View Full Version : wavefrontier t90 second lnb problem

27-09-2010, 08:28 PM
im trying to set up my t90, i got 13e fine 97%, but i cant seem to get 0.8w. i pick it up but the signal is soo weak.

any ideas??

also will the smaller 55cm dish holders fit on the 90cm?? i cant find anywhere which sells them??

many thanks

28-09-2010, 12:47 PM
how many lnbs are you trying to fit and how many holders have you got. the holders are the same for both dish's i think

28-09-2010, 03:32 PM
only just 4 holders all together but 2 are missing the top holder. im trying to get 1west, 13east, 19 east also 16east. i wanting to buy 4 new lnbs and 2 new holders.

28-09-2010, 03:33 PM
"Lnbf Holder for Toroidal" (google this)
H55 Set: H55-5, H55-10, H55-15 & H55-20
H90 Set: H90-5, H90-10, H90-15 & H90-20
last digit(s) amount of holders

28-09-2010, 04:43 PM
have you got 13e lnb in the centre of the bar and peaked the dish hotbird, if so, looking from the front, your thor lnb will be on the far right and about 1" lower, the holders with the tops missing can still be used just wrap a bit tape round the lnbs till you get your replacements

30-09-2010, 09:10 PM
havent had chance to try it, but i been reading up i think its the skew on the dish. i did set it as my location sed, but must be just out, will give it ago next week. thanks for the help.