View Full Version : TM story continiu

20-10-2010, 11:25 AM
Hello from Korea..

Haw all see TM 800 is all out of orders even TM never even like to tell truth about their project of It gate FAIL....

( from 3 months we have see nothink only some fake s/w fix bla bla bla )

Now they have start new Story ....

After trying Copy Enigma 2...they are trying copy SPIDERBOX.( This is Confirm )

Hubteck and It Gate Inginers have got the Spiderbox and are trying to copy our Box.
Is really Shame for TM, from then they have lose Big Traler, they do not know haw to handell thinks only traing to copy S/w ....
This looks again not profesional for their business and looks clear without some one here .lol they will not go long....

This information come again from Korean Inginers ....of Hubtech and Itgate...they now have build new HW with STI cpu...they have ready band it the Nxp cpu...

But they have 3 months working but still with Not success...That will not be easy for them Spiderbox has more the a Year development...

This show again the Spiderbox is LEADER in UK market and not only UK.. TM owner do bot be clever trying to get by copy the hard job of some one else like all ways on the past you done...

All members will come to complain in this thread here is Darkman who help them for several of years....and do not go in personal Attack..this is just to let you the truth of the real underground Story of TM.


I do not know haw thy going to realise they new progcts by for certen i will gave them hard time....in time they copy Spiderbox prommes i will end up with some think better...

20-10-2010, 12:31 PM
isnt spiderbox also a copy of mvision?
and i hope this post wont be deleted.

20-10-2010, 01:01 PM
Spiderbox isn't a copy of MVision m8.

It's like IPBox and Cuberevo are the same box just badged under a different name.

20-10-2010, 01:09 PM
even Mvision is not a box , just produced on the same factory as long as i know :-) so neither of this boxes are copies but they are labeld with diferent names, and then the teams bihind this boxes have made some own software modifications as i can see it

20-10-2010, 01:44 PM
Last years is always like this in the factories, 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 factories taking designs of the other boxes and creating "new boxes on the block , with new brandnames".
We have all seen this a couple of hundreds times , so my question is :
What if they want to copy spiderbox?

20-10-2010, 02:39 PM
so my question is every one copy Dreambox and the copy 2 Spiderbox did the same like Dreambox that mine anyone dose the same

anew box is cameing out soon and they say it better then the spider,and in three months time anewer box is cameing better then the TM three months time anewer box is cameing better then the Dreambox

money money money money LOL

sheild 10
20-10-2010, 03:42 PM
the thing is that these box are only used for one thing thas is cs ( CCcam ) and no one realy cares as long as they are easy to programme ie:- usb stick software or firmware and can take the new version of CCcam who care :respect-040:

21-10-2010, 01:11 AM
Hello from Korea..

Haw all see TM 800 is all out of orders even TM never even like to tell truth about their project of It gate FAIL....

( from 3 months we have see nothink only some fake s/w fix bla bla bla )

Now they have start new Story ....

After trying Copy Enigma 2...they are trying copy SPIDERBOX.( This is Confirm )

Hubteck and It Gate Inginers have got the Spiderbox and are trying to copy our Box.
Is really Shame for TM, from then they have lose Big Traler, they do not know haw to handell thinks only traing to copy S/w ....
This looks again not profesional for their business and looks clear without some one here .lol they will not go long....

This information come again from Korean Inginers ....of Hubtech and Itgate...they now have build new HW with STI cpu...they have ready band it the Nxp cpu...

But they have 3 months working but still with Not success...That will not be easy for them Spiderbox has more the a Year development...

This show again the Spiderbox is LEADER in UK market and not only UK.. TM owner do bot be clever trying to get by copy the hard job of some one else like all ways on the past you done...

All members will come to complain in this thread here is Darkman who help them for several of years....and do not go in personal Attack..this is just to let you the truth of the real underground Story of TM.


I do not know haw thy going to realise they new progcts by for certen i will gave them hard time....in time they copy Spiderbox prommes i will end up with some think better...

Do The Compare Add again !!!:smash:

Compare Renault Van With Nissan Version or Opel Version,,,,,

Compare the Ford Fiesta with Masda Version......


Every manufacture is in this buisness for one thing and ONE THING ONLY !

******************PROFIT********* **********


You Are NOT Unique !

I respect your Business propositions ! But Please Do Not Blind the rest of us to the Fact That THERE ARE MANY MORE like you trying to turn a few bob and make a profit !:respect-066:

Many Manufactures share Designs and specifications to make future modifications to profit the Consumer.....

We the Consumer are tired of Propaganda that One is Better than the Other I.E Spiderbox V's Technomate....

What Ever the End consumer is happy with Is ALL THAT MATTERS ......

Please Don't Resurrect OLD Tales from the past......:smash:

I wish you the very best with your future Endeavours and I hope you are profitable......

I will Not be buying a SpiderB*X if you Think So ..........

Best Wishes

Plessy .:ack2:

21-10-2010, 10:01 AM
STB's have a lifespan over 6 months. If you would have an innovative receiver maybe you could tempt me to buy a receiver from your organization like one with:

a multi-processor system-on-a-chip with a the Hydra-network interface

A researcher at the University of Twente poses that a chip with a network of simple processors, which work together efficiently, would lead to better dvb-s receivers.

"New communication standards provide a higher quality picture and sound, which ensures that more information should be sent. Since the spectra remains the same, complex digital calculations require the information to send the same spectra," said Marcel van Burgwal of the Centre for Telematics and Information Technology of the UT Twente. To meet the increasing complexity manufacturers adding more units in large quantities to cope with, the memory bus becomes a bottleneck.

The Burgwal and his colleagues propose to use a multi-processor system-on-a-chip , where math units are connected indirectly to all other math units. The system-on-a-chips he uses contains a network of very simple cores of a few square millimeters. They are much smaller and more economical than, say, a meshed networks Tilera processor

while the chips for satellite TV can be deployed to a grid of antennas and therefore form a 'virtual dish'. This would improve mobile reception in particular. And would allow you to have a big virtual dish without the need to buy dishes over 1 meter. You could combine 2 or 3 one meter dishes

(however ....)

21-10-2010, 02:06 PM
sorry Giga but i disagree wen you say: "STB's have a lifespan over 6 months". I think a satellite receiver as a a lifespan until is stopping working, I own a Humax 5400 (first model) and is still going strong apart from the remote control, and is still plenty of support for this receiver. I bought a TM 6900HD super+ 2 years ago, because i wanted a receiver with: HD, USB, and LAN. I think this are the most important thinks on a receiver at the moment in time for me, and if i will make a plunge on a new receiver next time i will go for a linux one, but I think my TM6900 as still plenty of life left

21-10-2010, 02:20 PM
sorry Giga but i disagree wen you say: "STB's have a lifespan over 6 months". I think a satellite receiver as a a lifespan until is stopping working
Think we're saying the same: buy new receiver when current one stops working: not what DM likes us to do.
If I would buy additional new receiver: big virtual dish or transmissions change to 2K or 4K resolution

21-10-2010, 03:13 PM
I love my TM1500ci, more EPL footy than you can shake a stick at courtesy of Bulsat, 4 channels of Discovery, 2 adult channels (24x7) its an incredible piece of kit.

Arachnophobia Rules, stick with good old TM

sheild 10
21-10-2010, 06:11 PM
here a question for you what was out first the tm or the spiderbox:grouphug:

21-10-2010, 06:39 PM
here a question for you what was out first the tm or the spiderbox:grouphug:

i don't know what is your point mate but i had echostar mvision and tm...and i think tm is best...

22-10-2010, 01:19 AM
I love my TM1500ci, more EPL footy than you can shake a stick at courtesy of Bulsat, 4 channels of Discovery, 2 adult channels (24x7) its an incredible piece of kit.

Arachnophobia Rules, stick with good old TM

Same here I got my TM1000 back in 2005 for £70 best bit of kit ever still works rock soild. Never looked back its the most stablest reciever out there best boxes to drive motors.

I had a DM500 & 7020 but you cant beat just loading the softcam and get a picture striahgt away without hassle of a phone line.

Hopefully theres more to come with the patches :)

I think the technomates are no good for cs tho but great with softcams. I mean even if the technomate crashes which its only ever done a couple of time in the 5 years i had it , it reboots itself too amazing picture lol .

If you want cs go down the linux box route.

22-10-2010, 01:37 AM
Morning Folks !

All I Can say is There are a Lot Of Happy Satisfied Technomate Users STILL Amongst us and fair play to all !;)

I still have an old DOS 3.1 pc running to this day which was never affected by the "so called" Y2K Bug !

Yes Pc's in the past were Doubling Processing Power every six months or so back in the 90's...
THEN Most people threw them away cause they didn't know what they Had / Or how to use them..... Lots of Waste ! Major Landfill Sites !

Where did that lead us ?

Government levies on Disposal,,,,,, More Tax, Bigger levies, More Politicians and fatter waste lines......

I have said what I can say so I will say No More !

Darkman !

I hope your are Reading...........:smash:

Enjoy the "Jazz Weekend" folk's in Eνre.....


28-10-2010, 05:00 PM
the new image to be released by the Ur team for the tm 800 form whatim being told has sorted 99.9% of the problems out .Yes it has taken a while but it's a great box . What i cant undersatnd Darkman (and i respect you ) where has this hated for technomate cam from ? what technomate what have they done to you .it's very strnage indeed why you constantly attck them and no other manufacturer ???

