View Full Version : Xcam & Mcas_04OCT10 upgrade

06-10-2010, 07:14 PM
Thanks coldasıce i thought iwas going to put the old firmware back on as ıt start doing funny things after a period of time but new plug in has sorted it out

07-10-2010, 01:51 PM
Thanks coldasıce i thought iwas going to put the old firmware back on as ıt start doing funny things after a period of time but new plug in has sorted it out

not to sure if any one else is having a problem leave it on the same channel for about 1.5 hours lock up the receıver and pıcture and sound dısappears like pll not locking can put the rx into standy by and on again okfor awhile or if you leave it on picture and sound return better than what the last plug in was like but still problems will reload the firmware and do another factory reset