View Full Version : how can i set up sssp with tm5400 ci usb

11-10-2010, 07:18 PM
i would really love to find out if i can setup sssp with my technomate 5400ci usb non super

i have a rs232 cable and a usb converter ready to plug into my laptop and reciever
i have also found out that i have to press on the remote 9797 for my perticuler box
its took me best part of a week to find just that information anything else is all bonus look forward to hearing of you gurus out there

12-10-2010, 09:10 AM
if you found where to enable sssp in the 5400ci usb non super:
when this works:
then progress to this

12-10-2010, 11:53 AM
if you found where to enable sssp in the 5400ci usb non super:
when this works:
then progress to this

giga thanks mate but not of it seems to cover my 5400 i.ve connected the rs232 but havent a clue where to go from there

12-10-2010, 02:08 PM
giga thanks mate but not of it seems to cover my 5400 i.ve connected the rs232 but havent a clue where to go from there
If you have the latest patch on your receiver. Check all menus if you can enable some where option for RS232 to SSSP.
If you don't find an option, try with fausto and bulsat and irdeto channel.
Perhaps other users have the same box and can shed some more light on this.
It gives you solution for possible porblems with fausto and rs232 port.
Only have a 6900 HD Super here.

connect null modem cable to computer and TM 5400 ci with power off
9797 should be SSSP, start fausto on computer, load latest keys.bin in monitor
load empty softcam on TM (so this one does not open bulsat)
select on 39°E Bulsat irdeto channel
select in fausto serial press connect
change to another irdeto channel on 39°E
you should see activity in fausto

12-10-2010, 03:23 PM
If you have the latest patch on your receiver. Check all menus if you can enable some where option for RS232 to SSSP.
If you don't find an option, try with fausto and bulsat and irdeto channel.
Perhaps other users have the same box and can shed some more light on this.
It gives you solution for possible porblems with fausto and rs232 port.
Only have a 6900 HD Super here.

connect null modem cable to computer and TM 5400 ci with power off
9797 should be SSSP, start fausto on computer, load latest keys.bin in monitor
load empty softcam on TM (so this one does not open bulsat)
select on 39°E Bulsat irdeto channel
select in fausto serial press connect
change to another irdeto channel on 39°E
you should see activity in fausto

thanks giga i do have fausto but not sure what to do
what are latest keys:bowing-036:

12-10-2010, 04:20 PM
thanks giga i do have fausto but not sure what to do
what are latest keys:bowing-036:
EMPB's Latest Diablo/Fausto,UnderWorld,Ipnosys West Europe Key.bin (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showpost.php?p=756364&postcount=6) <= click here

12-10-2010, 04:30 PM
EMPB's Latest Diablo/Fausto,UnderWorld,Ipnosys West Europe Key.bin (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showpost.php?p=756364&postcount=6) <= click here

ok so got the latest keys
plugged in usb to rs232 from laptop to tm5400
on fausto nothing seems to be happening i think its not connected however i do no the lead works as i have installed a patch with it

12-10-2010, 04:38 PM
ok so got the latest keys
plugged in usb to rs232 from laptop to tm5400
on fausto nothing seems to be happening i think its not connected however i do no the lead works as i have installed a patch with it
9797 on TM
in Fausto:
browse icon to keys.bin
press connect
on TM change to irdeto animal planet on 39°E
if no communcation between fausto and technomate: check that you're using the correct com port in Fausto and SSSP settings (SSSP/Ali/Humax/...) and same parameters found in com settings on computer (the one used for the link)

12-10-2010, 06:39 PM
when i go to seriel then press connect it says seriel connection failed
on fausto its on port 1
bauds 115200
parity none
stop bits 1
data bits 8
delay 200

12-10-2010, 06:41 PM
in options on the 5400 share mode is showing sssp

12-10-2010, 08:01 PM
Lo m8, am following your progress, can't join in the fun till later though.


