose my cheap sat tv . If the provider of the spiderbox 'gift' gets busted then half of this forum will lose their cheap sat tv.

good luck all.

I'd just like to qualify the reply above. What I'm trying to say is that if you have a tm6900hd super(already) then It might be more cost effective to buy a sub from a payserver or buy a genuine card and share this than going out and buying a Spiderbox. If I didn't have an stb to start with then I would go out and buy a spiderbox tomorrow.

27-09-2010, 08:18 PM
Thanks COMPASS for your tm support.Much appreciated.

27-09-2010, 08:37 PM
Thanks compass for all you hard work.

So is spiderbox the way to go if so whats the cheapest i could get one for as i dont have much money.
At the moment i have a TM5400 super

Weston Calling
27-09-2010, 10:38 PM
Thanks to Compass for all the support for the TMs.

From my point of view, the withdrawal of support for the TMs is part of a campaign to get us to pay out for a Spiderbox. I can't help thinking any of us who buy into this campaign will be left with the exact same scenario in a few months - being told our box is dead wood and there's no longer going to be support for it so we need to invest in the latest technology - supplied no doubt by our site sponsors.

Weston Calling

27-09-2010, 11:18 PM
I sincerely thank you ^^Compass^^ for your hard work, commitment, dedication, loyalty and friendship. I wish there was few more people like you to gives us an opportunity to learn from.
Take care and thank you again..

28-09-2010, 06:31 AM
Hi compass
could you explain how you put servers in CILQUER ICI and which sites you get them from.I would like to try and have a go at doing this myself.


28-09-2010, 10:13 AM
Again compass, many thanks for all your TM support. Good luck in your new venture.

29-09-2010, 01:48 PM
A big Thank You from me too for all you hard work over the years. Enjoy your 'retirement' M8.

Katie :)

29-09-2010, 02:06 PM
Yes, thank-you Compass for all your hard work, very much appreciated. :)

29-09-2010, 02:10 PM
Thanks to Compass for all the support for the TMs.

From my point of view, the withdrawal of support for the TMs is part of a campaign to get us to pay out for a Spiderbox. I can't help thinking any of us who buy into this campaign will be left with the exact same scenario in a few months - being told our box is dead wood and there's no longer going to be support for it so we need to invest in the latest technology - supplied no doubt by our site sponsors.

Weston Calling

utter rubbish m8 , nobody is making you or anyone else do anything at all

read the post 51 by joanie for an INFORMED opinion on the situation here

there is no reason why others cannot take up the mantle and carry on with any developments ( like say bungouk ) , or just do as joanie said in post 51

and there is no earthly reason why it should be a spiderbox as your new purchase either , it can just as easily be almost any other modern box including those sold by goldwafers , like the dreambox , vu+ , icecrypt or similar

technology moves on , compass is moving on , so I for one wish him all the best in his endeavours NO MATTER WHICH box he decides to play with

all your old sat boxes will still work , I know mine do and its time I had a clearout , but times move on and so is compass , so let him move on gracefully and dont turn his thread into a witch hunt

anyone who likes their technomate , then keep it , I still have mine !!

anyone who wishes to upgrade or move on then please do so

DO NOT be railroaded into buying any boxes , make your choice on ability , value for money , support , patches , emus , softcams , gifts , or any other feature you deem necessary , and buy accordingly.

or dont buy anything !!

its really that simple , god gave you all brains so use them to your advantage , as compass does

29-09-2010, 02:42 PM
nice piece joany. my bro in law asked me to get him a spiderbox, but as he hasnt got a pc it seems pointless if most stuff needs an internet connection.