28-10-2010, 05:06 PM
loved my TM 1500 was my very first box

28-10-2010, 05:22 PM
the new image to be released by the Ur team for the tm 800 form whatim being told has sorted 99.9% of the problems out .Yes it has taken a while but it's a great box . What i cant undersatnd Darkman (and i respect you ) where has this hated for technomate cam from ? what technomate what have they done to you .it's very strnage indeed why you constantly attck them and no other manufacturer ???

we were promised this on the TM9100 box ( which I still own ) and yet although UR18 is the most stable we never get a fully stable and reliable image from UKUR or dsteam or edg nemesis and in fact I always found the nabilo dm image with ds dual boot to be the most reliable image. its time these people sorted out stable images for boxes they already supported because I have no faith in any teams new efforts if all I have to base this on is previous efforts , UR24 was hopeless so I reverted back to UR18 and neither TM or UR or EDG or DSTEAM ever made stable images on that TM9100 I mentioned , and believe me I was a fan of TM having bought a few and use a clarketech 1500 for dish alignments still

loved my TM 1500 was my very first box

tm1500 was my second box after the samsung 9500 viaci , and still have both boxes and both still working too , and TM9100 was my first linux box which again I still own and use

frankly I have little faith in any new TM,s , see my comments above on the TM9100 images for details

28-10-2010, 06:44 PM
Fascinating variety of views and comments guys. There is no doubt that the A***t/DM views are about market control and with it profit but I have always found DM fair. The box discussion is dependant on what you want to do. I still have an Echostar 3600 working well and my TM 5500 still does a great job. The TM 6900 is a good workhorse and as OKI says, just loading the softcam is a doddle and 39e works too!! and HD is good, but the varied views on Ipbox,Cuberevo and Azbox just show the need to be careful. I personally will always love the Dreamboxes - 7000s still going great - despite 'death' at least 50 times over 6-7 years, and the DM 8000 is living up to its hipe if overpriced. Just a shame the hobby has gone to the great british greed and profit motive. D2Mac was so simple!!!!! Cheers - Brain

28-10-2010, 07:45 PM
Fascinating variety of views and comments guys. There is no doubt that the A***t/DM views are about market control and with it profit but I have always found DM fair. The box discussion is dependant on what you want to do. I still have an Echostar 3600 working well and my TM 5500 still does a great job. The TM 6900 is a good workhorse and as OKI says, just loading the softcam is a doddle and 39e works too!! and HD is good, but the varied views on Ipbox,Cuberevo and Azbox just show the need to be careful. I personally will always love the Dreamboxes - 7000s still going great - despite 'death' at least 50 times over 6-7 years, and the DM 8000 is living up to its hipe if overpriced. Just a shame the hobby has gone to the great british greed and profit motive. D2Mac was so simple!!!!! Cheers - Brain

In my opinion this discussion Aslat/DM/Technomate discussion causes so many political problems for our forum/admin its best not discussed anymore.It just causes too many problems for everyone. (best let sleeping dogs lie)

28-10-2010, 08:23 PM
This has all to do with supporting Card's CAM's and Boxes, and making money, well OK. But we started off throwing away cards, then CAM's now it is complete STB. I won't be joining in.
Anyone thinking of splashing out on a new STB might give the fowling a little thought.
RTE's Saorsat.

The following summary is likely (Partially confirmed marked *):
• Kasat @ 9E, launch is between November 2010 and February 2011 *
• Kasat has over 80 Spot beams *
• Kasat uses N=4 "frequency" reuse via two bands and two polarities on four spacecraft dishes, so four different "kinds" of spot.
• Ka Band, hot spot on Ireland, so small dish, maybe 30cm to 45cm *
• Internet VSAT using Tooway/Viasat gear, no bigger than 56cm dish *
• Sat IF for VSAT RX modem can be split for Setbox
• Everything (all Transponders for TV and Internet Downlink) on same band an Polarity.
• Reception on larger dish possible most or all of N.I., but not likely at all in mainland UK when French Spot covering Calais is active no matter how big the dish is.
• Cassegrain rear feed "in a box" Flat 440 dish possible simply with Ka LNBF
• Needs DVB-s2 HD receiver even for SD TV*.
• Very likely the underlying MPEG-TS is identical to Saorview so Identical content inc MHEG5 middleware
• Needed for "fill-in" as there will be only 51 DTT sites instead of recommended 140+. Perhaps up to 10% of households will need it. Definitely at least 5% for any reliable Irish TV after 2012 without Sky/UPC.
• Initially it's unlikely Sky will have RTE HD or any extra Saorview/Saorsat content.
• Also used as DTT site backup feed (hence Identical Content and TS as no MUX or encoders needed at DTT sites and only one sat receiver per Mux)
• Mid 2011 Service start. Saorsat service can't start obviously until Kasat is commissioned. *
• Cost is only €1.5M * (content for one DTT Mux or both DTT Mux?)
• Free To Air. No encryption *.
• Unlikely to affect Sky content.
• Receiving Sky/Freesat also needs dual LNBs on specialised Dish or two dishes*.
• Dual, Twin, Quattro, Quad, Octo LNBs not needed as all content is likely on one band and polarity, for life of Satellite. Normal Sat IF splitter for up to four tuners/PVR and amp(s) plus splitters for over 1000+ tuners. An 80cm dish perhaps for Distribution systems.
• Not compatible foe DirecTV ka band gear as that is Circular Polarised*.

28-10-2010, 11:14 PM
here a question for you what was out first the tm or the spiderbox:grouphug:

This is the Answer for YOU....

When i Create Modial Stb 11 tears agou TM owners did even know what mean STB ... ,,,,,Mayers Audio 7-8 years and after Technomate ltd only 3 years old company was coping ME ...just for your info....

Who was Out Fist DARK MAN or TM...( do you know this Question..!?)

Who done the TM big Name !? under which name "Darkman patch"... do not forget that...

The question was so stupid...do not matter who born fist for me any way, who is the best for the moment.

who is try put impute in innovative stb TM or ***** !?

USB PVR ***** fist.
Super darkmotor metal gear *****
CCcam Client and non Linux stb work good ...*****
Non Linux HD stb Server master *****..

Even non manufacture ! But My developers with ME...

Where is the New Thinks development of TM company !?

Tm 1500 old !
Tm 5000 even today not working pvr in scrabble channels.!
Tm 3000 China Global.!
Tm 7000 Collapse integra
Tm Sd linux from It gate years before in market..
TM 8000 big copy development Enigma 2! and FAIL

Now Hubtech and integra has got the Spidebox and are trying Cappy our development ..this is true for engineer inside of both companies....

even they are lining in our Next development.....Sti7100 cpu we are doing...

Motor Motek fail for 2 years coping Darkmotor metal gear now Tm 2600 ..!?

Lnb coping Skywork coping us ! same manifature ....i was produsing for Digitalb...

Dish from ISS UK now from Sab hollande Turkey ...


any one tell me the only one development of this company !?pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Without Our Help never they can do any think ...the only development they done ,they have some money and misled people with fake advertises...That's all.

28-10-2010, 11:19 PM
the new image to be released by the Ur team for the tm 800 form whatim being told has sorted 99.9% of the problems out .Yes it has taken a while but it's a great box . What i cant undersatnd Darkman (and i respect you ) where has this hated for technomate cam from ? what technomate what have they done to you .it's very strnage indeed why you constantly attck them and no other manufacturer ???

they have try to use my Knolege ,,my Name and try coping my ideas and some others here and after that ,,they even told us Thanks and they think becoming big and arrogants untill they lost all thir reputation...

TM without Us developers is NULL....That's for sure...

My Hate come from "Nife back" i got from the people i have tech them even in my house and have even help with all My heart....

But the world is around ,soon they will see and cray for what they done...

28-10-2010, 11:21 PM
isnt spiderbox also a copy of mvision?
and i hope this post wont be deleted.

I am sory for your ignorance ,,,,,,I do not need Copy mvission is Mvission they dream to have Spiderbox s/w....

To rimnder you We produse in korea not from OEM mvission Spain....Stupid....and we have our development Team.....and we have develope the non Linux Box stb in Master server Machine....Mvission NO.....haw we are their coppy when we are the fist !?

28-10-2010, 11:23 PM
loved my TM 1500 was my very first box

yes maybe true do not the real point ...you loved i have done that in that stage to be loved.....haw now i ma doing Spiderbox....

28-10-2010, 11:28 PM
the new image to be released by the Ur team for the tm 800 form whatim being told has sorted 99.9% of the problems out .Yes it has taken a while but it's a great box . What i cant undersatnd Darkman (and i respect you ) where has this hated for technomate cam from ? what technomate what have they done to you .it's very strnage indeed why you constantly attck them and no other manufacturer ???

UR Team Do not Exist ....or better are TM owner Knolege NULL....

2 Inginers from korea doing experimenst with Nxp Cpu....to try implent or copy enigma 2 to that Hw with that ****i cpu Nxp ( technomate owners was lineg is the Best when all ready i says more then a year agou is ****. )....Now that Cpu is in ******* stb with newcamd and Cccam and u tube for only $55 dollars ...

That is the real Face of Technoate.....loking for ****i cheap one....if you do not beleve me do some reserch...

28-10-2010, 11:41 PM
TM without Us developers is NULL....That's for sure...

My Hate come from "Nife back" i got from the people i have tech them even in my house and have even help with all My heart....

But the world is around ,soon they will see and cray for what they done...[/QUOTE]

The World is Round !

Developers Rely on others faults to Advance/Progress their own situation and hopefully share for future profit/ advance/ amalgamation combined wisdom...

"My Hate come from " ................."have even help with all My heart"....

Darkman !

"Hate and Heart" are just not the right words to use in this thread.......
they are not even connected ......:smash:

Still I respect your view's on this Topic and wish you the very best with your future business prospects....


29-10-2010, 12:18 AM
TM without Us developers is NULL....That's for sure...

My Hate come from "Nife back" i got from the people i have tech them even in my house and have even help with all My heart....

But the world is around ,soon they will see and cray for what they done...

The World is Round !

Developers Rely on others faults to Advance/Progress their own situation and hopefully share for future profit/ advance/ amalgamation combined wisdom...

"My Hate come from " ................."have even help with all My heart"....

Darkman !

"Hate and Heart" are just not the right words to use in this thread.......
they are not even connected ......:smash:

Still I respect your view's on this Topic and wish you the very best with your future business prospects....


Thanks m8

But in the Human Heart .....Hate -Love are part of it...and is just a litle to pass from one to other.
I hate the Chiters with some money they like to kill all of us and distroy all and i love Geniune members and this hobby too.
I do not even care about Money so much , but if you see i care some much about Hobby ( staing even 5m working hard ,,,,fist time was Modial stb after technomate now spiderbox )...Hobby been killed in time some people with some money come and they copy us ,they creates brands and use us and after they pass the River they try to kill us....

Can any one tell me who is more Old TM or This forum with the priviouse Name SATDUDEZ ...very respected in our comunity Lee...

But who is him now and many developers !? small online shop this is not to offend any one ,is the truth... and who copy us and use us for their jobs and advertise became big company ( TM ) and they payment they done to us is to fock us...after they arrive what they need they like to clean the streat...

But for the God sick when i come from i am diferent, i do not Gave UP untill in my death....
publicly i will Tell Tm need to be very very carfully Now...
i will atack them haw they have atack all hobby people aorund...many of you do not know the real story..

I like gave a lesson to all those people they have try to profit from honest people and hobby people around....

All developers are killed m8 all big Names...and i see my self to servive to compite with them in same army een puting my self in danger...

You know m8 when poltics starts, even you are honest can not doit alowen, you need to form your PARTY and my product was not only for Money, but to Survive from Vampires of the hobby Competitors...they do not care for eny forum and eny developers ,but only to use us to do their Dirty money...

29-10-2010, 12:46 AM

When another man tires to steal my diesel fuel what do i do ?

you know the answer.....

When some tries to break into my Home What do you think I will do ?

When the Rain leaks into the roof of my house Who Do I go to for help ?

When another company/government holds me to the wall and says THIS IS THE LAW You Must Abide ? What do I do ?

