View Full Version : E2 - For people stuck in Rescue Mode? and get no IP

02-10-2010, 03:14 PM

I am still doing test to reproduce some end-user problem and here is one result:

For people that are stuck with: Rescue Mode? in the VFD display and didn't see the IP address received by the Azbox it is because your use a USB with other files on it!

So please take a USB stick, do a fresh format (FAT32) and copy only the file: patch.bin and nothing else.

You USB should contains one and only one file called patch.bin and nothing else (no folders, no other files).

Connect it to your Azbox and boot it.

You will have Rescue Mode? and after you will have the IP adress received by your Azbox.

Hope this help.


02-10-2010, 03:49 PM
The USB I use has all sorts of files on it, and still works fine getting in Rescue mode and IP showing.

Also formatted in FAT rather than FAT32.

02-10-2010, 04:22 PM

OK I know for sure that some of you will tell, OK I have other files / folders and it works, but I can tell you that some files / folders can prevent Rescue Mode from displaying the IP address.

So it is safest to use an USB memory stick without any other files on it.

The goal here is to help people with this problem.


25-10-2010, 11:17 PM
hi! can someone help my azbox on gecko : p .try this procedure in notink work

I) You have Official FW in your AZBox andyou want to install E2
Switch off AZBox
Put usb stick with patch.bin (e2)
switch on AZBox
Follow messages on GUI for update official FW (standard procedure)
After about 1 min , your receiver will reboot
Dont remove USB Stick from AZBox !!!
wait for IP adress on VFD of AZBox
Start latest ver of AZUp
Write IP adress in AZUp (see VFD)
Click on button Update
AZUp check for resque mode, also check ver of patch.bin (E2 or official fw)
AZUp create cramfs, Create 3 partition on DOM and formatted them
Copyng E2 kernel in Flash (about 2.5 min)
Copyng E2 files in first DOM partition (about 1 min)
when get popup msg - remove usb stick and wait for reboot (Rebooting... msg on VFD)
New E2 is installed successfully

please help

25-10-2010, 11:39 PM
You do not get a ip if you are connected wireless.
I got stuck at Rescue Mode. I tried AZUp 1.1 without luck.
Then i I plugged in the cable, and everything worked fine :respect-054:

26-10-2010, 10:04 AM
yes, wireless cable was not connected but know azup stuk .file not foond unable to complete rquest.

pls help:seeya::seeya::seeya:

26-10-2010, 07:31 PM
Why we are stuck in the RESCUE MODE? if we follow procedure step by step?

Is there any solution except jtag?


26-10-2010, 08:26 PM

The problem was in mine dhcp service configuration.
In the meantime i was played with mine network configurations, and that was solely problem.
Thanks on help.

Also I want to warn all which has same problem and have played with network setings to check their configurations.


26-10-2010, 09:00 PM
my azbox don all the steps but my problem is azup error

((file not foond unable to complete rquest). i tried all fw, unstall and install azup and used tow usb stick one formated fat 32 and one ntcs , windows vesta and xp.
nothing work and i dont know what to do .3 days no tv so far

pls help

29-10-2010, 12:59 AM
Please help,
I still see on the screen Rescue Mode? no longer do, I tried everything and I'm no TV and 2 days, had the official firmware and put the ABOX 0.9.5020 install V1.0.28 E2 100% and in the countdown remove the stick.
I say I have to activate the DHCP but do not know how it's done, I have connected my laptop with Windows Vista for AZUP receiver with Ethernet cable, the IP never appears on VFD.
Discuplas English, I'm with the google translator
My receiver is AZBOX Premium, I am in Quito - Ecuador

17-08-2011, 03:05 PM

17-08-2011, 03:06 PM
Use AZUP1.2.5 and your pc network card ip must be, disable DHCP option on AZUP1.2.5 and you will get ip on AZBOX whic is

17-08-2011, 03:39 PM
https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?150610-Two-types-of-problems-with-installation-and-how-to-solve-them... - try these methods...

04-11-2011, 01:29 PM
i was updating my azbox with last enigma2 firm the power was cut off in middle process now the box i rebooting and never finish how i could recover?

Dig Deep
04-11-2011, 08:01 PM
Read all that is said about this problem. Lots of help and plenty of tips and how-to´s
It is a common problem - hope it will be sorted soon !

04-11-2011, 08:34 PM
Read all that is said about this problem. Lots of help and plenty of tips and how-to´s
It is a common problem - hope it will be sorted soon !

Power faillures?? I flashed my boxes more then 100 times and I only had problems with the first versions off E2/AzUp

05-11-2011, 08:05 PM
Use AZUP1.2.5 and your pc network card ip must be, disable DHCP option on AZUP1.2.5 and you will get ip on AZBOX whic is

This could works i see that i receive the ip from the box