12-10-2010, 08:08 PM
Lo m8, am following your progress, can't join in the fun till later though.

ok mate hurry up me and you will sort this tonight cant connect to fausto


13-10-2010, 08:48 AM
what is the comport of this:
i have a rs232 cable and a usb converter ready to plug into my laptop
if not com1: see if you can change this to com1 with windows hardware device manager

under XP on a 6900 HD Super: COM1
Baud rate: 115200 or 128000
databit: 8
parity: none
stopbit: 1
datatransfer: none (hardware, xon/xoff, none)

13-10-2010, 10:35 AM
in device manager it says com 9
so i have set come 9 on fausto when i press connect
it says at the bottom seriel connection opened
but nothing is happening

13-10-2010, 11:50 AM
right i have installed tm loader to see if i can load a patch via the rs232 to usb and all was sucsesfull
so not sure what i'm doing wrong but theres no activity in the moniter

13-10-2010, 03:46 PM
When all is working correctly you should see this in [Serial]:

And this in [Monitor]

Switch through some scrambled channels, if this fails:
go back in device manager and where it says COM9:
Right Click and select properties
in Port settings select Advanced Settings and Change there to Com1
If you have a COM1 use same procedure FIRST and change this to another COM not showing (10,11,...)
if you succeeded: change setting in Fausto accordingly (COM1)
see if that did help.

13-10-2010, 05:02 PM
done just as you said tried many different com port setting and still nothing i must be doing something wrong somewhere
do i need to turn the tm5400 on after its connected is there something i should be pressing on the 5400 i get a feeling theres something small i'm missing

13-10-2010, 05:52 PM
done just as you said tried many different com port setting and still nothing i must be doing something wrong somewhere
do i need to turn the tm5400 on after its connected is there something i should be pressing on the 5400 i get a feeling theres something small i'm missing
yes you need to turn tm5400 on and watch some $ channels (encrypted) switch between these
what other options do you have in sssp menu?
if you changed com port number on computer, you might need to reboot.
computer and technomate should have the same settings as shown in Fausto serial. If your cable length is over 5 meter: lower on both the bauds to 96000 or 57600

13-10-2010, 06:29 PM
yes you need to turn tm5400 on and watch some $ channels (encrypted) switch between these
what other options do you have in sssp menu?
if you changed com port number on computer, you might need to reboot.
computer and technomate should have the same settings as shown in Fausto serial. If your cable length is over 5 meter: lower on both the bauds to 96000 or 57600

i will try and lower the baud then reboot
when i'm on animal planet (blank screen)
i then press 9797
ecm pid of animal planet
1 0522 irdeto 604
2 1002 xcrypt 5501
3 of72 xcrypt 5581
i have tried auto and all the rest
i have also set the lead and the fausto software on my wifes laptop and its the same

13-10-2010, 06:57 PM
i did read somewhere that (this is a quote)
SSSP support has been written out of most of the patches, youll need to find older ones that have it to use this feature
so i have just checked my patch and it says 1.82p is sssp supported in this

13-10-2010, 09:11 PM
@t Giga
Would sssp be able to set up cccam and or newdcam.? running cccam program over your computer.
Just wonderring for my old tm6900hdcombo nonsuper

14-10-2010, 01:05 AM
On TM-5400 CI + USB Super

If Patch is not installed correctly to reciever "NO SSSP Option" will be viewable..

If this is not viewable No Communications can be properly set-up with computer.

With latest patch installed it should look like this in 5400

"System Information"

Model : TM5400 CI+Super
S/W Versiion : 1.41p (Aug 18 2010)
H/W verion : 1.10
Boot Version : 2:00 (08:50)
CH version : FEB:09

Once it look like this TM is ready to connect to your P.C.

If no Communications Check Cables/USB Serial port, System Manager in Windows and set to COM 1.

14-10-2010, 01:16 AM
i did read somewhere that (this is a quote)
SSSP support has been written out of most of the patches, youll need to find older ones that have it to use this feature
so i have just checked my patch and it says 1.82p is sssp supported in this

Any Chance of confirming what your tm says in sys info ?