When the Water stops flowing from my well who do I ask for Help ?

When the Weather turns nasty and All power is Gone Who Do I seek for assistance?

When the Petrol runs Dry and I no longer can run My Motorbike or Motor Car ? Who Do I ask For Help, When the Planet Dyes of "Project Enoch" Who will help us ??????

Quite Simply NO ONE !

My Argument with you DM is Nothing in comparative to what may come in the NEAR FUTURE ....

I Think in the next year or So Satellite TV will be the LAST thing on most Peoples Minds!.....

Still Though I like to think that we can support each other and hopefully Be some what optimistic, if it still exists......

Big Brother and all that is to come may somehow affect what your beliefs may hold........;)

Satellite TV is not the Most important thing in this World Gone Mad !......

So the end my wee disagreement with you Darkman.....

As I said in the past ! Why Kick Some one when they are on the Floor.....

Be a Man ! Stand tall ! and Shrug if off your Shoulder and get on with it,,,,, And for those who dont understand what you are talking about ? Leave them in the Dark for they don't know any wiser.......

Regards : Plessy.

29-10-2010, 12:59 AM
Politics and Satellite TV as a Hobby are NOT CONNECTED ":smash:

29-10-2010, 01:06 AM
Politics and Satellite TV as a Hobby are NOT CONNECTED ":smash:

You think m8......when money are in, even the DEVIL is Connect....do not be NAIV...or do not do if you do not understend!!.

29-10-2010, 01:13 AM

When another man tires to steal my diesel fuel what do i do ?

you know the answer.....

When some tries to break into my Home What do you think I will do ?

When the Rain leaks into the roof of my house Who Do I go to for help ?

When another company/government holds me to the wall and says THIS IS THE LAW You Must Abide ? What do I do ?

When the Water stops flowing from my well who do I ask for Help ?

When the Weather turns nasty and All power is Gone Who Do I seek for assistance?

When the Petrol runs Dry and I no longer can run My Motorbike or Motor Car ? Who Do I ask For Help, When the Planet Dyes of "Project Enoch" Who will help us ??????

Quite Simply NO ONE !

My Argument with you DM is Nothing in comparative to what may come in the NEAR FUTURE ....

I Think in the next year or So Satellite TV will be the LAST thing on most Peoples Minds!.....

Still Though I like to think that we can support each other and hopefully Be some what optimistic, if it still exists......

Big Brother and all that is to come may somehow affect what your beliefs may hold........;)

Satellite TV is not the Most important thing in this World Gone Mad !......

So the end my wee disagreement with you Darkman.....

As I said in the past ! Why Kick Some one when they are on the Floor.....

Be a Man ! Stand tall ! and Shrug if off your Shoulder and get on with it,,,,, And for those who dont understand what you are talking about ? Leave them in the Dark for they don't know any wiser.......

Regards : Plessy.

You are right m8
Some one put then on the floor and tht is the MAN....wich one you are talking....they are not their self on the floor.They are paying for all horrible thiks they done..

The God will deley ,but not forget....

29-10-2010, 01:33 AM
Hi All
the sat hobby is finnished as it was.all we got is short life stbs cams and cards.
we have been beaten by providers.
you might as well watch freesat at least it is free buy your box and its all free from there on.
no real *** channals no football but hey its free.
if you want to watch a match go to the pub or the match like most do now.
even subbed cards for foriegn channals have been hiked.might as well pay ******.
c/s will be stopped then you will have nothing.
in the old days you hardly watched tv it was about opening channals looging making your own cards.real sat hobby.
i have tms. nokia. 9600. skystar2.and many more i just play with them like toys now when im bored.
so it no use slagging stbs off or peaople its the end of this hoppy.big prices little to see for long.
so just love each other and watch freesat:respect-023::respect-050:

andy gg
29-10-2010, 01:43 AM
Well spoken young Albert if I had not got Nagra 3 open on April the first I would have nothing to watch.

29-10-2010, 02:12 AM
Darkman ?

As you suggested to ALL IRISH USERS in the Past MPEG 4 was USELESS and We would need to Buy NEW STB With MPEG5 implementation ? (TOTAL B.S):9898:

Yet Irish Government Implement Mpeg 4 as A Standard Viewing platform which Tm supports and U.K still only use MPEG2 format ..... ?

Excluding Cards/Cams/C/S..... I am Very Satisfied with my Technomate and a Few other attachments,,,,,

Not to mention the "MASARE" Team for their Friendly Non Judgemental Help and Advice along the way........ Yeah ! they Don't manufacture But they are Not Stabbing anyone in the back either....

In the old Days We used to use what we had to Survive to help each other !

You Are wasting you time trying to convince me (only one person).......:respect-052:

today business ethics are Cut throat and you participate/ condone it DM !

p.s. here is a handy link for future reference :h**p://dictionary.reference.com/

29-10-2010, 02:40 AM
[QUOTE=bob;762743]This has all to do with supporting Card's CAM's and Boxes, and making money, well OK. But we started off throwing away cards, then CAM's now it is complete STB. I won't be joining in.
Anyone thinking of splashing out on a new STB might give the "fowling" a little thought.
RTE's Saorsat.

Bob ?

Lol "Fowling"? Did you mean "Bowling" i.e casting balls down the road for profit ?

or Following ?


29-10-2010, 08:07 AM
I think DM would like to send me some source code of the nuevoxtream protocol then and service+ to implement in Fausto, because he likes to help the hobby and not making money.
Then all the hobbyists would benefit right?
Or from my ignorance i didnt understand well the post of DM ...?????

29-10-2010, 08:42 AM
yes maybe true do not the real point ...you loved i have done that in that stage to be loved.....haw now i ma doing Spiderbox....

Don't take that comment the wrong way dark man I wasn't trying to diss your dark box ,I know nothing about your box

29-10-2010, 03:46 PM
Darkman ?

As you suggested to ALL IRISH USERS in the Past MPEG 4 was USELESS and We would need to Buy NEW STB With MPEG5 implementation ? (TOTAL B.S):9898:

Yet Irish Government Implement Mpeg 4 as A Standard Viewing platform which Tm supports and U.K still only use MPEG2 format ..... ?

Excluding Cards/Cams/C/S..... I am Very Satisfied with my Technomate and a Few other attachments,,,,,

Not to mention the "MASARE" Team for their Friendly Non Judgemental Help and Advice along the way........ Yeah ! they Don't manufacture But they are Not Stabbing anyone in the back either....

In the old Days We used to use what we had to Survive to help each other !

You Are wasting you time trying to convince me (only one person).......:respect-052:

today business ethics are Cut throat and you participate/ condone it DM !

p.s. here is a handy link for future reference :h**p://dictionary.reference.com/

Di they know the Govermet is going to live Mepg4 !?

they just put a tuner Terrestrial is cost only 10 dollar more..that's it becouse T2 cost a lot of money.....

ut from this benifit is not technomate are coustmers ,do not need but Technomate more then £200 when can be only 50 euro stb...

29-10-2010, 03:51 PM
I think DM would like to send me some source code of the nuevoxtream protocol then and service+ to implement in Fausto, because he likes to help the hobby and not making money.
Then all the hobbyists would benefit right?
Or from my ignorance i didnt understand well the post of DM ...?????

wich are the hobist they benifits !>Technomate !>?
never build any s/w using all ways other jobs s/w of some one else!

why you all here doing so much advertise about Fausto and servers in this section when those s/w are idipendent from technomate !?

why you gave impresion is technomate s/w why you guys do not upload them in difent section about FAUSTO!?

many STB support same protocoll why here !?

29-10-2010, 03:55 PM
Di they know the Govermet is going to live Mepg4 !?

they just put a tuner Terrestrial is cost only 10 dollar more..that's it becouse T2 cost a lot of money.....

ut from this benifit is not technomate are coustmers ,do not need but Technomate more then £200 when can be only 50 euro stb...
ehm seems spiderbox is also dvb-t and not dvb-t2?

29-10-2010, 04:00 PM
Hi All
the sat hobby is finnished as it was.all we got is short life stbs cams and cards.
we have been beaten by providers.
you might as well watch freesat at least it is free buy your box and its all free from there on.
no real *** channals no football but hey its free.
if you want to watch a match go to the pub or the match like most do now.
even subbed cards for foriegn channals have been hiked.might as well pay ******.
c/s will be stopped then you will have nothing.
in the old days you hardly watched tv it was about opening channals looging making your own cards.real sat hobby.
i have tms. nokia. 9600. skystar2.and many more i just play with them like toys now when im bored.
so it no use slagging stbs off or peaople its the end of this hoppy.big prices little to see for long.
so just love each other and watch freesat:respect-023::respect-050:

why the Hobby is finished many people whatching many many channels with patches or other s.w like service+ for Free...why operators WIN whn all is on share ! where did you find this...

who says to you will not be more hack....i can prommess you soon i will brink new hack via3 even maybe nagra3 and why even paring conax.....
Me and my team are working on it...

I am not technomate do not mix me with it...i come from this Livel forum side...not CASH Flow Side...
but to have some result you all ways need evn the money,even if i work for free i have people in my back they do not work for free...and even is right who work get his fruts this is the life...i ma not jelouse for no one i just hate magirity of the job done from us and some one else try to profit the fruts...

if i been only cash flow busnessman i can understend all of you....but please do not forget i Born from teh FORUMS.from more then 10 years agou....i am Forum Guy still in my Blod a part of business exist the bobby...think nothink to do with technomate never even kne about stb before....they see some product they can do money and they jump in ....and they fool ever one...using my people and my name in the Past.

29-10-2010, 04:10 PM
wich are the hobist they benifits !>Technomate !>?
never build any s/w using all ways other jobs s/w of some one else!

why you all here doing so much advertise about Fausto and servers in this section when those s/w are idipendent from technomate !?

why you gave impresion is technomate s/w why you guys do not upload them in difent section about FAUSTO!?

many STB support same protocoll why here !?
I have TM-6900 HD super and use Fausto thats why I post here in Technomate forum! for Technomate Users with SSSP supported models. You once supported these models, these did not change since you dropped your support for these? You don't want us to ask you where to post or threads, do you? And please leave God and the Devil out of it.

29-10-2010, 04:11 PM
ehm seems spiderbox is also dvb-t and not dvb-t2?

i never advertise Spiderbox Combo the bets for irland ,never nominate that....Spiderbox Combo been done for Greece...even is more then 7 month in market....in Uk just they knew Now...and i done publik after some on like you was talking so much Good for Tm 6900 his better then have Terrestrial ,now you have choise even same in Spiderbox....

But do not wory soon new spiderboxes will be out will impres you....and not Rubish stbs like Nxp cpu 54 dollars Tm 800 when or some Ali cpu some diferent companies in UK loking for cheap ...but STI 7111 even double tuners and wirless ....

