View Full Version : E2 - Bug - MediaPlayer screen format display

15-10-2010, 07:18 PM

With the default settings on a CRT TV via SCART the screen is 4:3 and when I go to MediaPlayer I clearly saw that the screen is Pan & Scan.
So the left and right border are missing.

Since The_Ripper explain how to turn TV into 16:9 format I test and I have the same problem. TV Screen is well in 16:9 format but Media Player is still Pan & Scan.

But if I use the following parameters in /etc/init.d/bootup

insmod /lib/modules/ options="-analog -f PAL_BG -asp 16 9 -digital -f HDMI_720p50 -hdmi_chip SiI9030 0 14 15 100 0"

The screen is still 4:3 on TV but the Media Player display properly, I saw the left and right border.

I also try this (because I find it strange to be able to use twice the -f parameter on the same line):

insmod /lib/modules/ options="-analog -f PAL_BG -asp 16 9 -digital -hdmi_chip SiI9030 0 14 15 100 0"

Screen is 16:9 but MediaPlayer is Pan & Scan.

Unfortunately my test E2-Azbox is only connected to a 16:9 Sony CRT TV, so I cannot see the impact of those parameters on a HDMI connected TV.

Hope this help.



15-10-2010, 07:31 PM

This is a skin bug, the default skin is not affected by this bug.


15-10-2010, 08:04 PM
Pr2 ...

Warning ... this type of test with HDMI port can cause the stop loading "VFD READY!" condition on next reboot device (NOT GO)!

In that condition was not yet initialized the network and therefore is not possible connect to AZBOX with FTP or Telnet.

So all that remains is to reinstall E2 using the Rescue Mode and AZUp ...

So beware! Warned ...

BR ... Arci

16-10-2010, 09:10 AM

Thanks for the warning, but I think that if you disconnect your HDMI cable, you won't have this problem and your Azbox will boot normally.

Because here I have done many tests and many reboots, with an E2 Azbox just connected via SCART and it never stuck at boot, but indeed I can understand that HDMI is a bidirectional dialog between the TV and the Azbox and if some parameters are not correct it can block the boot process.

But do you also have the missing border problem with MediaPlayer when using HDMI? For me with the default parameter I have this problem, that's why I ask how to switch to 16:9 to see if this will fix the problem before posting it here.



16-10-2010, 10:14 AM
Hi Pr2

Yes ... as you said I had already tried to disconnect the HDMI connection, but nothing has changed and I had to reinstall E2 again!

Actually ... I was doing some tests on my LG PDP (HDMI> DVI) to 1080i50 and removing the double -f parameter, as you choose.

But ... for set HDMI register on VDPU, you must use the -f (parameter) HDMI_1080i50 ... for me!
In fact, now everything is ok in the boot sequence.

I still have to prove what you say to the mediaplayer with a vob_deCSS !

Unlike you ... I've seen via SCART (TV DVB-S with default E2-Settings) the image is correct in size 16/9 ...
but I have a vertical overscan (as if it were set to PAL60 or otherwise), this is not happens in HDMI mode.

