View Full Version : E2 image compatible on Head Medialink 9700 ?

20-10-2010, 10:35 AM
@THE_RIPPER and the whole team:

A big thank you for you and the whole team for the great work on E2 for the azbox.

Is the image as well possible to use on the Head Medialink ML 9700 ?

The difference is the SIGMA Processor (SMP8655).

Is it possible to adapt the source ?

Please find technical facts below.

Best regards,

20-10-2010, 11:39 AM
No, this Enigma 2 is just for AzBox HD Receivers, and we will not support Head receivers, nor now nor in future....

20-10-2010, 07:58 PM
No, this Enigma 2 is just for AzBox HD Receivers, and we will not support Head receivers, nor now nor in future....

Thank you for your response. Could you explain the reason a little bit more in detail ?

Is the difference between the two boxes so big ?

Are you intending to release the source code of your E2 development work ?

Best regards,

20-10-2010, 09:12 PM
There is no special reason, but decision is is one and explicite, there will be no support of medialink by our team.

i hope you will understand.

all of us in this team are azbox lovers and i think that in subforum about azbox there is no place for medialink.

Source code of E2 was always public ( opendreambox.org ). if You are asking for sources of drivers, they are not and will be not public.

08-12-2010, 01:59 PM

to make your own Enigma for Medialink.

who can do it?

08-12-2010, 06:34 PM
@nitrogen14 - Thank you for these useful tools!

Actually we don't need absolutely Enigma for our Medialink. For now, DVBAPI instead of OpenxCAS would be a good beginning.

So, if anybody is capable to help us developing DVBAPI on ML9700.... you're very welcome!

Visit us at sat ulc europe.

09-12-2010, 11:09 AM
I too would have hoped for a DVB-API based firmware for this box (Idon't even have this box). It uses almost the same kernel as The Ripper's E2 and the SDK is based on much of the same code (special code for twin tuner). It would be a great gift to all the Medialink owners.

There are someone over at the networkedmediatank forum working on DVB-API for a box with the 8644 chip (not the same chip, but more of the same SDK code I think), so maybe there is still hope...

Best regards!

09-12-2010, 12:27 PM

to make your own Enigma for Medialink.

who can do it?

another option, you can buy an Azbox and be part of this great community:king-041:

09-12-2010, 05:07 PM
hahaha i love the part that we are azbox lovers, yeah i bite that :-)
one of my friedns have orderd the Medialink 9700 will be nice to see this against the Azbox , i will have the chance to test bot yet again, but i for one will not be holding my card on this, as it is Sigma what can we expect from this anyway.

same as Azbox with just diferent name or label.

09-12-2010, 09:13 PM
hahaha i love the part that we are azbox lovers, yeah i bite that :-)
one of my friedns have orderd the Medialink 9700 will be nice to see this against the Azbox , i will have the chance to test bot yet again, but i for one will not be holding my card on this, as it is Sigma what can we expect from this anyway.

same as Azbox with just diferent name or label.

Just a load off rubbish

Even play high stakes accusing a company off nothing getting back to you. ( the company you accused don't know your name and never had a email from you thats a fact! If you say it isn't I dare you to send them a email again with the proper info )

You're in the same league as Terroman and CO wich seem to be rather quite last weeks since E2 is here for Azbox.

But for all others:

RTI team developes E2 for Azbox not Medialink

10-12-2010, 03:28 PM

PLEASE CLOSE THE THREAD !:beatdeadhorse5::beatdeadhorse5: :beatdeadhorse5::beatdeadhorse5:: beatdeadhorse5::beatdeadhorse5::b eatdeadhorse5::beatdeadhorse5::be atdeadhorse5:

10-12-2010, 11:45 PM
Source code of E2 was always public ( opendreambox.org ). if You are asking for sources of drivers, they are not and will be not public.

another confirmation of how opensat is using opensource tools and public information to gain its commercial profits.
shame on you! remember the times when we just FEED you with tools for sigma? now that's how you deal with developers for other sigma cpu's. :nopity:

11-12-2010, 02:40 AM
All a load of nonsense. The Azbox Enigma2 team is doing an excellent job for Azbox users. Why on earth would they want to waste valuable time on another receiver?
As for Opensat, I commend them on their support of the Enigma2 project, and even though I am still quite happy with the OpenSat f/w (and I'm not the only one) I really enjoy watching and testing the developments of Enigma2.

11-12-2010, 08:29 AM
please keep this on the subject it was first posted about thanks.

11-12-2010, 12:45 PM
May i ask who delited my replay to Carp96 and to the other guy that give trouble ? can i at list get an explanation on PM why that was delited ?

If my post was delited then why not the Post of Carp95 ? my post was mainly directed to him just to give him an reel answer :-)

I do not care why and who delited, as maybe was for the best this way, and i will respect MOD/ADMIN desition but a small explanation will do it is job.

anyway back on topic, why will some one give you his bread or his job to make images for other boxes. I think the Germans need to do something them selfs for this He@d box, but if some one can do it in record time then will be for sure the Germans.

