View Full Version : problem with add transponder

17-10-2010, 01:37 PM
My Tm 6900HDsuper will not add transponder for Rustavi 2 which is 42e 12596V
It keeps putting in a "." so I get 0.3700 which will not find the channel?
Did the same on 39e for another entry.

17-10-2010, 02:25 PM
have you tried finding it using blindscan with the super 6900

17-10-2010, 02:28 PM
Thats the next step. Watching a stream at the moment.

17-10-2010, 02:32 PM
maybe your transponder list is full and you need to delete some you don't use.

17-10-2010, 02:59 PM
Main Menu > Installation > PID Search
Satellite: 42.0E
Transponder: with left remote cursor to 12.596 V
Symbol Rate: [3][7][0][0] from remote keypad
cursor down
Level:yellow blocks
Quality: blue blocks

should work with: [0][3][7][0][0] to

17-10-2010, 03:29 PM
Had the same trouble with Betorium yesterday? Kept getting a "." from somewhere?
Will look into it further. (watched football on stream)

17-10-2010, 03:46 PM
don't know if it worth saving your channels list and reloading the latest firmware.

17-10-2010, 08:33 PM
Seem to have a problem with this sat? When I blind scan it keeps getting stuck on 11.721 and goes round and round without getting past that transponder.
It wont take entering 12.596 manually it says TP already exists (although it doesnt?).

17-10-2010, 10:34 PM
Seem to have a problem with this sat? When I blind scan it keeps getting stuck on 11.721 and goes round and round without getting past that transponder.
It wont take entering 12.596 manually it says TP already exists (although it doesnt?).

1) first wont you do delet this TP 12593 V 2500 because one hunder be set you have the old one a dose not work anymore

2) then put the new one 12599 V 3710 Rustavi 2

3) or all so change 2500 to this one mate 3710

18-10-2010, 09:34 AM
Any new transponder to be entered must have a value of 4 digits less or more at least than the previous or the next transponder of the same polarity.
So check the nearest transponders that exist in your receiver's database for the specific satellite.

18-10-2010, 11:10 AM
Seem to have a problem with this sat? When I blind scan it keeps getting stuck on 11.721 and goes round and round without getting past that transponder.
It wont take entering 12.596 manually it says TP already exists (although it doesnt?).
never blind scan on existing channel list! there is not enough memory!
have you copy of your previous channel list?
edit this one with channel editor:
remove unused satellites, transponders, radio channels
edit transponder with problems to correct settings
remove c-band transponders!
more info: https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=110802

18-10-2010, 11:40 AM
Giga, I always delete all TV/Radio channels on the sat before I blind scan.
I think I may have a STB problem as the HD Irdeto channels on 39e work sometimes and not others? and I had the same trouble with Betorium.
Since my last post I managed at the fourth time of scanning to get most channels to blind scan on 42e (not Rustavi).
I only have about 6000 Tv/Radio channels scanned as I dont bother with sats I dont use.
I think I may have a temperamental box but I will always follow your advice.:bravo-009:

18-10-2010, 11:54 AM
Giga, I always delete all TV/Radio channels on the sat before I blind scan.
I think I may have a STB problem as the HD Irdeto channels on 39e work sometimes and not others? and I had the same trouble with Betorium.
Since my last post I managed at the fourth time of scanning to get most channels to blind scan on 42e (not Rustavi).
I only have about 6000 Tv/Radio channels scanned as I dont bother with sats I dont use.
I think I may have a temperamental box but I will always follow your advice.:bravo-009:
deleting radio channels, is not freeing up transponder channels!
finding new channels on existing transponders: Autonavigation
changing/adding transponders: PID Search (browse to exiting tranponder (left/right remote cursor) start entering digits, will ask if edit or new transponder.

19-10-2010, 07:26 PM
Managed to load the transponder by deleting those either side (thanks for the tip sat-rrstm) Unfortunately although I can get 62% signal on the strong transponders on 42e I can only get 40% on this one. Strange as I have had it in the past?.

20-10-2010, 09:39 AM
...Unfortunately although I can get 62% signal on the strong transponders on 42e I can only get 40% on this one. Strange as I have had it in the past?.
Don't forget that there are 2 beams for this satellite,east & west.
West beam is the one for this frequency.
I can see the minimum requested size of a dish in my area if I go here :
but I don't know if you can do the same,because this link is a part of the greek section of *********-network.
If you try,I'm sure you'll find the way to check it.

20-10-2010, 10:02 AM
If we still talking about 12596 V 3700 on 42°E Turks@t 3A West Beam
1 meter dish Level 88% Quality 69% checked in Satellite Setup, east of Manchester
in vertical banding more or less: east of Manchester: 60 cm dish
west of Manchester: 80 cm dish
Cork: 90 cm dish

21-10-2010, 12:36 PM
As I said my box has strange habits. Watching normally couple of nights ago. Turned it off, next day it had done factory reset???? Blind scanned 39e, no HD chans. Will probably appear next scan!!

21-10-2010, 01:17 PM
Hi there - not sure if this may help but I had a problem with mine shortly after buying. It would not accept many higher number trans or open them and did the odd reset etc. TM checked/whatever the box but blamed the trans thing on the lnb. They sent me one of theirs and this has generally worked OK in the higher numbers since then but it s still occasionally temperamental. I agree with the others about deleting/adding etc. Brain

21-10-2010, 02:05 PM
As I said my box has strange habits. Watching normally couple of nights ago. Turned it off, next day it had done factory reset???? Blind scanned 39e, no HD chans. Will probably appear next scan!!
connected to the network?
don't understand you guys: drop the blindscan
edit your transponder:
remove all wrong transponders
adjust existing transponders
use Auto Navigation to scan complete satellite
use Pid Search for modified channels

22-10-2010, 05:33 PM
Hi Giga, I think I need to go back to basics. I have always used blind scan as it picks up so many more channels than AUTO NAVIGATION. Thats because I havent edited transponders.
I still havent managed to get my laptop Win7 to communicate with my TM6900HDSuper combo by null modem and I don t think I will. So its down to editing one at a time with the remote.
I do like to watch the obscure channels sometimes and I presume published channel lists I could load by USB will just have that persons favourites on rather than a full set.?

22-10-2010, 05:46 PM
full set ? you should be so lucky 10000 channels max
if you loaded a channel list of someone elses then edited to suit
your locality for local tv in the fav etc then life would be easier
its impossible to have 45 east to 45 west sattelites on one channel list
go back to basics and make life easier for yourself....
why not edit channel list on computer then reload it when done ?

24-10-2010, 04:22 AM
use USB stick as long as you not sorted with serial port:
USB key remote
Data Transfer
● Upload Channel
edit with channel editor.
start by removing
- satellites you can't receive
- radio channels
- empty, data transponders

24-10-2010, 04:44 AM
I still havent managed to get my laptop Win7 to communicate with my TM6900HDSuper combo by null modem and I don t think I will.
If you have acquaintance with some computer knowledge: look at possibility to have a external hard disc on your laptop so you can double boot system on it. And put a basic XP home on an external USB hard disc, so you can choose what OS (Win 7/XP Home) you boot to!

I do like to watch the obscure channels sometimes and I presume published channel lists I could load by USB will just have that persons favourites on rather than a full set.?
Best to maintain your own channel list and favorites. If you need to blind scan: have a separate channel list with only satellites you want to blind scan: no channels no transponders on it. Max 4 satellites at a time. Interesting transponder/channels transfer these to standard channel list.