You need to narrow it down a little more for me as I am Old and Crinkly And Giga is ten times faster than the rest of us ;).....:sifone: Am sure he can get to the answer if you can confirm what stage you are actually @ No Offence, One small piece of lost info ruins everything when it comes to getting Your PC to Talk with your TM.......

When there's a lot of hardware floating around the bits in-between usually catch us out...... Speaking for myself as a recent Tm Blow in;)......

14-10-2010, 07:58 AM
@t Giga
Would sssp be able to set up cccam and or newdcam.? running cccam program over your computer.
Just wonderring for my old tm6900hdcombo nonsuper
all info is there: bridging CCCAM to Serial (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=139416) <= click here

14-10-2010, 08:11 AM
as I don't have the TM-5400 CI it is hard to figure out what is going on
current patches in 1000 and 6000 have SSSP option
In 6000 series this is enabled by setting Serial Mode to SSSP
In 1000 this working by simply switching channel (as far as I know)
If you test channel list download with Clarke Tech Studio (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=110802) <= click here
then you know serial communication is OK, if this is OK and you run Fausto with an enabled SSSP receiver then you should see data in Fausto [Serial] window.
The information that I can't find or confirm:

Do you need to enable somewhere SSSP on TM-5400 CI and where.

14-10-2010, 05:46 PM
as I don't have the TM-5400 CI it is hard to figure out
The information that I can't find or confirm:

Hope these photos help Folk's

First of all make sure the patch has been successfully sent to the TM using usb key. The Box will automatically reboot after patch has been installed..

Now go into TM menu using remote control and select System information.

********************************* **********************
if "Cass" and "Biss" option appear underneath information then Patch IS Installed.

If not Press "2004" on remote control to Enable/Activate Patch...
********************************* **********************

Once this is displayed Exit Back out to "Main Menu" and Down at the Bottom Right hand side of the Screen you will see and extra tab called "Options".

This is where the SSSP/RS232 options are. But as mentioned above These are not visible unless patch has been installed correctly.....

Hope these photos explain what I mean.......

14-10-2010, 07:50 PM
thanks for that mate i have followed that procedure before everything is as it should be on my tm5400 exactly as yours is but cannot connect for some reason

14-10-2010, 10:02 PM
thanks for that mate i have followed that procedure before everything is as it should be on my tm5400 exactly as yours is but cannot connect for some reason

What Operating System are your using ?

14-10-2010, 10:04 PM
What Operating System are your using ?
windows 7

14-10-2010, 10:13 PM
windows 7

Damm it !

I thought you would say that !!!

Have no problems here M8 with XP Pro SP3....

You most likely have all the hardware setup correctly, but Finstones 7 handles hardware and interupts differently to XP...

Unfortunately I never used Vista or 7 cause excuse my French ! but they are Crap O.S's ......

I remember reading somewhere in the technomate threads relating to a similar issue with Windows seven so I am afraid you will have to USE the Search Button and do a bit of reading......

If you have an old computer lying around preferably real Old with Printer port, serial port etc, etc sticking out the back ,,, this may be easier than what you are currently using.......

Make sure System Device manager Ports and Comms and Com Port is Set to Com 1.....

Even if it says it IS AT COM 1 Change it again reboot in Safe mode to confirm.......

Other than that ! All I can say is keep Reading Because It Does Work.......:frown:

14-10-2010, 10:22 PM
Damm it !

I thought you would say that !!!

Have no problems here M8 with XP Pro SP3....

You most likely have all the hardware setup correctly, but Finstones 7 handles hardware and interupts differently to XP...

Unfortunately I never used Vista or 7 cause excuse my French ! but they are Crap O.S's ......

I remember reading somewhere in the technomate threads relating to a similar issue with Windows seven so I am afraid you will have to USE the Search Button and do a bit of reading......

If you have an old computer lying around preferably real Old with Printer port, serial port etc, etc sticking out the back ,,, this may be easier than what you are currently using.......