29-09-2010, 02:57 PM
nice piece joany. my bro in law asked me to get him a spiderbox, but as he hasnt got a pc it seems pointless if most stuff needs an internet connection.

as with any "gift" (gift being 1 or more servers) or as with any other server or cs , then its a broadband connection that is required , not a pc
but ideally you need both, and a usb stick as well so that you can load in a softcam in order to use the ucas like on the other boxes and those open channels are now limited meaning he can get fta channels and any opened by ucas on any box he buys. its the broadband connection that he needs for this more modern method that uses a form of cs

30-09-2010, 01:47 PM
a big thankyou compass was most app m8.got many more days and nites entertainment using the program with other receivers also,all part and parcel of having fun and educating ourselves in the process.

enjoy the spiderbox m8

cheers archie :cheers2:

02-10-2010, 03:10 PM
Thanks compass for all your support to-date ! :-) Sorry if this is a silly question but does compass produce the 'phantompatch' ?

02-10-2010, 04:26 PM
Thanks compass for all your support to-date ! :-) Sorry if this is a silly question but does compass produce the 'phantompatch' ?
no! but Compass is a very dedicated on the sat cause, and is always been helping people for a very long time in a few forums and is well respected by all :respect-040:

02-10-2010, 06:34 PM
Firstly I'd like to re-iterate that the Spiderbox is extremely good value for money (though I don't have one)

BUT please remember - The Spiderbox does NOT do more than the tm6900 hd super.

Both boxes have emu functionality (not sure if the spiderbox does as much as the tm6900) and both boxes have internet fuctionality and allow cs.

the Spiderbox has a cs package arranged with sub included in the purchase price,
My 6900hd super uses a cs package I arranged myself.

Both boxes rely on an internet connection to provide the realtime keys for decryption.

Not knocking the spiderbox but don't make it into more than what it is. And a final note: If my server gets busted I lose my cheap sat tv . If the provider of the spiderbox 'gift' gets busted then half of this forum will lose their cheap sat tv.

good luck all.

I'd just like to qualify the reply above. What I'm trying to say is that if you have a tm6900hd super(already) then It might be more cost effective to buy a sub from a payserver or buy a genuine card and share this than going out and buying a Spiderbox. If I didn't have an stb to start with then I would go out and buy a spiderbox tomorrow.

Inform Your Self better M8....

Spiderbox Master Server -Can server own card YES....--Technomate 6000 HD series NO

Spiderbox EMU are Exelent the lates Soure
Technomate EMU are very Old not updated ,they have no Support every one left a part of techomate it "Phontoms".

Spiderbox has Home Streaming YES --Technomate NO

SpiderBox has Better picture AU Resoluation -Technomate NO

Spidrebox has free channels ...costing 10.000 Pound a Year -Technomate NO

haw they are same !?

02-10-2010, 07:39 PM
Yes compass is well respected by all .( Dudes )
********************************* ********************************* **************************

I want also thank him for this greath support he given us for so a long time .
................................. .................Thanks M8

02-10-2010, 08:26 PM
Inform Your Self better M8....

Spiderbox Master Server -Can server own card YES....--Technomate 6000 HD series NO

Spiderbox EMU are Exelent the lates Soure
Technomate EMU are very Old not updated ,they have no Support every one left a part of techomate it "Phontoms".

Spiderbox has Home Streaming YES --Technomate NO

SpiderBox has Better picture AU Resoluation -Technomate NO

Spidrebox has free channels ...costing 10.000 Pound a Year -Technomate NO

haw they are same !?

My post was in reply to Keith Mawers post:
well my techomate does enough for me right now although i realise the spider as a example will do more,,,,

I have to tell you DM that my TM6900HD super has probably the same or more open channels than the Spiderbox. This is what I was saying in reply to keith. Additionally I have read quite a few reports on this forum about the Spiderbox freezing (especially when there is a big football game on for example).I can tell you my sub has very few glitched, even at busy times.

All this without going out to buy a new box.

I also said that if I did not already have a TM6900HD super then I would go out and buy a Spiderbox.

You have provided a box which offers a lot and at a very good price.
However, As it stands my TM does everything I want and I am very pleased with it.

Finally DM

"Spidrebox has free channels ...costing 10.000 Pound a Year " This will please a lot of Spiderbox owners when the 'gift' expires

Good luck m8.