View Full Version : S4000HD - anyone got twin tuners decrypting simultaneously?

28-09-2010, 02:24 PM
Ever since owning my Icecrypt S4000HD, i've not yet managed to get both tuners operating correctly simultaneously.

If I'm recording a premium channel, the switch to another premium chanel to watch, the recording carries on counting up time, but the video & audio pauses.

I've since installed E2 on the box and not really tested the function, but a friend was asking if he should buy the same box and asked if you could record one & watch one... hence me asking again;

Has anyone managed to get 2x channels decrypting simultaneously?
If so, what firmware & plugin's do you need to be running? And do you need more than 1 c-line for it to work?

Many thanks

28-09-2010, 02:49 PM
Hi there.

I've never got both the tuners to work on the E2 image but they work just fine on the stock standard IceCrypt firmware.

My setup is with just one provider. I have a Dreambox as my server and one C line from the IceCrypt. I am able to record two channels and watch a 3rd if both channels are on the same transponder or I can record two but only watch a select few channels depending on the transponders in use.

I do remember having a few problems when I initially set my receiver up. I think I chose the option that loops through the tuners instead of configuring them individually.

Hope that helps

28-09-2010, 03:07 PM
Thanks for the reply jacksback.

It was the standard firmware I was having bother with.. my setup was a local DM500 running my subscribed card, and one C line on the Icecrypt. I was able to record 1 and watch a 2nd on a different transponder just like you say you can, without any error messages, or channels greying out due to mixed transponders. But the recordings would not play back correctly. At the very time I changed channel to watch something else, the recording would "pause" but time would carry on ticking along. It was as if the cam could only decypt one channel at a time, scrambling the recording channel, leaving it with no audio/video.

Please can you let me know which version of firmware & plugin you are using?
I plan to remove E2 this week and go back to running standard Icecrypt settings.


28-09-2010, 04:54 PM
Iīm running the latest f/w with the 27sep plugin on a fixed dish at 28 deg. This stb will
clear some channels at the same time depending on the combination. It will record a
scrambled channel without the card but will not clear it when the card is put back in
the stb. Other stbīs will clear a recorded scrambled programme with the card re-inserted
(ie Humax Foxsat HDR). A possible fix?

28-09-2010, 05:25 PM
Now that you mention it, I did actually experience the same recording/changing channels issue. I think it was on the firmware release from about 3 months back. I was using in***buscamd client connecting to my Dreambox CCcam Server.

I'm currently on the previous firmware and plugin package, and I'm now running Xcamclient connecting to CCcam server. All my dropouts and "scrambled" problems have disappeared since upgrading to that release and I also find changing channels to be a lot quicker. One of my HD channels failed to unscramble running incubus but that's all fixed now using XCamClient. Still have the occasional freezes but apparently yesterday's plugin release addresses that problem. Going to take it for a spin soon.

28-09-2010, 05:47 PM
Good news! Thanks..
I'll get rid of E2 this week and give it a whirl.

29-09-2010, 12:05 PM
OK, I've removed E2 from my box and am now running v1.08.44 with 10SEP2010 plugin
The double decrypting is now working but I find that on playback of HD channels, audio sync is a mile out! It seems to be when the box must be really working hard, there is pixelation, stuttering, complete picture break up and bad audio sync.

Any idea's which would be the best firmware & plugin combo to try and sort this out?

29-09-2010, 01:31 PM
OK, I've removed E2 from my box and am now running v1.08.44 with 10SEP2010 plugin
The double decrypting is now working but I find that on playback of HD channels, audio sync is a mile out! It seems to be when the box must be really working hard, there is pixelation, stuttering, complete picture break up and bad audio sync.

Any idea's which would be the best firmware & plugin combo to try and sort this out?

I am able to record two HD channels simultaneously and watch a third one with no slowdown at all. My card is an Irdeto Kappa card and I use the XCamClient/CCcam combo as mentioned above.

Do you get lipsync when watching one of the HD channels or does it only get bad when you start a recording? Have a you tried using the provider card in the IceCrypt card reader?

29-09-2010, 03:43 PM
The lipsync issues (and stuttering etc..) only happen during playback of a HD recording that occured simultaneously with another. The live picture doesn't seem to suffer during the recordings. It suggests to me that the recording is flawed.
Recordings work fine if there's only 1 running at a time.

29-09-2010, 04:59 PM
The lipsync issues (and stuttering etc..) only happen during playback of a HD recording that occured simultaneously with another. The live picture doesn't seem to suffer during the recordings. It suggests to me that the recording is flawed.
Recordings work fine if there's only 1 running at a time.

Ahhh, let me check that myself. I'll try tonight if I get a chance.

30-09-2010, 09:30 AM
Have you tried the audio delay feature in the AV settings. It might help with your playback.

30-09-2010, 03:06 PM
I've not tried it.. do the settings apply seperately to playback of recordings and live content?

i.e. do I need to set the audio delay each time I switch from live to a recording? If so, then the missus won't be happy, and nor will I TBH.

Besides, that would still leave the stuttering and pixelation.

30-09-2010, 06:49 PM
I guess I'm the wrong person to test this because my Wife uses it more than me but here is what I can report so far.

Recording 2 SD channels and watching a 3rd SD recording at the same time works perfectly. I'll test out the same process but with HD this Saturday when I get a chance.

03-10-2010, 08:46 AM
The lipsync issues (and stuttering etc..) only happen during playback of a HD recording that occured simultaneously with another. The live picture doesn't seem to suffer during the recordings. It suggests to me that the recording is flawed.
Recordings work fine if there's only 1 running at a time.

Ok, hopefully this is the same scenario.

I just recorded two HD channels and watched a 3rd SD channel at the same time. I then stopped the HD recordings and played each one back. No lipsync issues on either of the recordings!

I only recorded for about 3 minutes, does your lipsync occur immediately or only after some time into the recording?

p.s - I'm on the latest firmware and plugin package now.

05-10-2010, 03:11 PM
Pretty much immediately... the time that I start the next recording, or watch the next channel. So I guess it's when it's doing the most processing.

I'll update the firmware & plugin's to the latest and give them a testdrive. Thanks!