View Full Version : 6900HD recoding problem

03-10-2010, 10:43 AM
I have a 6900hd attatched to hard drive, which works perfectly, however it only allows 200 separate recordings ( or files ) even though I have only used about one third of the avaiable space on the drive. I assume there is a way to amend the number of recordings within the software but I dont seem to be able to find it , any help would be appreciated guys.

03-10-2010, 11:37 AM
200 separate recordings? Files?
each recording of a channel is recorded in a separate folder under the main folder:
_\STREAM-0 @055438_28MAR2010
__ STREAM-0 @055438_28MAR2010.trp 1.540.096 kB
__ STREAM-0 @055438_28MAR2010.001 1.540.096 kB
__ STREAM-0 @055438_28MAR2010.002 1.540.096 kB
__ STREAM-0 @055438_28MAR2010.003 1.270.880 kB
__ STREAM-0 @055438_28MAR2010.idx 1.730 kb
__ STREAM-0 @055438_28MAR2010.ifo 5 kB
Above is a sample of 1 channel recording.
Please elaborate a little more on the 200 and where these are?
Could be something inherent to fat32 format? On TM-6900 HD there is nothing you can change in regards to FAT32 and its usage.
what disc & size are you using and how did you prepare the disc?

fred fickle
10-01-2011, 01:13 PM
Can anyone reccommend a good one for HD files .trp ,I tried the gom player but it is very jerky on HD though ok with SD recordings

01-02-2011, 02:55 AM
I have a 6900hd attatched to hard drive, which works perfectly, however it only allows 200 separate recordings ( or files ) even though I have only used about one third of the avaiable space on the drive. I assume there is a way to amend the number of recordings within the software but I dont seem to be able to find it , any help would be appreciated guys.

Yes, I found the same thing last year and asked Technomate for an answer. I never got a reply from them or on here.

fred fickle
01-02-2011, 01:16 PM
200 x average hd file is 6gb for a 90-110minute film =1.2TB so you have a large drive which could be the problem as I think 1TB is the maximum for Technomates 6900.

03-02-2011, 06:17 PM
200 x average hd file is 6gb for a 90-110minute film =1.2TB so you have a large drive which could be the problem as I think 1TB is the maximum for Technomates 6900.

In my case I haven't recorded 200 hd films - nothing like it. My drive is about 60% full for 500GB.

03-02-2011, 08:37 PM
Its funny, but tried recording an MBC film 26E and cannot get the PVR epg recording process to work at all using Patch 738P!
Even opening previously recorded films previously viewed ok will no longer playback!
Weird eh?:confused: