View Full Version : Azbox HD ENIGMA2 NEW mediacenter, read please! :)

22-10-2010, 07:08 PM
Hi, like me, many many users want this box to succeed, not to make Opensat guys rich(:boxing_smiley:), but because this box CAN and SHOULD be doing much much better.
One of the TOP features of it, is sigma chip like everybody knows, that means hardware decoding of, i dunno 99% most used codecs at the moment.

That said, we probably all know XBMC and Popcorn hour, and we know that cute thing about having a cover for each movie,fanart, etc etc.
Wouldn't that be sweet to see in upcoming enigma2 releases in mediacenter part?

Check this out:

22-10-2010, 07:46 PM
HOPE this would be used in future in azbox hd.

Project Valerie:


22-10-2010, 07:47 PM
Hi, like me, many many users want this box to succeed, not to make Opensat guys rich(:boxing_smiley:), but because this box CAN and SHOULD be doing much much better.
One of the TOP features of it, is sigma chip like everybody knows, that means hardware decoding of, i dunno 99% most used codecs at the moment.

That said, we probably all know XBMC and Popcorn hour, and we know that cute thing about having a cover for each movie,fanart, etc etc.
Wouldn't that be sweet to see in upcoming enigma2 releases in mediacenter part?

Well today i was browsing in the (amazing team/forum) that AAF is, and i noticed a new feature/plugin/mediacenter for atevio i think.:respect-023:

My intention on creating this thread is to see if anyone wants to jump on the boat and try to get his guys to adapt this to "our" ENIGMA2.

Check this out:

surely would be an asset to the Box or another like it. but hfmls stilts already getting very excited again

22-10-2010, 07:49 PM
would be awsome!!!could you move this topic to AzBox HD E2 Newbie Questions pls.

22-10-2010, 07:50 PM
it's a different project, on the side. The_Ripper "only" does the hard part, drivers.
sattommy was investing his time in mediacenter but he doesn't have time anymore, he will release sourcecode of what he has done.

And since this is opensource, why not use it?
I'm talking about project valerie

22-10-2010, 07:52 PM
edit: Check first post.

22-10-2010, 09:35 PM
Hi, what do u know, i installed project-valerie in azbox hd enigma2, and it runs! now i just need to run PC app and set it up, probably many green screens will appear, but remember this is supposed to run in dm800 and such only. :)
SOURCE CODE IS AVAILABLE, it's free, an azbox hd version should be pretty easy to do.
Green screen says it's because it can't find movies.txt in my HDD, that's because i didn't run PC app yet to set it up (i guess).


22-10-2010, 10:00 PM
I've been more interested using my Azbox as a mediacenter than a tv-receiver so this is quite interesting.

22-10-2010, 10:03 PM
yeah i know. it even has the cool menu that starts before everything (if we want to)
so we can chose from TV to movies,series, etc.

i use windows 7 x64 and i am having problems to open pc APP to set it up, errr. Can't do further tests without setting media.

22-10-2010, 10:06 PM

Use compatibility mode.

22-10-2010, 10:10 PM
already tried, there is no option for that in .jar files. damn it. :(
i only this pc available here, sh*t. can't believe i gotta install xp in virtual drive.

22-10-2010, 10:11 PM

Thanks for this m8.
It seems to be a very good project...
Could you please test as much as possible and let me know what runs and what not?
I'm also really interested in mediaplayer part.
So when I get source code from sattomy, I will try to migrate this plugin to azbox

22-10-2010, 10:16 PM
it's hfmls hehe :D not htmls.

i will try to test as much as i can, because i am media geek too, i love the cover concept and imdb info.

But from what i understand, the green screen came because it didn't found necessary setup settings that should have been done by me using PC app before i try to open in azbox.

So till i manage to open pc APP i'm screwed.
Also a great thing is that it's all opensource. So we could change everything :)
Also you can try to migrate this plugin to azbox (i really don't think there's much to be done, seems frankly stable at first sight) before you receive sources from codecs work :)
because you don't have to have that ready to make this plugin work at 100%.

You only need codecs to open the media. I would really appreciate if u and other people more pro in this area then me could take a look :)

22-10-2010, 10:22 PM
already tried, there is no option for that in .jar files. damn it. :(
i only this pc available here, sh*t. can't believe i gotta install xp in virtual drive.

did u install java 64 bit version?
jar installation should work...

22-10-2010, 10:27 PM
yes..i dunno what's happening, damn it.
is there a portable app to open .jar files?

22-10-2010, 10:33 PM
open cmd box
and type:
java -classpath "<path_to_jar>\project-valerie_newest_pc.jar" com.izforge.izpack.installer.Inst aller

22-10-2010, 10:33 PM
edit: installed in D: and it works now :) gonna test.

22-10-2010, 10:37 PM
i have also Win7 64bit Ultimate i can install the pc APP an open without errors, but on my azbox is not running E2. Because i need a stable E2 on my Azbox with DeseqC and mediaplayer.



ok to late

22-10-2010, 10:42 PM
ok, already works, now i got to set this up :)

22-10-2010, 10:43 PM

I also have Windows 7 64 bit ultimate.

I just download the PC APP from here http://code.google.com/p/project-valerie/downloads/detail?name=project-valerie_newest_pc.jar&can=2&q=
and it works like a charm!

Are you sure you have java installed correctly ?

Just 1 question about Project Valerie: is this plugin just a "FRONT END"/GUI to choose the activity that we want (TV/MOVIE/etc) or it also have the right code to handle all that it needs.... What I mean is, with this plugin the box can decode all sorts of codecs (MP3,AC3,DTS....DIVX,MKV,VOB....) ????
I read the do***entation and didnīt understand quite well this point.