I have got my lesson, in future ,try to brink in UK the best product of Korea Spiderbox and Vu Plus both are under *****....and Superior darkmotor TW...

I know UK coustmers are hight livel in quality i am more then 10 years in midle of all of you ,i read and see and try to build the best,not like midle east market.....then buy chinise stuff for 40-45 dollars stb very low cost and low qiality with no eny licence...
But TM was so is well ,but they start lose their style by Tm 3000and Tm 800 Tm 8000 cheap and just now they try buildng again new stb ,but this time they try copy us.,....no way for them and for eny other company in UK to be before of us in any think...trust me...

29-10-2010, 04:14 PM
I have TM-6900 HD super and use Fausto thats why I post here in Technomate forum! for Technomate Users with SSSP supported models. You once supported these models, these did not change since you dropped your support for these? You don't want us to ask you where to post or threads, do you? And please leave God and the Devil out of it.

don,t get me lauf please....

who are the supportes ??
You !?
UR team

this you call support copy past some servers from some arabic websites do not last even 24 hours !?

We see each other again in the new HACK after some days,,,,let see who going to be fist !?
Technomate will get again spidebox and send in Korea and shout to them to copy thinks...like all wasy done in this 12months..

29-10-2010, 04:23 PM
don,t get me lauf please....

who are the supportes ??
You !?
UR team

We see each other again in the new HACK after some days,,,,let see who going to be fist !?
Technomate will get again spidebox and send in Korea and shout to them to copy thinks...like all wasy done in this 12months..
Always known you did not like common users! Take your fight to Technomate and leave us out of it.

29-10-2010, 05:53 PM
I've been looking at this thread with interest over the past week or so. I may be wrong, but my conclusion is that somebody is having a twinge of conscience over no longer supporting arguably the best STB of its time. As I said I may be wrong.

Best wishes from,


sheild 10
29-10-2010, 06:08 PM
This is the Answer for YOU....

When i Create Modial Stb 11 tears agou TM owners did even know what mean STB ... ,,,,,Mayers Audio 7-8 years and after Technomate ltd only 3 years old company was coping ME ...just for your info....

Who was Out Fist DARK MAN or TM...( do you know this Question..!?)

Who done the TM big Name !? under which name "Darkman patch"... do not forget that...

The question was so stupid...do not matter who born fist for me any way, who is the best for the moment.

who is try put impute in innovative stb TM or ***** !?

USB PVR ***** fist.
Super darkmotor metal gear *****
CCcam Client and non Linux stb work good ...*****
Non Linux HD stb Server master *****..

Even non manufacture ! But My developers with ME...

Where is the New Thinks development of TM company !?

Tm 1500 old !
Tm 5000 even today not working pvr in scrabble channels.!
Tm 3000 China Global.!
Tm 7000 Collapse integra
Tm Sd linux from It gate years before in market..
TM 8000 big copy development Enigma 2! and FAIL

Now Hubtech and integra has got the Spidebox and are trying Cappy our development ..this is true for engineer inside of both companies....

even they are lining in our Next development.....Sti7100 cpu we are doing...

Motor Motek fail for 2 years coping Darkmotor metal gear now Tm 2600 ..!?

Lnb coping Skywork coping us ! same manifature ....i was produsing for Digitalb...

Dish from ISS UK now from Sab hollande Turkey ...


any one tell me the only one development of this company !?pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Without Our Help never they can do any think ...the only development they done ,they have some money and misled people with fake advertises...That's all.

i ask a question what came first tm or spiderbox because there was no god dam spiderbox when i brought the tm from your company just the tm which was so much advertise and the resonned was because of the support, so why
should i buy your spiderbox so you can stab me in the back again,
you have spent the best part of the year attacking tm when realy you only been kicking the customer who might of brought your spiderbox , there is no way i will give you my money again to be slap in the face again,
you no what they say dont :9898: where you eat and you done alot of that
and i will stick with the tm untill it no longer cant do anything more, and by that time the dm spiderbox will be usless:mad:

29-10-2010, 06:18 PM
I have not got into this much but why did DARKMAN suddenly drop pushing the TM according to him his forum and shop for over a year it was the best thing since sliced bread.
I bought a Tm9100 from him, and am still happy with it even though all of a sudden it is now c.r.a.p according to darkman.My kids use it in there room now and i hardly ever have to touch it.

29-10-2010, 06:46 PM
A guess to the zola25 post. It surely would have nothing to do with money would it! Perish the thought. Everybody, in this once known as a hobby, helps each other I'm certain.;)

Best wishes from,


29-10-2010, 08:01 PM
I mention fausto as you mention spiderbox.
I mention fausto because its really what it is, a software for the hobbyists and NOT for one particular model or brand.
I mention fausto because i spent to many hours on it.
But my post wasnt saying something for Technomate,it was saying about Darkman giving out some info to put in Fausto , so the true hobbyists can benefit.

But i think you dont like fausto, and of course you wont give any info, right?

29-10-2010, 11:24 PM
This is the Answer for YOU....

Tm 1500 old !
Tm 5000 even today not working pvr in scrabble channels.!
Tm 3000 China Global.!
Tm 7000 Collapse integra
Tm Sd linux from It gate years before in market..
TM 8000 big copy development Enigma 2! and FAIL


you can convert your receiver TM to many other receiver ( strong or Ctech )

for exemple convert the TM5400CI to ctech 1500 plus
downloading boot then last firmware to your receiver

30-10-2010, 01:00 AM
Always known you did not like common users! Take your fight to Technomate and leave us out of it.

if you are Geniune users why you enter in the fight !?

i was talking about technomate Company not Technomate geniune users ,,,please before you interfer when is not your please read fist this is my advaice ,i think i have much more experince with TM company and TM users in all thouse years together ...

I had support TM users for more then 7 years ,,,not support only by blablabla haw many people do here....But i am sory for them ,but not for TM company....

30-10-2010, 01:06 AM
i ask a question what came first tm or spiderbox because there was no god dam spiderbox when i brought the tm from your company just the tm which was so much advertise and the resonned was because of the support, so why
should i buy your spiderbox so you can stab me in the back again,
you have spent the best part of the year attacking tm when realy you only been kicking the customer who might of brought your spiderbox , there is no way i will give you my money again to be slap in the face again,
you no what they say dont :9898: where you eat and you done alot of that
and i will stick with the tm untill it no longer cant do anything more, and by that time the dm spiderbox will be usless:mad:

No one need you Dirty Money.....you do not gave a peny to me and i do not need your money... you are one of most truble makers here...

Wich one i left douwn !?

Do i produse the TM !? NO
Did i gave support for FREE for 7 years with darkman patch and advertise to my forum .YES

do not talk talk ****s haw you are .!?
Go to you dady TM who pay you to come talk **** here...
I have 18month do not sell any TM !>? haw i left you douwn !>I have support TM even after we did not sell them...

about the question who was fist TM or Spiderbox ,My answer was is Hobby and Darkman....TM is production of some dirty monny company Jumps to rase all Hobby and fock all business aorund....

30-10-2010, 01:12 AM
I mention fausto as you mention spiderbox.
I mention fausto because its really what it is, a software for the hobbyists and NOT for one particular model or brand.
I mention fausto because i spent to many hours on it.
But my post wasnt saying something for Technomate,it was saying about Darkman giving out some info to put in Fausto , so the true hobbyists can benefit.

But i think you dont like fausto, and of course you wont give any info, right?

That you do not undesrtend M8 ....or you do if you do not understend ..

Today the hobby is totally in dangers.

if you gave some info .. some Companies will use to sell Their STB..haw they done with 7 years my Job and many others....with DARKMAN PACTH.....But looks like every one here have forgeted here ...or they are TM dogs workers or idiosts

All ways people are like this pass the river and fock of the Hours...Inin Human been,,,,i am sory...No sorces will be release in ...We are not releasing Soruces and That ****i company is trying copy us ...imagine if we relese will be used to sell their stb....all ready some one is doing here with fausto s/w is showing TM like the Best support from TM even is not SO....is support of some hoby people nothink to do with TM ..TM has left the douwn from long time agou....haw they live even with TM 800 use their money for their experimenst and soon with get new stb for new experimenst....

30-10-2010, 01:15 AM
I have not got into this much but why did DARKMAN suddenly drop pushing the TM according to him his forum and shop for over a year it was the best thing since sliced bread.
I bought a Tm9100 from him, and am still happy with it even though all of a sudden it is now c.r.a.p according to darkman.My kids use it in there room now and i hardly ever have to touch it.

I never Nominate Tm 9100 !? only the nominate i done was many years agou when i Help TM owners to tech him and his Son haw to use it ....and i have advertise for them £99 for the benifit of the coustemers.....But that do not mean is the Best stb ..is justlinux sd stb comon with no eny special.....

I hate when some says is the best in world has some dogs fo TM try to use...advartise their own stb like the best and others are ****s even is all all ways aorund...

30-10-2010, 01:32 AM
Now this is for all users here...

Read the Past..
Check who i was in the Past,chek who was TM
Chek my job in the past and now....Check Tm job in past and now...

Do not be Stupids...Do not talk just to talk, forget all others thinks see the reality in the Eye ,,,I have nothink against Geniune TM members i love them ,they are my people , i have support them for more then 7 years and who do not apresiate that Job...is no Geniune or is Basterd ....I have works day and night for 7 years free for them to keep the hobby going.......

Can any one tell me i was in business even in that Time A l sat shop did exist even that time...no one atack me in that time ,,,why many atack me now !? Becouse the water is not going anymore in TM company ,,,mean thouse people they atack me are not Geniune are TM partners in business some haw...is no other way haw to think...

But the problem I had with TM company is no think to do with them personally...but people should know ....TM name was the PAST...i am sory this is reality...

They was the BEST ,when the BEST people support them...Now they are NULL becouse NILL people support them inside some forums are only some Hipocryts Installies or small dealers here or some where else doing bla bla bla....you all have see many of Developers or patch makers of files guys have left TM one by one and many of them who left have no any business a part of me to be honest.Do that mean somethink for you ? when i says for you for Geniune TM Members not for some Tm dogs here....:beatdeadhorse5:

30-10-2010, 01:57 AM
DM I will start by repeating what i have said in the past.
There are a lot of happy spiderbox users on this forum and the stb seems to provide good value for the price.
But there are still lots of TM owners like Zola, Shield and myself who all bought TM's from you. We are happy with the product we bought and they still work perfectly well.So we are not going to go out and buy a spiderbox when the spiderbox does not provide anything extra (I have cs and all the channels I need).

Nobody is attacking you but you must respect their decision to be happy with their TM box which you sold them.

The guys you are disagreeing with, Giga and Snakie are some of the best guys here and they try to help anybody they can.All they are trying to do is get the most out of the kit they have, which after all is a big part of this hobby.

There are a large number of users on this forum who think Spiderbox is best. But there are also a very large number of users who think their TM's are great and will carry on using them.

We are all entitled to our opinions. This is a free and open forum and we need to respect each other and each others point of view.

Lets stop this endless debate because I don't think it is going anywhere.

Mutual respect


sheild 10
30-10-2010, 02:47 AM
No one need you Dirty Money.....you do not gave a peny to me and i do not need your money... you are one of most truble makers here...

Wich one i left douwn !?

Do i produse the TM !? NO
Did i gave support for FREE for 7 years with darkman patch and advertise to my forum .YES

do not talk talk ****s haw you are .!?
Go to you dady TM who pay you to come talk **** here...
I have 18month do not sell any TM !>? haw i left you douwn !>I have support TM even after we did not sell them...

about the question who was fist TM or Spiderbox ,My answer was is Hobby and Darkman....TM is production of some dirty monny company Jumps to rase all Hobby and fock all business aorund....

man you need to get a life or layed:respect-051:

30-10-2010, 06:06 AM
if you are Geniune users why you enter in the fight !?

i was talking about technomate Company not Technomate geniune users ,,,please before you interfer when is not your please read fist this is my advaice ,i think i have much more experince with TM company and TM users in all thouse years together ...

I had support TM users for more then 7 years ,,,not support only by blablabla haw many people do here....But i am sory for them ,but not for TM company....

Because you start a fight here and come after us users/customers and selling a lot of .... Why should we pay respect to you as you don't respect you're own/possible customers! You have issues with Technomate take them to court and leave us out of your personal war with your former business contacts.

30-10-2010, 01:38 PM
Because you start a fight here and come after us users/customers and selling a lot of .... Why should we pay respect to you as you don't respect you're own/possible customers! You have issues with Technomate take them to court and leave us out of your personal war with your former business contacts.

Hi Giga do not misleed thinks i gave only News about TM..Tru news , like Tm Fail 800 progect ....are Technomate company dogs are fighting here not TM users.
I have try to protect some user before is to late, buy a porduct they will be left alowen and the time is showing i was right....TM 800 and 8000 not working even card reader lol and new 3 models on the way.....That is the reason having 20 models when you can not support even 1 ?That was only my concern Giga TM..

30-10-2010, 01:55 PM
DM I will start by repeating what i have said in the past.
There are a lot of happy spiderbox users on this forum and the stb seems to provide good value for the price.
But there are still lots of TM owners like Zola, Shield and myself who all bought TM's from you. We are happy with the product we bought and they still work perfectly well.So we are not going to go out and buy a spiderbox when the spiderbox does not provide anything extra (I have cs and all the channels I need).

Nobody is attacking you but you must respect their decision to be happy with their TM box which you sold them.

The guys you are disagreeing with, Giga and Snakie are some of the best guys here and they try to help anybody they can.All they are trying to do is get the most out of the kit they have, which after all is a big part of this hobby.

There are a large number of users on this forum who think Spiderbox is best. But there are also a very large number of users who think their TM's are great and will carry on using them.

We are all entitled to our opinions. This is a free and open forum and we need to respect each other and each others point of view.

Lets stop this endless debate because I don't think it is going anywhere.

Mutual respect


mate i Agree with you..and i respect really what you are saying here...

The point is i never come atack any one pesonal members....if they do not atack me fist..I never nominate when i open thread any of those guys Username ...are they start atack me ...I atack they way TM company has done ...not TM users ..that is big diference m8...

if you really know the truthe Spiderbox do not get any atack much here because is fdecend forum..But when TM has support they have **** over about spiderbox about year untill they been tired,,,,,they have spies me everwhere Skyb have send me boxes too ,to try take of us from business ,,,they are HOBBY KILLER and many many personal thinks maybe you do not need to know ,dirty game are done m8 and not upset for no think with TM,,,,That company and poeple are there has no princips Trust me for the god sick.Only people are related with them could get upset what i am talking the Geniune members with think two time before they atack me for no reason...

30-10-2010, 02:12 PM
But do not wory soon new spiderboxes will be out will impres you....and not Rubish stbs like Nxp cpu 54 dollars Tm 800 when or some Ali cpu some diferent companies in UK loking for cheap ...but STI 7111 even double tuners and wirless ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Does this mean you are releasing a "New Spiderb8x" ? What is wrong with the current version ???? I dont have one so I don't know ?

_________________________________ _______________________________

if you are Geniune users why you enter in the fight !?

Giga beat me to this point here here ! We didn't start the Fire ! You Did....:eek:

_________________________________ _______________________________

[QUOTE=DARKMAN i was talking about technomate Company not Technomate geniune users
I had support TM users for more then 7 years.
For the above quote Darkman, No-One denies this fact, in fact much praise to you for this and I think you sold even more as a Direct result in the past.....
_________________________________ _______________________________
[QUOTE=DARKMAN;763109]No one need you Dirty Money.....you do not gave a peny to me and i do not need your money... you are one of most truble makers here...

Go to you dady TM who pay you to come talk **** here...

Darkman Fact ! Most money IS DIRTY ! and insulting comments like that on only irritate Us even more......:frown:
_________________________________ _______________________________


I hate when some says is the best in world has some dogs fo TM try to use...advartise their own stb like the best and others are ****s even is all all ways aorund...

I never claimed such facts about my humble 5400 series....

For Some of us with tight budget It's the best for what we can afford....

We are not rolling in the money like you......:piggy:
_________________________________ _______________________________

Now this is for all users here...

Read the Past..
Check who i was in the Past,chek who was TM
Chek my job in the past and now....Check Tm job in past and now...

Do not be Stupids...
Do not talk just to talk, forget all others thinks see the reality in the Eye ,,,I have nothink against Geniune TM members i love them ,they are my people , i have support them for more then 7 years and who do not apresiate that Job...is no Geniune or is Basterd

Stupid + Bastard ?
More insulting comments like this this only bury you more in the :9898:
_________________________________ _______________________________


But the problem I had with TM company is no think to do with them personally...but people should know ....TM name was the PAST...i am sory this is reality...

Clearly you cannot separate Personal issues with Professional issues as one depends on the other.........
_________________________________ _______________________________


you all have see many of Developers or patch makers of files guys have left TM one by one and many of them who left have no any business a part of me to be honest.Do that mean somethink for you ? when i says for you for Geniune TM Members not for some Tm dogs here....:beatdeadhorse5:

And Now we are all Dogs ???? Holey Crap !!!!! You really look down you nose at us.......

Darkman !


***********READ WITH DUE CARE**********

HAVE A Wonderful Weekend and stick it where the sun don't shine.When you treat us like civil Human Beings with some degree of respect maybe, just maybe, We will return the favour and do the same for you.....

Regrets !


30-10-2010, 02:45 PM
mate i Agree with you..and i respect really what you are saying here...

The point is i never come atack any one pesonal members....if they do not atack me fist..I never nominate when i open thread any of those guys Username ...are they start atack me ...I atack they way TM company has done ...not TM users ..that is big diference m8...

if you really know the truthe Spiderbox do not get any atack much here because is fdecend forum..But when TM has support they have **** over about spiderbox about year untill they been tired,,,,,they have spies me everwhere Skyb have send me boxes too ,to try take of us from business ,,,they are HOBBY KILLER and many many personal thinks maybe you do not need to know ,dirty game are done m8 and not upset for no think with TM,,,,That company and poeple are there has no princips Trust me for the god sick.Only people are related with them could get upset what i am talking the Geniune members with think two time before they atack me for no reason...

@DM When you supported the TM6900 you worked very closely with TM company and maybe support team.
You fall out with TM company (I agree maybe a very dirty game)
DM+TM = enemies

Giga/Snakie + TM = friends.

A friend of my enemy is an enemy of mine


Giga and Snakie are not TM spies. they do not have contact with TM (i doubt it anyway). they are individual hobbyists trying to get the best out of an UNSUPPORTED stb. they are genuine TM users

We should lift our hats off to them and greatly respect them.

When you supported the TM you were doing it for commercial reasons (this is not an insult to you). You are a businessman and you made a commercial decision that the TM was not the future for you and so you changed direction(respect to you, this is your right).
Now maybe you should see that TM users here are all friends. there are NO spies here.
look at Gigas recent postings on the spiderbox section:

Giga does not look to see which box somebody owns before he helps.
He is a hobbyist.

respect him, help him and snakie as much as you can because they are friends. Not enemies and certainly not spies.

Lets bury this thread and lets have mutual respect for our own positions, which are very different.

30-10-2010, 03:19 PM

Actually I do not want to see any threads closed in any forum.

Here Admins are allowing people talking.That is very good.

They do not close a thread immediately after seeing what is going on.
(just like in some other boards)

But now I think everybody has said what they want.

And everybody can make already their conclusions abouth the thread.

Never mind.This will rise up again later..I think.Hot potato,never ending circuit :)

Ps.I have quite a lot of things...still 1 tm-9100..running.


30-10-2010, 05:06 PM
For sure i dont work with TM, otherwise i wouldnt be at work right now (19:00) trying to make some money ..TM would give them to me if that was the case ..
Anyway,i hope we see good products in the future from any factory,just respecting the users and fix their bugs.

30-10-2010, 05:35 PM
For sure i dont work with TM, otherwise i wouldnt be at work right now (19:00) trying to make some money ..TM would give them to me if that was the case ..
Anyway,i hope we see good products in the future from any factory,just respecting the users and fix their bugs.


I think we never doubt about it.(at least me)

Just keep up Your good working,Thanks.


30-10-2010, 09:24 PM
But do not wory soon new spiderboxes will be out will impres you....and not Rubish stbs like Nxp cpu 54 dollars Tm 800 when or some Ali cpu some diferent companies in UK loking for cheap ...but STI 7111 even double tuners and wirless ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Does this mean you are releasing a "New Spiderb8x" ? What is wrong with the current version ???? I dont have one so I don't know ?

_________________________________ _______________________________

[QUOTE=DARKMAN;763108]if you are Geniune users why you enter in the fight !?

Giga beat me to this point here here ! We didn't start the Fire ! You Did....:eek:

_________________________________ _______________________________

[QUOTE=DARKMAN i was talking about technomate Company not Technomate geniune users
I had support TM users for more then 7 years.
For the above quote Darkman, No-One denies this fact, in fact much praise to you for this and I think you sold even more as a Direct result in the past.....
_________________________________ _______________________________
[QUOTE=DARKMAN;763109]No one need you Dirty Money.....you do not gave a peny to me and i do not need your money... you are one of most truble makers here...

Go to you dady TM who pay you to come talk **** here...