Azboz is an Nice piece of hardware but the part that is terrible is the Software.
I have tested the He@d Medi@link ML 9700 side by side with Azbox Premium + and when i say same s**t difernet name this is what i mean.
they both are good boxes in hardware sence, but software isw crap on both.

As for the Enigma2 part, as others have posted here some files then cannot be so dificult for those that can to port Enigma2.

Anyway i do not care about none of this boxes, and will not advise to any one to buy this boxes as they are just plain headiche for any one and the software makes you go crazy.

the illuminati
11-12-2010, 01:08 PM
Anyway i do not care about none of this boxes, and will not advise to any one to buy this boxes as they are just plain headiche for any one and the software makes you go crazy.

so what are you doing in this thread

11-12-2010, 02:03 PM
i believe that:

1) rti team is not obligated to give any of his work @ public since it is their job/effort/creation/loss of time/etc.

2)if opensat or azbox official company helped or helping rti team with source code or anything else that is also for their commercial benefit thus rti is also benefited and ,since they publish their work and we have beta fw OUR benefit

3)@ all of you that ask for help from rti team: i think you have the wrong approach

personally if i was one of the rti team (i am not) i would first produce a perfect firmware, bug free and then i would consider jumping to another stb

11-12-2010, 04:59 PM
It was me who edited your post to bring it back on track simples.

And if the boxes are so bad can you not post a youtube video of said box. At least have something to back it up with.

@illuminati. he is entitles to his opion me old mucker same as everyone else

11-12-2010, 05:46 PM
i believe that:

personally if i was one of the rti team (i am not) i would first produce a perfect firmware, bug free and then i would consider jumping to another stb

have you ever tried at least compile something for sigma?
I bet you don't so I'm sorry but you don't know how actually toolkit works and how to make a firmware. I've tried. Im not considering myself a guru but I have some 15 years experience in Unix systems and do know some things. It's not a big deal to compile ported enigma for other cpu 6855 - Medialink in that case. nitrogen14 just posted half of stuff for it - a toolkit and guess sigma keys. Anyway that lad was not asking for complete image - he asked for dvbapi. not a big deal and could be a great contribution for friendly people from other forum that are fighting (as most of us) with this Pandora's box - Sigma CPU and were asking for help. I could say more of that... guess they have their own developers or enthusiasts and they can help together make azbox better.

11-12-2010, 06:03 PM
have you ever tried at least compile something for sigma?

no i don't, i have complete ignorance.i don't know what a toolkit is.
i am not even a windows guru actually.

so i don't demand anything from rti team.

i can only demand from azbox official company, it is their product i purchased.

from rti team i just kindly request.

and i am happy that some progress is done.

but i am free to post my opinion with my little English.

i will not flame


11-12-2010, 07:16 PM
The azbox official company (Opensat) don't sell Medialink 9700! So you are not able to purchase a box from this company.

11-12-2010, 09:06 PM
May i ask who delited my replay to Carp96 and to the other guy that give me gup of **** ? can i at list get an explanation on PM why that was delited ?

If my post was delited then why not the Post of Carp95 ? my post was mainly directed to him just to give him an reel answer :-)

Yeah shure still you didn't pick up on my DARE and there are other ways to reach me

Azboz is an Nice piece of hardware but the part that is terrible is the Software.
I have tested the He@d Medi@link ML 9700 side by side with Azbox Premium + and when i say same **** difernet name this is what i mean.
they both are good boxes in hardware sence, but software isw crap on both.

Well thats your opinion there are much netter ways to say that it's not your cup off tea

As for the Enigma2 part, as others have posted here some files then cannot be so dificult for those that can to port Enigma2.

That shows how much you know about coding, files posted by nitrogen are not enough for porting E2

Anyway i do not care about none of this boxes, and will not advise to any one to buy this boxes as they are just plain headiche for any one and the software makes you go crazy.

Well what is your goal in this topic then?? beats me, or;

Should we warn Clarke Tech community your are coming.

Last word to you I gave you a dare I just contacted the company they still didn't receive a email from you, but I'am not a bad guy you can also do it through me. This board has PM funtion you know

11-12-2010, 09:32 PM
That shows how much you know about coding, files posted by nitrogen are not enough for porting E2

@friendly face:

Unfortunatelly there are far too many "software men" who really does not comprehend the difficulty of getting peripherial HARDWARE working ok.
Porting LINUX + application sw to different platforms is easy compared to using nonstandard interfaces to tuners card readers , codec chips etc.

Think about problems (ie. driver issues) using various devices (printers, webcams, scanners , external whatever) with Linux.

Asking E2 for He@d Medi@link ML 9700 without checking hw issues is nonsense. Homework should be done before asking the moon from sky. : )
Having the processor from the same family is not enough.

11-12-2010, 09:38 PM
thanks mate, at list i know why was delited :-) dont need more explanation.

No i will not publish anything as it stand on a white paper what i have and do not have posibility to make public.
Im not here to make Trooble, but i do not like some ppl that try to be smart on the back of many users that buy this box.

