View Full Version : Englsih Audio for Tring

26-09-2010, 09:51 AM
When watching the football on Tring only one audio option shows up using PVR 5020.
When I use a different model echostar box two audios show up the second of which is the english commentary.
Anyone know how to fix the problem on the pvr 5020 so i can get English audio?

26-09-2010, 02:56 PM
Which Tring channel was it? Only Tring Sport News has two channels, the other three channels only have one audio stream which is in English for EPL games.

If it was Tring Sport News where you had the problem try rescanning when the match is on.

27-09-2010, 03:45 AM
My dad actually has the box so I'll get him to try that. Thanks

27-09-2010, 01:57 PM
I will have to correct what I said, as I noticed one of the other three channels did have a second audio stream temporarily on a non football program.

This might be the problem if this audio stream was not active on the match you were watching.