Darkman Fact ! Most money IS DIRTY ! and insulting comments like that on only irritate Us even more......:frown:
_________________________________ _______________________________


I never claimed such facts about my humble 5400 series....

For Some of us with tight budget It's the best for what we can afford....

We are not rolling in the money like you......:piggy:
_________________________________ _______________________________
[QUOTE=DARKMAN;763113]Now this is for all users here...

Read the Past..
Check who i was in the Past,chek who was TM
Chek my job in the past and now....Check Tm job in past and now...

Do not be Stupids...
Do not talk just to talk, forget all others thinks see the reality in the Eye ,,,I have nothink against Geniune TM members i love them ,they are my people , i have support them for more then 7 years and who do not apresiate that Job...is no Geniune or is Basterd

Stupid + Bastard ?
More insulting comments like this this only bury you more in the :9898:
_________________________________ _______________________________


But the problem I had with TM company is no think to do with them personally...but people should know ....TM name was the PAST...i am sory this is reality...

Clearly you cannot separate Personal issues with Professional issues as one depends on the other.........
_________________________________ _______________________________

And Now we are all Dogs ???? Holey Crap !!!!! You really look down you nose at us.......

Darkman !


***********READ WITH DUE CARE**********

HAVE A Wonderful Weekend and stick it where the sun don't shine.When you treat us like civil Human Beings with some degree of respect maybe, just maybe, We will return the favour and do the same for you.....

Regrets !


Why the spiderbox shoul be Wrong if i try to put new Model similar ,but Double Tuner ..Spiderbox do not have a double tuner mean i just implemnt some think special for spicial people...certen not for you....You have to go to Wash your Heands before you tuch the spiderbox and Wash your Mauth before you nominate DARKMAN name.

Why you Ignorant try to gave diferent Impresion of my worlds!

If you are offendet i do not care for TM dogs like you .. you have offend me and many with your Idiots Qutes more then ever one else.

30-10-2010, 09:29 PM
@DM When you supported the TM6900 you worked very closely with TM company and maybe support team.
You fall out with TM company (I agree maybe a very dirty game)
DM+TM = enemies

Giga/Snakie + TM = friends.

A friend of my enemy is an enemy of mine


Giga and Snakie are not TM spies. they do not have contact with TM (i doubt it anyway). they are individual hobbyists trying to get the best out of an UNSUPPORTED stb. they are genuine TM users

We should lift our hats off to them and greatly respect them.

When you supported the TM you were doing it for commercial reasons (this is not an insult to you). You are a businessman and you made a commercial decision that the TM was not the future for you and so you changed direction(respect to you, this is your right).
Now maybe you should see that TM users here are all friends. there are NO spies here.
look at Gigas recent postings on the spiderbox section:

Giga does not look to see which box somebody owns before he helps.
He is a hobbyist.

respect him, help him and snakie as much as you can because they are friends. Not enemies and certainly not spies.

Lets bury this thread and lets have mutual respect for our own positions, which are very different.

Mate i will respect them if they gave respect to ME...i never atack them at all, personally ,never interfer to any off their post and i have seen my self to all my Posts been quote with right or no right nd try gave diferent Impresion from what is the reality...and the real meaning of my post.

30-10-2010, 09:56 PM
Mate i will respect them if they gave respect to ME...i never atack them at all, personally ,never interfer to any off their post and i have seen my self to all my Posts been quote with right or no right nd try gave diferent Impresion from what is the reality...and the real meaning of my post.


I respected you in the past ! for a service very well provided and supported and many hours of entertainment as a direct result of your work......

but When you call me a TM Dog ? That takes the biscuit M8 !

And telling me to wash my hands before I touch a spiderbox.....?

To put an Old Saying back into English Vocabulary

"I wouldn't urinate on the Spiderb8x If it were the last box left on the planet with 20 tuners and it was ON FIRE"..;)

I didn't take anything personally at all believe me I've read many of your posts on many forums......

But Sabotage is a Deadly Disease that spreads like Wildfire......

Good Night Sir !

Best of luck with your future releases

Regards : Plessy

30-10-2010, 10:15 PM

I respected you in the past ! for a service very well provided and supported and many hours of entertainment as a direct result of your work......

but When you call me a TM Dog ? That takes the biscuit M8 !

And telling me to wash my hands before I touch a spiderbox.....?

To put an Old Saying back into English Vocabulary

"I wouldn't urinate on the Spiderb8x If it were the last box left on the planet with 20 tuners and it was ON FIRE"..;)

I didn't take anything personally at all believe me I've read many of your posts on many forums......

But Sabotage is a Deadly Disease that spreads like Wildfire......

Good Night Sir !

Best of luck with your future releases

Regards : Plessy

This the the best you can do, Go "Urinate" to your Pans and go to Nana...

30-10-2010, 10:22 PM
This the the best you can do, Go "Urinate" to your Pans and go to Nana...

What ? **** in the Pans and Dishes ?

Go and Buy a Dictionary........:seeya:

30-10-2010, 10:27 PM
This the the best you can do, Go "Urinate" to your Pans and go to Nana...

i see you still haven't lost that great customer service technique

30-10-2010, 11:36 PM
The Spiderbox is the best sold box in the UK... for one single reason THE GIFT*** lol. which is reasonably priced.

31-10-2010, 01:31 AM
i for one was thinking of going the spiderbox route , but funny enough i've seem to have got a bad case of Arachnophobia .
When my tm6800hd and humax 5400 die i will not be buying another stb after reading this thread . I will still be a sat hobbiest but i'll only use a skystar or like .
i thought we all here to enjoy the hobby and help others along the way if we can , slagging off another company or member is not the way to make new friends or get custom.
Darkman i understand your anger with TM but you've gone about it all the wrong way . all you seem to be doing now is loosing possible furture custom .

31-10-2010, 08:31 AM
This the the best you can do, Go "Urinate" to your Pans and go to Nana...
obviously you're not a British Gentleman

31-10-2010, 12:33 PM
obviously you're not a British Gentleman

Spot om mate - I really am not getting drawn back into this, except to say DM - or his cronies that is - banned me over there purely for criticising the apparent lack of consideration to the TM users, many of whom had purchased over a considerable period of time from his shop - and thats all - at least on Pimps we are all friends - purely in the course of having open & free discussion on anything (including TMs) as and when we like!:respect-067:

31-10-2010, 01:26 PM
i for one was thinking of going the spiderbox route , but funny enough i've seem to have got a bad case of Arachnophobia .
When my tm6800hd and humax 5400 die i will not be buying another stb after reading this thread . I will still be a sat hobbiest but i'll only use a skystar or like .
i thought we all here to enjoy the hobby and help others along the way if we can , slagging off another company or member is not the way to make new friends or get custom.
Darkman i understand your anger with TM but you've gone about it all the wrong way . all you seem to be doing now is loosing possible furture custom .=

You still do not understend i do not care much if any one buy or not ....i care much for the hoby more then selling stb....,,

I sell 19 K Stb 10K dishis and 10k Lnb every months to operators like digitalb and tring,,,,,You think i care much if you or some one buy one spoiderbox or NO >..ha ha ha

Spiderbox was to follow more the hobby and to show to members Darkman can do thinks even without TM or better TM could not have the best developmenst without Developers.,.But looks that many people here do not understend th real point or they have diferent intrest...

31-10-2010, 01:28 PM
What ? **** in the Pans and Dishes ?

Go and Buy a Dictionary........:seeya:

Haw you can traslate Fock Off ? and stay far from the fire,,,,,

31-10-2010, 01:32 PM
obviously you're not a British Gentleman

What the fock you need i am BRITISH or Not ? WHY you like all ways you or some TM dogs trying puting discussion in diferent way...

I am Europian more and Gentellmnet then YOU and som eone else ( or TM FAR EAST chaging identity every 10 years ) here,but i am natural too, not Hipocryts hiding it self over the Net and the Gentellmen i will be with gentellmens not with Hopcryts and TM dogs they do not gain my respect...When our culture was born your was on the trees with No story .I do not even care to tak nice english beaouse i am not english native and that no think to be shame ( even i do not like use dictonary to show for some on else....)you have to do with TM dogs here, do not mix thinks and trying puting Peprol in the fire for no reason .....
you are coming from DUCH Dogs distibutor of TM ....~!hmmmm THAT ONE YOU TRY HELP THEM ,YOU DO NOT CARE MUCH ABOUT BRITISH .just you trying trick people here and fail in wrong dicussion....BE CARFULLY is my LAst WARNING for you and some idiots around.

If you trying to put discussion over racissem get a fock of and be very carfully and try talk with me face to face together with your TM dady after you will understend i am REALLY BRITISH GENTELLMEN...

31-10-2010, 02:38 PM
Haw you can traslate Fock Off ? and stay far from the fire,,,,,

Darkman !

Your some Knob End !

You cannot "traslate" anything cause the work Does Not Exist in the English language.

Google the word and see what you come up.........:smilielol5:

How long have you been on the planet ? "spell checker" was introduced into MS Word ages ago,,,, If you have a secretary I'd fire her as soon as possible.....

Sir Alan Sugger wouldn't be very impressed with you Business ethics me thinks !!!!

***************Your FIRED !*************** ha ha ha ha ha:D

I will translate your latest post and You can thank me for this !!!!:respect-057:

What the f*ck you need i am BRITISH or Not ? WHY you like all ways you or some TM dogs trying putting discussion in different way...

I am European and aGentlemen then YOU and someone else ( or TM FAR EAST changing identity every 10 years ) here,but i am natural too, not Hypocrites hiding it self over the Net and the Gentlemen i will be with gentlemen's not with Hypocrites and TM dogs they do not gain my respect...When our culture was born your was on the trees with No story .I do not even care to talk nice English because i am not English native and that no think to be shame ( even i do not like use dictionary to show for some on else....)you have to do with TM dogs here, do not mix thinks and trying putting Petrol in the fire for no reason .....
you are coming from DUTCH Dogs distributor of TM ....~!hmm mm THAT ONE YOU TRY HELP THEM ,YOU DO NOT CARE MUCH ABOUT BRITISH .just you trying trick people here and fail in wrong discussion....BE CAREFULLY is my Last WARNING for you and some idiots around.

If you trying to put discussion over racism get a f*ck of and be very carefully and try talk with me face to face together with your TM daddy after you will understand i am REALLY BRITISH GENTLEMEN...

There now Darksham !!! What do you think of my typing skills Ehh ?

Fantastic or what ? I

When you say "When our culture was born your was on the trees with No story" ?

What culture is that darkman ?cause they must have been all ILLITERATE !!!;)

Google the word and I am certain you're face will turn a brighter shade of red......:conehead:

"BE CAREFULLY is my Last WARNING for you and some idiots around."