Make sure System Device manager Ports and Comms and Com Port is Set to Com 1.....

Even if it says it IS AT COM 1 Change it again reboot in Safe mode to confirm.......

Other than that ! All I can say is keep Reading Because It Does Work.......:frown:
thanks mate i've already done lots of reading i guess i will drag the pc in and connect it that way

14-10-2010, 10:34 PM
thanks mate i've already done lots of reading i guess i will drag the pc in and connect it that way

You're also Doing you bit for the Environment by recycling old equipment......

Sorry for being blunt ! :respect-062:

Best of Luck and keep Us informed !

Regards : Plessy:respect-051:

15-10-2010, 02:04 AM
see if it helps to run fausto in compatibility on Windows 7

What to try first
If an older program doesn't run correctly, the first, and easiest, thing to try is the Program Compatibility troubleshooter. It can automatically detect and fix common problems that prevent older programs from installing or running correctly.

If That Failed: try running as XP or Windows 98/ME. Make older programs run in this version of Windows

Still no Luck:
Download Windows XP Mode: Windows XP Mode runs some older productivity programs that might not run on Windows 7

If this fails to: as suggested Plessy or find a way to dual boot your laptop.

15-10-2010, 05:46 AM
Hi guys, thanks for all the support you give to users for Fausto (guess i will call you Faustians now ).
Well, with lots of patience and the correct drivers usb to serial and pcmcia to serial can work really good in win7 .
Already tested season and some other options under win7.
Have to say that for maximum compatibility i used a pcmcia card with a win@#$ something chipset and worked like a treat ( a cheap no name pcmcia to serial )

15-10-2010, 01:34 PM
thought i would let everyone no that the problem was because my laptop was running windows 7 i've since installed vista and can connect easy thanks guys

special thanks to giga for sticking with me:respect-055:

15-10-2010, 01:47 PM
EMPB's Latest Diablo/Fausto,UnderWorld,Ipnosys West Europe Key.bin (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showpost.php?p=756364&postcount=6) <= click here

hi giga me agian now i've got it connected can you tell me which channels it will open :respect-055:

15-10-2010, 02:33 PM
hi giga me agian now i've got it connected can you tell me which channels it will open :respect-055:
bulsat 39° irdeto
load new fausto keys, info what opens is there to:
EMPB's Latest Diablo/Fausto,UnderWorld,Ipnosys West Europe (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showpost.php?p=758290&postcount=6) <= click here
save your current softcam
load empty TM softcam so you can test these channels:
Empty Softcam Technomate (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=117873) <= click here

15-10-2010, 03:57 PM
hi mate is there a way to view Jsc Sports on Hotbird

15-10-2010, 06:46 PM
other possible way:
can't help you much with this, not a football fan :)
and the forum rules:

9) NO card share server requests.

Please do not post requests for card sharing servers etc
Any requests will be removed and the ppl involved banned.
Technical discussion on CS is ok


15-10-2010, 07:02 PM
other possible way:
can't help you much with this, not a football fan :)
and the forum rules:

thanks giga but wheres the download sorry to be such a pain i have some difficulty navigating this site

15-10-2010, 08:02 PM
other possible way:
can't help you much with this, not a football fan :)
and the forum rules:
thanks mate found the download in the end is jsc down

15-10-2010, 11:27 PM
thanks mate found the download in the end is jsc down

Good to hear you are talking properly ! i.e. RS232 ! With TM5400

Flinstones Seven Never Works Properly YET,,

Have been away from the scene for some while and dont have time to zap.... but hope you get more joy out of Fausto !

Muchious Gracious to GIga and Snake for the paitence in the past.......:respect-062:

Not to mention EMPB,DXDY and Many others in the past who help My Hobby......

