View Full Version : Biss keys for North America

19-10-2010, 06:05 AM
Read here


20-10-2010, 03:19 AM
Ready to find some ! Ready to use some!

30-10-2010, 06:29 PM
You guys can load a program from here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/attachment.php?attachmentid=16218&d=1185281170,but the testing files will be different for us since is not what we are looking for.
You can use the included files to test the speed in your pc,if you want.
There is a sort of conflict about the way the files should be recorded,some devices do not produce a compatible TS for the program.

There is another program that is many times faster that uses the video card cpu.
I you have an nvidia card gtx2xx/4xx and similar that is able to use CUDA,you would rather use it.
Let me know and I post a link to it.

30-10-2010, 09:21 PM
dvbviewers Transedit is a perfect way to record the whole TS

31-10-2010, 12:58 AM
The whole TS is not really necessary.
But this feeds might not have more than the normal structure (pat,pmt,video and audio)

01-11-2010, 01:50 AM
You guys can load a program from here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/attachment.php?attachmentid=16218&d=1185281170,but the testing files will be different for us since is not what we are looking for.
You can use the included files to test the speed in your pc,if you want.
There is a sort of conflict about the way the files should be recorded,some devices do not produce a compatible TS for the program.

There is another program that is many times faster that uses the video card cpu.
I you have an nvidia card gtx2xx/4xx and similar that is able to use CUDA,you would rather use it.
Let me know and I post a link to it.
Post the link. You have any TS files for North America yet?

15-11-2010, 06:07 AM
Post the link. You have any TS files for North America yet?


here is a ts file from NA...biss enryption. vpid: 308

15-11-2010, 12:50 PM
This not a permanent feed,this is a PPV event.

15-11-2010, 02:48 PM
I check this thread daily. When everything is set to go,

please tell me what I can do to help.

Regarding your question of permanent feeds: I do not have any TS Files, but....

Intelsat 805.....(3879 H 5860 3/4 DVB-S BISS & MPEG4 BISS 2 Channels)
(4084 H 10318 DVB-S BISS 4 Channels

Don't know how much this will help. I think most ESPN sports channels for the N(X)A are BISS. The problem there is that most of us don't have TP or SAT info until mid way through the game and sometimes never get it.

Intelsat 805 may be out of reach for most people even though I tune it in with high quality on my primary 10'dish. Also, not sure the information we need would be the same for the more western Sats. Just don't know how that works.

On the other hand, there are a few games during the week that are posted early and maybe we could share those TP's and Sats on an email list as soon as they are available.

Hope this helps.

15-11-2010, 08:59 PM
This not a permanent feed,this is a PPV event.

Yes and so is every other BISS encrypted feed in NA. Unless you are bilingual and lyngsat info is actually correct.

Inorder for this to work whom ever spots the feed first (or sees it at Ricks's or WUT) needs to quickly get a small dump of the stream and upload it. Then the group needs to start an ORGANIZED attack.

18-11-2010, 04:20 AM
is the new board policy going to shut down this project before it gets started?

21-02-2011, 06:53 AM

here is a ts file from NA...biss enryption. vpid: 308

Here is the decrypted file,VLC show what it is at least.


22-02-2011, 05:30 PM
Here is the decrypted file,VLC show what it is at least.


37mbit :respect-055:

who won

22-02-2011, 08:05 PM
Do not know,the file is that short,not the whole event.
Proof of concept the keys can be found,otherwise it couldn't be decrypted.

22-02-2011, 10:09 PM
Do not know,the file is that short,not the whole event.
Proof of concept the keys can be found,otherwise it couldn't be decrypted.

yeah i know i checked the clip out. 4.2.2 37mbit love the quality of HD feeds.
when did that air?

F1 in HD this year but the world feed is always scrambled in BISS

22-02-2011, 11:06 PM
I wasn't the one that recorded it,check the date it was posted originally and might be close to that.

23-02-2011, 12:53 AM

How to extract first/second/third data packets from a biss TS file to enter into input.txt for use in Cudabiss 1.86?

23-02-2011, 02:08 AM
Use this file

You place the program in the same folder as the recording.
You make sure the recording name has no spaces,rename it.
Open the program,type the filename,then enter video pid in decimal

It will find the packets for you and produce a file named input.txt that is ready to start a full search.
You can edit this file to change start/end key,and options .

