View Full Version : E2 test - BUGS

06-10-2010, 07:29 PM
Finally installed e2, sorry to say that tuner unable to find any services. I'm using positioner so setup was
below this there was no USALS for this sat and 003 which is the position for Thor.
I can see TP from "sat finder" in menu
but when I tried to open positioner setup E2 crashes
also service scan founds zer0 services for Thor.

I'm using latest updated em8634dvb.ko which is 633635 bytes

any ideas how can I work this out?
also how can I mount USB flash and how to get wifi working?

PS different skins cause I reset'd to defaults

06-10-2010, 07:43 PM

It seems that you didn't read the whole thread and follow MickeySa explanation.
(first for flashing E2 and now on how to use it).

He says use simple mode and not advanced mode.
Today only simple mode is supported and some of us already have problem with DiseqC A/B switching.

So please don't start reporting bugs on features not yet implemented (USALS).

This is even not a beta but rather a proof-of-concept.

For your other questions, only DVB-S(2) FTA channel is supported so don't ask for other stuff like WiFi, it will be announced when it will be available in E2 image.


06-10-2010, 07:52 PM
Oh.. I see. I'm probably one of those with diseqC A/B problem.
my dish have several LNBs and positioner. I'm not using USALS tho.
Do you guys have some sort of cvs server ?

06-10-2010, 10:53 PM
What finally causes the crash is hinted here by Python:

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'NoneType' and 'float'

...when trying to format the string "%3.02f dB" % (value / 100.0) you get a TypeError because value (snr_db) is None!

...there are many many 'wires to connect' in these kinds of projects so naturally there will be 'dead ends' at these early stages.