View Full Version : dm500hd froze

01-10-2010, 07:29 PM
dm500hd has froze and can only get dreamelite logo on screen , please help how do i sort this , thanks

01-10-2010, 07:37 PM
What were you doing when it happend ? Have you installed anything new or where you trying to set something up ?

01-10-2010, 07:48 PM
no i turned it off with button on front then back on again with button as i thought it needed rebooting because epg wasnt updating . is this how to reboot the 500hd . thanks

01-10-2010, 08:02 PM
This is never the best way to reboot, safest option is via shutdown menu or telnet.

Try a telnet connection and see if you can run the reboot command.

If you have an external HDD attached remove it before you try a reboot.

01-10-2010, 08:07 PM
dont know how to use telnet , im new to this , if i unplug and plug back in the green light flickers for a couple of seconds andthen get dreamelite picture then cant do anything else , is the telnet command easy to do ive dreamedit loaded on pc . thanks

01-10-2010, 08:11 PM
You have DCC ? Login and hit the telnet button
Then type reboot

02-10-2010, 02:22 AM
unplug it and left it for few hours , then plugged back in and all is ok , what is the best way to re-boot dm500hd when using blackhole1.3.3 , as i wont be pressing on/off button on front of machine no more , nearly spoilt my weekend . thanks

02-10-2010, 06:22 PM
from the menu??

03-10-2010, 11:02 AM
im running blackhole 1.3.3 if i press menu then select dreamelite shutdown and select restart does this reboot the box thanks

03-10-2010, 04:50 PM
weeelllll ...... probably!

10-10-2010, 08:09 PM
ive just tried to reboot using the remote by going to dreamelite shutdown and choosing restart , the dreambox turned off then on and has froze again with the dreamelite logo on the screen , how do i sort this as box doesnt respond to remote now ? thanks

10-10-2010, 09:19 PM
lloks like you will have to re-flash the image.

11-10-2010, 06:16 PM
ive finally got it back on by unplugging and leaving it for an hour then plugging back in , is there any reason why it should freeze when trying to reboot and whats the best way to reboot these boxes? thanks

11-10-2010, 06:24 PM
if i were you dave i would backup the image now its working again and then flash it to another medium such as your HDD or a USB and install a multiboot facility.

that way if it freezes again,when you power back on again you will always have the option of booting up in the other image.

belt and braces idea but it would save you a lot of hassle.Ian.

12-10-2010, 08:08 PM
i have come to turn it on again and its frozen again on the dreamelite logo , ive tried unplugging and leaving but wont come on this time , can someone please help , is there a way of booting up from pc , but will need step by step instructions as i havent used telnet before , ive looked on google but still no joy . thanks

12-10-2010, 10:17 PM

It would appear that your box has crashed. In order to resolve this you need to do the following:

1. Power the box off
2. Hold the power on/off button in on the front of the box and then power on the switch on the back of the box.
3. The dreambox will power up in boot loader mode.
4. You then need to go to your PC and type in the IP address of the box. This opens a bootlaoder web browser. Select firmwre upgrade.
5. Select the image you wnat to put onto the box (it must be a ***.nfi image)
6. Hit flash
7. When it's finished , power off the box
8. You're now done.
9. Power on the box. This time it will reboot perfectly.

Hope this helps.


13-10-2010, 07:54 PM
should i flash with a different image as this dreamelite 1.3.3 seems to be giving me trouble , what image is best , is the gemini 5.1 ok thanks

23-10-2010, 11:02 PM
have reflashed with gemini 5.1 and put cccam 214 on but im only clearing fta channels . i have checked my cline and its ok what can the problem be , i think cccam is running as it says cccam 214 at the bottom of the screen but the channel doesnt clear, please help

24-10-2010, 10:54 AM
when ive checked in cccam server is ok , but when i go into gemini menu and plugins it says "no network connection available . please help thanks

24-10-2010, 11:44 AM
can you ping the box from your pc using CMD?
have you setup your dreambox ip,netmask ect correctly within the gemini image?
is the box showing as connected inside of your router?
can you start CCcam from telnet?

does gemini use different folders to you last image?
if so you will have to edit your CCcam.cfg file accordingly.


24-10-2010, 12:01 PM
when i go to menu, setup, system, network and do a network test , lan adapter is green and ok local network ok , then dhcp is disabled and in red ip addy is unconfirmed and name server is unconfirmed . then if if look into why dhcp is disabled and in red it says check adaptor settings which say
use interface yes
use dhcp no
ip addy 192.168 1.8 ( this is ok)
use gateway yes
gateway 192.168 ect
are these setting ok or do i need to alter anything and should i press "restart network interfaces" ? or will this not help . thanks for your help

24-10-2010, 12:08 PM
can you ping the box from your pc using cmd?
if you can then your settings are ok,if you cant then they are not and need adjusting.

24-10-2010, 12:21 PM
dont know how to ping box from cmd . do you mean start/ run then type in the box ? can you help me with teamviewer ian , ive been at this all week end ive managed to get list of sats all back on after struggling for hours kept saying no lambd file , just want to sort for football this afternoon. thanks

24-10-2010, 12:26 PM
dcc connects pc router and dreambox with green line so network ok?

24-10-2010, 12:33 PM
when installing cccam214 from the gemini image yesterday there was no cccam config file , when we pressed var then etc ,so we put one in using ftp (i think) could this be the problem?

24-10-2010, 12:34 PM

then in the box type cmd then hit enter
in the dos box type ping and hit enter

you should then get the info to see if your box network settings are ok.make sure no packets are lost.if the connection times out then your network settings are incorrect.
sorry mate ive not got time today to sort this out remotely as im about to watch the build up to the match on MUTV,then watch the game itself.Ian.


im not familiar with gemini,i dont use it as i think its crap,but it is quite possible that gemini uses a different folder to ect for your CCcam.cfg file.
/var/keys perhaps?

24-10-2010, 12:43 PM
i dont know but would this help to sort your problem,
at first tried dream elite and kept getting problems like crashing etc:
the ip on the dreambox kept changing with all the reboots then chns
not opening etc: this sorted everything for me. first i flashing the v2.8.4
official software from dream-multimedia-tv.de
then i re flash the gemini 5 image , and if like me you have your
chn list sorted and on the computer. to reload then it will be very
quick to get set up again and this has cleared all the problems

24-10-2010, 12:43 PM
seems ok 4 packets sent and recieved and time under 1 m/sec . so is connection ok , where do i look next . thanks

24-10-2010, 04:19 PM
right sorted that problem it was a dhcp problem . now when ive transfered channel list and sat list to box i have all channels on 28e ok but all channels on all other sats are "greyed" out and when selected say service unavailable check tuner config ive even tried scanning sats and it scans ok but still get same msg and then list is grey again , how do i correct this thanks

24-10-2010, 04:29 PM
you have a new image so you have to setup each sat in the lnb config menu again,stating which tuner ect,ect.Ian.

24-10-2010, 05:14 PM
have been in tuner config and set correct sat and lnb to 1 then when i press ok and exit back to channel list i still get same msg and list is grey again , is it not something to do with sat.xml file missing as someone off another forum suggests . thanks

24-10-2010, 05:21 PM
sorted it now thanks ian for your help again