You must first verify that the recording is good for a search,by recording a feed you already have keys for,cudabiss should find it quick if you change the start key to something close to what the key should be.
If it doesn't find the key,trash this recording,if it finds it,you are good to go.
After this,you can start the next search with a little more confidence.
You do not want to search for months using a file that will never find a key for,right?

Also,when recording with dvb cards or dreambox,make sure you are not running any emulator in the dvb program or dreambox,because it may corrupt the recording,making impossible to find a key for it.

Now,are we going to try to make a group or not?

09-03-2011, 07:07 PM
Atlantic Bird 3 @ 5° West
BBC Knowledge HD Poland [MPEG-4] has started on 12640 H 7120 3/4 encrypted in BISS

help ts file pls

13-03-2011, 03:00 AM

Please PM me.

14-03-2011, 02:03 PM
Sent,but I do not think you can reply to me with that low post count.

There are things we can do on the forum like talking about the project and programs,but not about specific feeds and ongoing development.
Let's see how many people is interested,and what they have regarding PC gear.
The best way to go past the post count limit is.... to post.

21-03-2011, 03:18 AM
I tried replying but it didn't work...

Why do we have to set the end range to FFFFFF000000? Doesn't the range go until FFFFFFFFFFFF?

PM u soon...

21-03-2011, 03:52 AM
You mean cudabiss?
because the program doesn't recognize the last characters of the end key,but depend on the mode you use to search.
Read the readme.

22-03-2011, 06:33 PM
It's tough since we cannot pm. Are you on HappySat?

23-03-2011, 01:58 PM
We can post here,the important point is to keep the names of the providers off the forum,and also the keys.
All the rest we are allow to talk about.
We can use bogus names for the files in question.
Also,DVBN/happysat is also warned about further posting about this topic.

let's open the discussions here.

The idea about the end key is if you set to FFFFFF000000 it will end at FFFFFFFFFFFF,because the program ignores the last bytes.(but some modes do not ignore those)

23-03-2011, 03:55 PM
AKA there is nothing to talk about :)

24-03-2011, 04:52 PM
Then don't.

27-03-2011, 10:52 PM
To the people who msged me I cannot answer you.. I really don't think this should be done in a open forum tho. The less that is out there the better.

28-03-2011, 01:01 PM
And who's to say is not being done the right way? you?
Maybe you are loosing your time by starting from scratch while others are already months into it.
Did you try to JOIN an ongoing project instead of asking others to start one with you?
Because is going to be harder that way : every guy that wants to do his own search will have their own feed he wants other people to search keys for.
Is this the info you are passing on?
Because all the rest is in this thread.
All this process is very slow,and probably others are faster and already found what you are looking for.
Many other forums have restrictions on Pm too.

Believe me,all you guys are after the same thing,wonder why you feel is necessary to recruit people for your own project,when this thread tries to make one big group to do the same.
The more separated you guys want to work,the more you will be ****ed off when other people make the keys public after you searched for months/weeks.
But if you all belong to the same group,less chances someone will screw himself up.

30-03-2011, 01:40 AM
Thanks Guys

30-03-2011, 01:46 AM
Kebien i dont have a dvb card but i do have a azbox elite can i use it to record for use in finding biss keys? I am still interested in this project and would like to be included

30-03-2011, 02:39 AM

I am not trying to fight with you. In fact I asked you to PM me a couple months ago and you did not. I feel it is a big mistake to be talking openly about this subject.

I am starting nothing from scratch. Few people PMed me about it but I could not respond to them. I'm not recruiting, to be blunt I don't need too. Not going to give details in public. Not against working with more people, only if they are trustworthy but I am not going to be joining any new group, have anything to do with people who cannot be trusted, or posting details in a public forum. Just being brutally honest here.

30-03-2011, 07:36 PM
We are in the same page then,there are things that shouldn't be talked about in public,that is a given and implicit in this thread.
Warnings are in place.
In the other part,I did PM a bunch of people,also a problem with this forum and authorities did affect the flow of information.
In any case,there is many of us that do not need to recruit because the setup is fast enough to search in a reasonable time,but at the same time,why wouldn't we work on the same stuff and make it easier on everyone?
The idea of trustworthiness is very vague : you expend some money on the right gear and you need nobody,and many of this people can make keys public if they wish.
I still think people should try to work together on this.
As I said,you being blunt shows you are not willing to participate and will be the first to suffer when someone public some keys you already found and worked hard at it.
Because that will eventually happen,many morons out there.
And also,I think many fta feeds openly posted shouldn't be talked about,and still there are being posted,but what can one do about it?
Nothing,you just have to keep doing what you usually do,can't help it,is the way it is.
And of course I am at DVBN,one of the oldest members ,I think I understand a little about the subject.