Enjoy Autumn Folk's !(weather in Ireland at present) ;)

18-10-2010, 03:58 PM
hi guys followed this thread from the start, i'll tell you were i'm at
connected cable from laptop to box, switched to sssp in options, opened fausto loaded latest key.bin file, clicked on serial selected sssp(ali/humax) hit connect and it says ''serial connection opened'', on TM went to animal planet 9797 selected irdeto but nothing happened,
my system info is

s/w version : 1.82p (august 18 2010)
h/w version : 1.10
boot version : 1.12 (8:20)
ch version : feb 09

any ideas?

18-10-2010, 04:10 PM
hi guys followed this thread from the start, i'll tell you were i'm at
connected cable from laptop to box, switched to sssp in options, opened fausto loaded latest key.bin file, clicked on serial selected sssp(ali/humax) hit connect and it says ''serial connection opened'', on TM went to animal planet 9797 selected irdeto but nothing happened,
my system info is

s/w version : 1.82p (august 18 2010)
h/w version : 1.10
boot version : 1.12 (8:20)
ch version : feb 09

any ideas?

what operating system have you got

18-10-2010, 04:25 PM
i'm using windows7 pro, it recognises the connection in device manager, also when i select a different com port it doesn,t connect.

18-10-2010, 04:33 PM
i'm using windows7 pro, it recognises the connection in device manager, also when i select a different com port it doesn,t connect.
if you tried all these:
find old computer with xp and real serial port

18-10-2010, 04:46 PM
i'm using windows7 pro, it recognises the connection in device manager, also when i select a different com port it doesn,t connect.

I had windows 7 on my laptop' i was trying to get it up and running for days giga will tell you.
even though everything seemed correct and i could upload patches it didnt like fausto one bit' as soon as i downgraded to vista it worked straight away

18-10-2010, 04:49 PM
opened fausto in compatibility mode windows xp service pack 2, loaded keys.bin file> serial selected com port , connect and it says '' serial connection open''.
in monitor is it just a matter of selecting where i downloaded the latest fausto files(keys.bin) not have to do anything else?

18-10-2010, 04:57 PM
if sssp is enabled on your box
if you test on 39E: irdeto channels switch between these:

18-10-2010, 05:16 PM
followed the pictures, changed the com port to com1(in device manager &fausto) i reloaded the keys.bin file > serial and connected ( serial connection opened) still not getting anything, in monitor ECM window blank, in serial ECM window blank. do you really think its windows7 is the problem? laptop is only computer i have...

18-10-2010, 05:23 PM
followed the pictures, changed the com port to com1(in device manager &fausto) i reloaded the keys.bin file > serial and connected ( serial connection opened) still not getting anything, in monitor ECM window blank, in serial ECM window blank. do you really think its windows7 is the problem? laptop is only computer i have...
most likely yes: first activity should be in serial window when connected and sssp is enabled and you switch through encrypted channels?
are there no other security settings in windows 7: not allowing program to talk to serial port or usb? is your serial port on usb COM1?
have you tested with channel editor if this one downloads from your box?

18-10-2010, 05:34 PM
right, i'll be back tomorrow, my bro-in-law has old laptop with winXP service pack2 on it, going to get that and try, then i will know for certain if i have correct port enabled on my laptop( using USB > FEMALE rs323 cable), thanks for the help so far.

18-10-2010, 05:46 PM
right, i'll be back tomorrow, my bro-in-law has old laptop with winXP service pack2 on it, going to get that and try, then i will know for certain if i have correct port enabled on my laptop( using USB > FEMALE rs323 cable), thanks for the help so far.

bet it works with xp mate:respect-059:

20-10-2010, 12:40 AM
right, i'll be back tomorrow, my bro-in-law has old laptop with winXP service pack2 on it, going to get that and try, then i will know for certain if i have correct port enabled on my laptop( using USB > FEMALE rs323 cable), thanks for the help so far.

Preferably Older laptop Capable of of running Win XP with DB9 Male Connector sticking out the back would be a good start to getting some results !

All the Best !;)

20-10-2010, 10:37 AM
i'm going to have to get a db9 cable then, i tried with above mentioned cable on a laptop running win XP and i got as far as i did with laptop running win7....i'll be back.