Anyway thanks for cleaning this uo for me :-)
have nice weekend

And if the boxes are so bad can you not post a youtube video of said box. At least have something to back it up with.

11-12-2010, 09:46 PM
Too easy m8 I still don't have a answer. Send through PM please

11-12-2010, 09:54 PM
Guys did i ask for any E2 code ? where did i do that ? common i have my rights to say what i think as you all do.

Some ppl take things in personal level instead on a hoby or profetional or bussiness mater. Now if some one here is on fire becouse i say one box is as bad as it is then that is their problem.

@ Carp95
Well what is your goal in this topic then?? beats me, or;
nothing more then a nice discustion, passing my time and having some fun What is you,r goal ?

Should we warn Clarke Tech community your are coming.
Do so. i will not stop you, i tell what i have to tell even there, if CT is bad box then i will be the first one to smash it. Do you remember my posting about Azbox was all postitive in the beggining and go back and read my postings how postivive i have been, but even my patience have run out on Opensat.

Last word to you I gave you a dare I just contacted the company they still didn't receive a email from you,
What Company mate, what are you talking about ? how did you contacted a company about me when you do not know who i am ? have we donne any bussiness together ? have we exhange any ideas or even talk together before ? How can you contact some company on my behaf when you do not know me , or have i missed some thing

but I'am not a bad guy you can also do it through me. This board has PM funtion you know

Please i have not accused you for being a bad guy :-) and i will not it is not in my nature. I have not found anything to be talked in PM to contact you, our discustion can take place even here on the open as i or you have nothing to hide :-)

Anyway this is nothing betwen you or me , this is nothing about Azbox or He@d as i have no intrest there and have nothing agaisn them, im like this whith any company that try to clean their hands and denie some facts.

I have been here agains Duolabs, Octagon, Vantage , DMM, AB COM and other copmanies, and when i think that there is some thing that smells roten fish i stand in my right to have a say and give my opinion, then at the end it is other users that give the verdict and every user can belive or not belive whet they read.

Im donne here :-)

11-12-2010, 10:40 PM
Well if you don't answer I will:

To close this topic:

You had 3 boxes died on you wich you had bought from a company, you stated you had to send them to Portugal not to them ( thats what the company told you as you stated)
The fact is; that company doesn't know you or know your problem.

BTW thats another message from you that was deleted.

12-12-2010, 01:04 AM
Now you are realy playing with Fire
i am not going to be draged down that route, but if you are so sure that im the one you talk about then i will tell you that i have buy 50 to 100 boxes from some one and say 60% of them have had HDMI problems, or dead power supplie, or Dead HDMI port and so on or dead tuners and dead box, green screen , boxes stucked on BOOTING. you stay on the 3 boxes that i reported once here, common mate how many times i have not reported things here, and even on Az**** froum they do not answer when i need help they jsut answers when they see that i say few words that may bring or make some trooble.
every one here ( mean not satpimps ) is trying to save their own ass, but i give **** about that as i have nothing to feer as long as i have playd fear game with anyone i have had bussiness made with.

I allways will raise my voice when some thing is wrong, even that i have made , will make and are making bussiness or have direct contact with many firms, i will say the truth when it comes to what boxes do or not and what is their problems.

why does it hurt you so much ? are you AZbox or Opensat
why does the thruth hurt, it hurst me as i have donne bussiness with it, but NO MORE and will never do with a company that only takes money and live their costumer in the road.

anyway, i think you are just plaing with my nervs and it is just not nice. i will lett you play the game the way you like, but i will play mine as i like from now on.

Have a nice weekend

Well if you don't answer I will:

To close this topic:

You had 3 boxes died on you wich you had bought from a company, you stated you had to send them to Portugal not to them ( thats what the company told you as you stated)
The fact is; that company doesn't know you or know your problem.

BTW thats another message from you that was deleted.

12-12-2010, 01:06 AM
To Admins, if you feel for deliting any posting made by me do so, i care not much about it. as long as it make peace here or else where above or under the ground :-)

Sorry to make my posting out of the threads main course, but this is the last time here and will not happend anymore.

12-12-2010, 01:25 AM
Just one problem was known on the very first serial of the box so I really think you have to listen (or change) your own name. For the rest: i know who Carp95 is, and for shure he is not Opensat or a dealer but just a consumer ;-)

Good night.

12-12-2010, 08:45 AM
@friendly face

I see nothing why i should edit or close this you are both passionate about the box and i see it as heathly debate

nuff said

16-12-2010, 11:50 PM
Everything will be fine after requesting a medial side of the device is perhaps room respects enigma2

28-03-2011, 10:37 PM
Apparently Are in luck Rti team give support for SIGMA chip processor SMP 8655 because ah Azboxhd will get a decoder with that chip.

28-03-2011, 11:45 PM

But to clear any speculation and misunderstanding , RTi will NOT support Medialink with Enigma 2, nor now or ever. We will protect Enigma 2 to be running just on 8655AD, 8653 and security methods of Sigma CPU for this STB-s.