See if you can get the programs mentioned in this thread,you should have at least the basic tools,then if you have certain type of video cards,can use another set of tools.
Once you get something running,let me know here,I will put you up to speed about what's being done in PM.
Azbox can record well enough,you just have to make sure NO PLUGUIN is running when you record,or it can corrupt the recording.
Also Azbox record a weird TS file (without PMT or PAT) in some firmware versions if not all,you have to test the recordings before starting any search.

01-04-2011, 01:39 AM

I know a key for a mux and want to know how to open using a plugin on the AZ.

Can you tell me how to edit /Plugins/OpenXCas/MultiCAS/new_biss.key?

What plugin should i use in the AZ to view the channel?

I am not sure if I am editing the correct file when I ftp the AZ using WinSCP.


01-04-2011, 01:49 AM
I would use BISS plugin and you can download it right from azbox server (using the remote)

01-04-2011, 01:54 AM
I have the BISS plugin installed, i have entered CA4, Provider ID6, SID4, PMT PID 4, and key onto BISS.config file and am still not to able to view anything. However, the keys for Guatamala Mux at 55.5W work

01-04-2011, 02:25 PM
SID and PMT are important,both must be entered in HEX,not decimal.
Also important,reboot the box after every edition to biss.conf

01-04-2011, 06:36 PM
BISS plug-in for AZBOX only picks up audio for my feed. Is there any other software that will play the BISS feeds?

01-04-2011, 10:59 PM
I think I know what the problem is.
Your azbox won't play H264 4:2:2

01-04-2011, 11:24 PM
I think I know what the problem is.
Your azbox won't play H264 4:2:2

wierd, azbox is 1 of the few recievers that can play 4:2.2

Or is it firmware related?

02-04-2011, 12:14 AM
Azbox can play 4:2:2 for MPEG2 but not for MPEG4/H264/AVC
This feed in question is H.264,probably only couple commercial receivers can play this.

02-04-2011, 11:12 PM
Do you know of any software plugin that will play the file in real time?


02-04-2011, 11:44 PM
You need to a very fast cpu,and a codec that can decode H.264 4:2:2
Some free codecs should be able to handle it.

03-04-2011, 05:33 AM
which plugin can i use on the computer to enter the biss keys and be able to watch it live?

i'm able to watch the channel using tsdec but i don't want to watch a recorded ts stream.


04-04-2011, 12:47 AM
You can try Vplug,can enter a biss key somewhere,I do not use it.

04-04-2011, 06:25 AM
>However, the keys for Guatamala Mux at 55.5W work
What size dish do we need for that one in europe?

19-06-2011, 12:01 AM
Glad to see you decrypted the dump. Hope it didnt take that long.

Been stalking Satuniverse and DVBN for BISS developments, forgot about this forum.

My CUDA enabled nivida card is not supported by CUDABISS (8600gt) unfortunately.

I do have the following active CPU's to help the cause.
1x P4 with HT
2x Celeron M
1x PentiumD
1x Pentium Dual Core
1x AMD Dual Core
1x Intel Zeon

Just give me a range and the event.

I found this little nugget too. Dont know if there is any truth to it.
Its shows the % of a certain range that is used for a BISS keys by providers.

Whats the key for the event I posted? Does it fall in a high percentage range?

19-06-2011, 03:56 PM
I doubt the file is accurate for north American feeds,but who knows,maybe the guy found all keys already and can make such a comparison.
You can check accuracy using public key files for Europe/Asia,I actually think this is where the statistics are produced from.

The event you posted is very old and wouldn't be wise to post the keys,and is probably a moot point since most people can search for it by now.
I won't adventure to place it into any category of "easy" or "hard",all depend on the gear you can put into work to find it.

30-06-2011, 11:39 PM
In an effort raise post count to be able to PM...I will ask some curious questions.

I noticed that NBATV keys for europe are frequently updated.

Did anyone in North America see a relationship between Turner Broadcasting NBA games on TNT and NBATV keys for Europe?

It is no secret that Turner and the NBA are partners in crime. Perhaps the BISS encrypted backhauls share the same key?

30-06-2011, 11:42 PM
Again another question...

When UFC or WWE feeds are BISS encryted.

Most of the time the backhauls are downlinked in both C and Ku bands.

Has anyone noticed if both the C and the Ku feeds share the same BISS key?