What are you going to do Darkman ? Throw spiderb8x's at us ?

Your an Ignorant Bully with No respect for yourself or others......

Now Folks I am off to visit some people who can actually have an intelligent conversation and and thankfully not with the likes if this Dick Head.......


sheild 10
31-10-2010, 02:39 PM

You still do not understend i do not care much if any one buy or not ....i care much for the hoby more then selling stb....,,

I sell 19 K Stb 10K dishis and 10k Lnb every months to operators like digitalb and tring,,,,,You think i care much if you or some one buy one spoiderbox or NO >..ha ha ha

Spiderbox was to follow more the hobby and to show to members Darkman can do thinks even without TM or better TM could not have the best developmenst without Developers.,.But looks that many people here do not understend th real point or they have diferent intrest...

there you go you saying it yourself it all about the money.
this is why the people are feed up with you you took the idea of the tm and then built your on verion and call it the spiderbox.

31-10-2010, 03:49 PM
Darkman who the hell do you think you are .... i hope that owners of other stb's read this thread and not just tm owners.with the comments you have came out with you've showen the sat world just what type of person you are ..all it is with you is money money money and bollocks to the people who have supported you in the past, all we where doing was feeding your greed . i hope that itsy bitsy spiderbox of yours climbs the water spout, because one day the rain might come and wash the F@#ker out.

31-10-2010, 03:53 PM
why are you guys having a go at DM ? why do you difend TM or SB why do you not live the TM to difend them self

i think it is wrong when you call you,r self a hobist then you take sides, i for one give a toss for SB or TM or DM , they are all the same to me, but i cannot stand here and read everyday some posting that has no meaning then this hoby is just a mask for some ppl.

I would have done the same if i had made a box with my name i will defend it to the end. How do you guys think that it is for DM to be an foreiner in UK.
It is not eady, and being an foreiner my self it is shame to se that some ppl here included DM take things in kulture and personal manars, grow up guys, and do not gudge persons on their leangue or scin color.

i think Admins must take acction on this kind of ofence, if some one try to put a fire on me i would have defend me and my self with all the tolls nesesary.
One thing i do not like is when ppl go to personal atacks. Why not just compare the boxes, live it there.

31-10-2010, 04:02 PM
I just like to say i love my technomates

31-10-2010, 04:13 PM
why are you guys having a go at DM ? >8 >8
Why is DM having a go after us? Why does he need to make threats against us, here and by PM?
I'm just a happy Technomate user. If DM has issues with TM that he takes this up with Technomate and not with us users! Some of us did even buy these from DM.

31-10-2010, 04:27 PM
Darkman !

Your some Knob End !

You cannot "traslate" anything cause the work Does Not Exist in the English language.

Google the word and see what you come up.........:smilielol5:

How long have you been on the planet ? "spell checker" was introduced into MS Word ages ago,,,, If you have a secretary I'd fire her as soon as possible.....

Sir Alan Sugger wouldn't be very impressed with you Business ethics me thinks !!!!

***************Your FIRED !*************** ha ha ha ha ha:D

I will translate your latest post and You can thank me for this !!!!:respect-057:

There now Darksham !!! What do you think of my typing skills Ehh ?

Fantastic or what ? I

When you say "When our culture was born your was on the trees with No story" ?

What culture is that darkman ?cause they must have been all ILLITERATE !!!;)

Google the word and I am certain you're face will turn a brighter shade of red......:conehead:

"BE CAREFULLY is my Last WARNING for you and some idiots around."

What are you going to do Darkman ? Throw spiderb8x's at us ?

Your an Ignorant Bully with No respect for yourself or others......

Now Folks I am off to visit some people who can actually have an intelligent conversation and and thankfully not with the likes if this Dick Head.......


Ok mother fokers i will type some think to you soon...

31-10-2010, 04:29 PM
Darkman who the hell do you think you are .... i hope that owners of other stb's read this thread and not just tm owners.with the comments you have came out with you've showen the sat world just what type of person you are ..all it is with you is money money money and bollocks to the people who have supported you in the past, all we where doing was feeding your greed . i hope that itsy bitsy spiderbox of yours climbs the water spout, because one day the rain might come and wash the F@#ker out.

Did yu became jelosue I. do not gave a **** to sell some idiots like you any spidrebox ....Can i repte again i am not a technomate..i do not gave a **** if you buy or NO ,i just gave **** for the hobby..you even do not know what that mean.

31-10-2010, 04:31 PM
there you go you saying it yourself it all about the money.
this is why the people are feed up with you you took the idea of the tm and then built your on verion and call it the spiderbox.

The idea was to fock them who Kill the Hobby ,.... and lose all their reputation is buld after not their product but people who works for free for them

31-10-2010, 04:37 PM
why are you guys having a go at DM ? why do you difend TM or SB why do you not live the TM to difend them self

i think it is wrong when you call you,r self a hobist then you take sides, i for one give a toss for SB or TM or DM , they are all the same to me, but i cannot stand here and read everyday some posting that has no meaning then this hoby is just a mask for some ppl.

I would have done the same if i had made a box with my name i will defend it to the end. How do you guys think that it is for DM to be an foreiner in UK.
It is not eady, and being an foreiner my self it is shame to se that some ppl here included DM take things in kulture and personal manars, grow up guys, and do not gudge persons on their leangue or scin color.

i think Admins must take acction on this kind of ofence, if some one try to put a fire on me i would have defend me and my self with all the tolls nesesary.
One thing i do not like is when ppl go to personal atacks. Why not just compare the boxes, live it there.

yes is MASK m8.....

DARKMAN min has no eny MASK come like haw he is ...all those ****s around are only technomaters not users but advertisers coming with difenet user names just to advertise thi ****s...

same like the post new 3 models ..We see nice pictures haw we sow with TM 800-8000 and after !?
again no Stb on market put some nice pitures this dogs start advertising.....and put the real job of the hobbist douwn...

I been in Hobby 12 years agou ,i am in hobby and i will be ...Technomate never been in Hobby was Mayers audio....he ask me and many other people hobby today do not exist anymore here....and he start atscking many OEM brands....distroy the English market be dictotor with some dirty money....i know all story becaouse i been part of it and i never never like those dirty games...in the end they start over me...they do not like anyone longer they like only BLACK MONEY....like the company it self.

31-10-2010, 04:38 PM
Did yu became jelosue I. do not gave a **** to sell some idiots like you any spidrebox ....Can i repte again i am not a technomate..i do not gave a **** if you buy or NO ,i just gave **** for the hobby..you even do not know what that mean.

If thats really true why not make your software for the spiderbox opensource ?
why not drop the closed source 'gift' as this kind of thing kills the hobby ... or is the hobby just about making money !!

31-10-2010, 04:43 PM
If thats really true why not make your software for the spiderbox opensource ?
why not drop the closed source 'gift' as this kind of thing kills the hobby ... or is the hobby just about making money !!

i a honest not hide bihand the thinks...

Spiderbox has more then i nuf for this hobby..

CCcam Newcamd

Newcs server master have free channels and many other thinks ...

Why i have to do open sorce Dogs and TM wating to copy us haw they are done...
all ready new models i have nominate are after our s/w .....after long time to copy ...why i have to work hard for Technomate coppies people.!?

31-10-2010, 04:44 PM
Why is DM having a go after us? Why does he need to make threats against us, here and by PM?
I'm just a happy Technomate user. If DM has issues with TM that he takes this up with Technomate and not with us users! Some of us did even buy these from DM.

Because when you wright ****s you need be carfully...

31-10-2010, 04:49 PM
i a honest not hide bihand the thinks...

Spiderbox has more then i nuf for this hobby..

CCcam Newcamd

Newcs server master have free channels and many other thinks ...

Why i have to do open sorce Dogs and TM wating to copy us haw they are done...
all ready new models i have nominate are after our s/w .....after long time to copy ...why i have to work hard for Technomate coppies people.!?

Ok so its about the money rather than help the community ..

You sell the VU DUO, does this not use DMM software ? the use of opensource software does exactly what it says ... opensource = more teams producing firmware giving us the hobbyist the opportunity to use different firmware or produce our own. Closed source and gifts will kill the hobby ..you are not helping generate a community spirit but denying it and ultimately creating its downfall

31-10-2010, 05:34 PM
Idiot do not talk bull****s.ignorant

31-10-2010, 05:39 PM
Very concise ....

Well there we have it ..if you disagree you get called names

anyone thinking of dealing with this character ... this is the type of support you get

Caveat emptor

31-10-2010, 05:54 PM
admin is it not time to close this thread

31-10-2010, 06:01 PM
or Ban DM for totally abusing people on here for sharing a different view ?

31-10-2010, 06:07 PM
I have stayed out of this thread so far, but I agree that DM is totally out of order.

This thread has clearly been started by him to continue a personal vendetta against a manufacturer. I think it is quite clear from previous threads that there has been a falling out - and maybe he has good reason to feel aggrieved. What is not acceptable though is the trolling, swearing, threats, etc.

I have seen so many counts of rule violations, that I have lost count.

Admins, please do the right thing and stop this once and for all.

PS. Those who have risen to the bait, you don't do yourselves any favours. Be polite and friendly and keep personal differences to yourselves.

31-10-2010, 06:21 PM
Well said Dr Paulos,

This darkman chararacter is only bumping his gums solely to advertise

his wonderous Spiderbox,nothing else,and for him to state that he is not

motivated by MONEY is sheer hypocracy....kopite1:woot-035::woot-


31-10-2010, 06:51 PM
Maybe you should have stayed out of the thread drpaulos instead of drawing attention to yourself. Many of us know who you are - You've pushed nanoxx and protek crap before.. Are you still involved with it? They must really be suffering after the arrival of the spiderbox. It's blown those rubbish receivers out of the market. :smash:

31-10-2010, 06:56 PM
Why the threats? I am not expressing an opinion about any receivers, just the behaviour and language of a lot of people in this thread.

I have always been a great admirer of this forum and the team that run it, but it hurts me when I read a lot of the posts.

31-10-2010, 06:59 PM
Maybe you should have stayed out of the thread drpaulos instead of drawing attention to yourself. Many of us know who you are - You've pushed nanoxx and protek crap before.. Are you still involved with it? They must really be suffering after the arrival of the spiderbox. It's blown those rubbish receivers out of the market. :smash:

and we all know where your alllegiances lie ....

31-10-2010, 07:03 PM
SAY NO MORE....Robxxx7....spot on there m8:woot-035:

31-10-2010, 07:04 PM
Why the threats? I am not expressing an opinion about any receivers, just the behaviour and language of a lot of people in this thread.

I have always been a great admirer of this forum and the team that run it, but it hurts me when I read a lot of the posts.

