View Full Version : to answer a few questions re firmware upgrades

29-09-2010, 10:22 PM
tonight, i did a backup of both system data (whatever that maybe), and service data (channels AND timers - confirmed) to a USB stick.

this is done from main menu, system tools, data transfer.

i then did a firmware upgrade to .44

after the reboot, i did a factory reset and let it reboot again.

afterwards, there are no channels on the system, so i did a quick channel scan on 19e - just for a few seconds, and then cancelled it - this lets you get to the menus etc, with a few channels to play with.

i then checked to see if my timers were gone, and they were :(

i then changed the "plugin" from auto to manual, and stopped it.

i then, went to main menu, system tools, and data transfer, and chose "data download from USB storage" - i then cycled to service data, chose my file, and ok'd it.

after another reboot, all my channel lists were back AND my timers.

so im now on new f/w, fresh factory reset, with all my channels and timers.

just for info - my USALS settings were gone, and my time was an hour out, so watch out for this.

PERFECT - for now.


i just thought this might help some of you...


01-10-2010, 09:43 AM
Your timer setting where only an hour out because you didn't switch on the daylight saving.
Mind you won't have to do that for much longer.
I'm glad things are all working for you and thanks for letting us know that the system restore works for the timers as well.
Proves that the firmware developments are making this receiver a really nice and neat bit of kit.
All we need now is the OpenTv EPG and it will be on its own.

01-10-2010, 10:55 AM
Mind you won't have to do that for much longer.

.....whats this?