Oh for God's sake, nobody is threatening you. It's just so obvious that you would come down against Darkman and the spiderbox due to your background, just like the TM supporters in this thread who started all this rubbish.

and we all know where your alllegiances lie ....

Yes, you all know my allegiances, and so what? They in no way invalidate my opinions.

31-10-2010, 07:05 PM
SAY NO MORE....Robxxx7....spot on there m8:woot-035:

Such eloquence is far above your norm. Have you been studying? :respect-046:

31-10-2010, 07:10 PM
To clarify, I am not coming down on anybody in particular and I don't have an agenda to cause any problems to DM. It is just that from start to finish, this thread has been full of flaming and bad language, and some of the posts have been very personal in all directions.

I am sure everybody have their motives (some genuine, some not), but the only thing I was trying to bring attention to was the poor etiquette, and that I was surprised that the satpimps team let it go on.

The easiest thing to have done is to have moved it to the mods area and had a quiet word with a few people to cool it.

31-10-2010, 07:18 PM
well said i could not have put it better

31-10-2010, 07:30 PM
Oh for God's sake, nobody is threatening you. It's just so obvious that you would come down against Darkman and the spiderbox due to your background, just like the TM supporters in this thread who started all this rubbish.

Yes, you all know my allegiances, and so what? They in no way invalidate my opinions.

oh but i think they do ... btw i'm not a TM supporter .. i am an opensource supporter and anti 'gift' and what it does to this hobby ..

if you read all the thread you would know who started all this off and it wasn't TM supporters ..look a bit closer to home

31-10-2010, 07:50 PM
@ Anrakh

Mister bigmouth,you know nothing of me m8ty,so keep your childish

comments to your m8s over @ Als*t where you are use to pushing your weight

around ......kopite1 :woohoo-022:

31-10-2010, 08:24 PM
Giga, as long as you quote me you will get an answer.
I will say to you, 10 years a go when Tony Doe or ******* and Conax was firs bought to public was NOT TM. When the Italian guy was disapearedd from the earth was not TM, when i was involved in some big hex files was NOT TM, i my self know the stories about many here

As i have said before im now and old man in my ending days, and i do not like to bring up stupid personal fights.

I know for sure that TM did make the name on the back of Darkman and Compass and some other guys here and elsewhere and included my self, and TM for me has no face to talk to me.

Now back to the TM and DM saga, are you TM ?? are you DM , are you SB are you? why does it hurt to you so much and to some other guys here, why do you hang over one single person, do you have any intrest in this fight ?

Excuse me, but when i say you i Mean you GIGA as user not THE person bihing the Username, so you do not missunderstand or some one else.

@ all
Some of you guys, and some times even me do not know what is the real story bihind the closed doors, i have said it many times in other threads , this hoby is not a hoby with out the guys that bring us the hacks, and the cams and the cards, and the boxes, with out them there will be no hack.there will be no hoby.

Some ppl here have named VU+ and DMM, guys get you sources strait, Enigma2 IS NOT PROPERTY OF DMM, and we live this here.
when the gusy at DMM stole the code from DBOX and make the DMM boxes no one told them nothing as Tuxbox and Enigma1 are open sources.

Some others here have their own benifits to shame and slag on box or one person as they have their own agenda and they need to sell their own boxes, while some guys are totaly victims and some users are just scwezeed in the midle.

at the end i think a healthy discustion with no personal infolvemnt is a good debate and we learn something more both as users and as persons, we make out horizont more open and we are aware to what is going on.

Some one here knows realy well how Enigma2 was developerd for Isecrypt 4000 HD, Octagon 1018, Openbox S8, some here knows well how the bootloader was made public and why.

Now who did benifit from this, yes we the users we did have the goods at the end.

Please do not missunderstand me, but i think that in here is the owner that diside who stays and who goes, who are you guys to tell the admins to ban one user or another ? and do you know what this may bring after ?

i for my self have said more then im would like to and more then what i do some times, so this is my last post here, i do not like this and the way things are moving on. it is just wrong

For some of you guys here i have BIG RESPECT as we know each other from long time back, and it is not the way for us to expres our selfs like this.

Respect and Peace to all

Why is DM having a go after us? Why does he need to make threats against us, here and by PM?
I'm just a happy Technomate user. If DM has issues with TM that he takes this up with Technomate and not with us users! Some of us did even buy these from DM.

31-10-2010, 08:28 PM
I love this thread, a great read and to hear a spider with dual tuners could be on the way is AWESOME.


31-10-2010, 08:34 PM
I have stayed out of this thread so far, but I agree that DM is totally out of order.

This thread has clearly been started by him to continue a personal vendetta against a manufacturer. I think it is quite clear from previous threads that there has been a falling out - and maybe he has good reason to feel aggrieved. What is not acceptable though is the trolling, swearing, threats, etc.

I have seen so many counts of rule violations, that I have lost count.

Admins, please do the right thing and stop this once and for all.

PS. Those who have risen to the bait, you don't do yourselves any favours. Be polite and friendly and keep personal differences to yourselves.

I agree with each one of your points. Come on TM dogs stick to the arguments and don't get drawn into this slanging match?

Regardless of this THERE IS NO PLACE FOR PERSONAL ATTACKS OR (thinly) VEILED THREATS even if you are a supplier to the board sponsor.

simon 2003
31-10-2010, 08:48 PM
think this thread has run its course no need for this on our forum,alot of experienced members here should be moderating themselves as mods seem to be a bit thin on the ground this evening

31-10-2010, 08:54 PM
gettin silly now mods turn a blind eye to this i will think again about spiderbox if this is wat he gotta do to sell em . just come on here to enjoy my sat hobbie shudnt be arguments like this

31-10-2010, 08:59 PM
I have stayed out of this thread so far, but I agree that DM is totally out of order.

I intended to stay clear of the Technomate forum but i feel it only appropriate to respond.

You have no idea what Darkman has done to support Technomate for more than 7 years!
If anyone deserves to voice his opinions it's Darkman

After all,
you all enjoyed the offerings from the Darkmans Patches for TM's

Maybe it's time to move on like i did, instead of the negative postings.

If your happy with what your TM receiver offers you i wish you luck for the future.


31-10-2010, 09:08 PM
Compass, I didn't post in here to comment on motives, and I have no bone with DM, or the manufacturers of either receiver mentioned. I only posted to say that I was surprised at the language in here.

As I wrote further down that original post, there may be good reasons for feeling hacked off with TM, but I was questioning whether the language in here was acceptable - and I was not aiming that at any individual, as a number of people seem to have posted in here to stir (that is not my intention).

To also clarify, while my post is below one where somebody was recommending a ban, that post was uploaded while I was composing the message, so please don't think that I was trying to get on the back of that and stir things.

I know that both you and DM did a lot for the TM owners who I am sure are eternally grateful. Things have moved on, fair enough that has always been the way with this hobby.

31-10-2010, 09:38 PM
I have stayed out of this thread so far, but I agree that DM is totally out of order.

This thread has clearly been started by him to continue a personal vendetta against a manufacturer. I think it is quite clear from previous threads that there has been a falling out - and maybe he has good reason to feel aggrieved. What is not acceptable though is the trolling, swearing, threats, etc.

I have seen so many counts of rule violations, that I have lost count.

Admins, please do the right thing and stop this once and for all.

PS. Those who have risen to the bait, you don't do yourselves any favours. Be polite and friendly and keep personal differences to yourselves.

if darkman has agains manufature....! Why this guys icluding you interfer are they part of manufture !?

!! I even do not know which one you call Manufacture ! OEM TM...just put the sticker to stbs you call manufature !...

This is was oly the way to see haw mnay TM spies and dogs are on the way....

I do not see eny of you doing any development for TM....i see some copy past past jobs done from some one i know ,but nothink intersting of all of you have atack me ..most of you are unknow members and full with bull****s posts...Rasist jeloluse and some installiers taxi drivers...

Any one come and insult me with their post and come in personal atack with have publicly from me FOCK OF...becouse i did not atack in my FIST POST no any TM members and no personal atack you it self says i atack manufacture ! why Some Idiots come in personal Atack...

Why i all ways need says some truth, some one come and atack me in personal atack...same like

many come to insult me and after many months slow slow the truth coming up...

TM 800 is totally **** and new experiments coming up...

Was that true NOW ?!????

31-10-2010, 09:43 PM
I intended to stay clear of the Technomate forum but i feel it only appropriate to respond.

You have no idea what Darkman has done to support Technomate for more than 7 years!
If anyone deserves to voice his opinions it's Darkman

After all,
you all enjoyed the offerings from the Darkmans Patches for TM's

Maybe it's time to move on like i did, instead of the negative postings.

If your happy with what your TM receiver offers you i wish you luck for the future.


Thanks M8....even with your great job with Technomate and other stb as well...

Many of them do not apresiate they have same temper of TM pass the river fock the horse.....

Darkman never had with TM users ,but with bad tacktics if tricy of TM, use and maybe here in this post are more Trcikers TM then geniune TM users...

I do not know haw some one should forget 7 years patches for FREE day and night......and will atck me because i am telling the truth...That company do not need no one only the MONEY....this is for what is create distroy all business around and fock all Hobby.....Many will understend in Future many NO...but for certen who are here for only one reason to atack me they never will understend ,becouse they do not need it....they have only one think to do distroy the LAST company who compiting against TAIFUN HOBBY.....

That company has find this Time the Bread for their Tuth...trust me...

31-10-2010, 09:53 PM
oh but i think they do ... btw i'm not a TM supporter .. i am an opensource supporter and anti 'gift' and what it does to this hobby ..

if you read all the thread you would know who started all this off and it wasn't TM supporters ..look a bit closer to home

Idiot you have no idea what mean open sorce....
if no you should not do any post abput Vu Duo is coping Dreambox....

Haw i says You are not only idiot ,but even ignorant..

To let you know Vu duo is not coping no one...

Diferent HW and is open sorce and PLI has done for them IMAGE ....same PLI has done for DM....

If you check befor ein PLI Board is a section with support Vy Plus.

But PLI has no support an dno done any development for Technomate ....It gate -Technomate have try to copy their development....this is the reality....again Idiot.

31-10-2010, 09:55 PM
once upon a time there was a thing called a sat forum were memberS would come and discuss thier chosen reciever/equipment we all got along well good points and the bad.

then came 2010 let the battles comence , ive bought rec/equipment i wasnt happy with thought was crap , what did i do i sold it on most of the time at a loss ,we all know what we get into in this game nothing ever garunteed.

last 6 months has been nothing but a battle field on here no longer a nice place to come to.

threads are just going to get shut down deleted , untill there will be nothing left to discuss.


31-10-2010, 10:01 PM
For all,,, the Post was about Information Truth...

Darkman has not atack any particular Members is his fist POST...

Please Read again... why some one do not like the truth and get all ways in personal atack..!?