22-10-2010, 10:45 PM
APP it's working now, i had to chose smaller folder name.

it's just a GUI. That's the good thing. It should be easier/faster to port.
And when codec coding is done, valerie should be ready :)

22-10-2010, 11:02 PM
I agree with hfmls. The fact that this is just the GUI shell makes it highly interesting.

As far as I know, codecs are not really necessary with the AZBox, as media files are decoded by the hardware?

Anyway, very nice project indeed, and very possible to implement.

22-10-2010, 11:46 PM
It's working perfect! :)

advice: .avi .mkv etc file name should be for example:
Green Zone.avi
Alice in Wonderland.avi
etc, it's easier so it can be autosearch, but u can always use manual in pc APP.

new video with covers:
pretty ***y :P

22-10-2010, 11:51 PM
this is really nice skin for the box and the cover flow with imdb is really nice feature. Hope this will be how the standard mediaplayer function will be on E2. Finaly getting something back from this box. If E2 and mediaplayer are 100%, the azbox could be are really nice box.

22-10-2010, 11:52 PM
this appears in Enigma2 normal menu, if u watch previous video it appears in same list as
etc etc.

but i chose to boot into this valerie menu everytime enigma2 reboots :)
if i want to watch tv i just chose TV icon and then it goes to normal menus / tv mode :P

23-10-2010, 12:00 AM
this appears in Enigma2 normal menu, if u watch previous video it appears in same list as
etc etc.

but i chose to boot into this valerie menu everytime enigma2 reboots :)
if i want to watch tv i just chose TV icon and then it goes to normal menus / tv mode :P

What happens when u try to watch an avi for instance?

23-10-2010, 12:01 AM
It's working perfect! :)

advice: .avi .mkv etc file name should be for example:
Green Zone.avi
Alice in Wonderland.avi
etc, it's easier so it can be autosearch, but u can always use manual in pc APP.

new video with covers:
pretty ***y :P

23-10-2010, 12:07 AM
What happens when u try to watch an avi for instance?

it opens the file, it works, because that codec avi/xvid is "working".
made by sattomy.
mkv opens but nothing happens, mkv codec isn't finished.

23-10-2010, 12:20 AM
Thanks hfmls.

It's looking really good. We're getting so close to having a fantastic little box.

I know you've really been pushing and hoping for E2 on the azbox and have had a fair bit of stick for it. Days like today make it all the more worthwhile.


23-10-2010, 12:26 AM
But it would be really good if someone could pick this up and adapt to azbox so we could make it perfect :)

23-10-2010, 01:05 AM
We have to wait for Sattomy to hand over source code.

23-10-2010, 10:25 PM
I have the Azbox Elite, for me the media player is no good until it can be connected to my window's PC, where I store all my files.
I was trying to create a link to my windows PC using mount smbfs, but I'm having problems.

Is smbclient installed on the current image?
Is it possible to connect to a windows PC at the moment?

23-10-2010, 10:57 PM

Perfect findings and great youtube review. Thanks !

24-10-2010, 09:54 PM
great job hfmls!!!
Now is just wait until it be released in a new beta firmware.

24-10-2010, 10:00 PM
it opens the file, it works, because that codec avi/xvid is "working".
made by sattomy.
mkv opens but nothing happens, mkv codec isn't finished.

Hfmls am very happy with the solution you found for the media in Az
I almost can not wait for all codecs are working with Project-valerie
But let's application for an installation manual


25-10-2010, 04:28 PM
Great news! On the other thread MickeySa has stated that sattommy has mkv's working now.
Looks like this project is coming together at lightning speed!

27-10-2010, 01:18 PM

Does this plugin work on the latest 1.0.28 image?

Have you tried loading some mkvs on it?

If mkvs with srts are loading fine like on the default E2 mediaplayer then
it s using azbox's api and there is no need for it to be ported...

And this would have already bring this box at 99% stage, of being the greatest box out there!!!! :)

27-10-2010, 01:56 PM
I can't install the valerie project, the error:

mount: can't find /boot in /proc/mounts
what can i do

27-10-2010, 07:42 PM
open cmd box
and type:
java -classpath "<path_to_jar>\project-valerie_newest_pc.jar" com.izforge.izpack.installer.Inst aller


I successfully installed the Project Valeria but the PC client won't start.
There was no association to .jar extension. I've set to javaw.exe but no success. Nothing happens...:frown:

Which valerie version shall be installed on Azbox?

28-10-2010, 09:53 AM

I successfully installed the Project Valeria but the PC client won't start.
There was no association to .jar extension. I've set to javaw.exe but no success. Nothing happens...:frown:

Which valerie version shall be installed on Azbox?

With Windows Explorer, just browse to the folder of Project Valerie for me it is: C:\Program Files\Project Valerie
and double-click on Valerie.bat
This should do the trick...

28-10-2010, 10:43 AM

I successfully installed the Project Valeria but the PC client won't start.
There was no association to .jar extension. I've set to javaw.exe but no success. Nothing happens...:frown:

Which valerie version shall be installed on Azbox?

install oe16 version.
if java app in pc doesn't work install it in C:
i had problems with long names folder

28-10-2010, 05:51 PM
Any news on how this works with the latest E2 release?

I can't test at the moment but would love to hear how it's working out, perhaps a list of bugs etc?

Again great find hfmls :respect-055:

28-10-2010, 08:37 PM
install oe16 version.
if java app in pc doesn't work install it in C:
i had problems with long names folder

Installed on Azbox.
First time it was unsuccessful. It could not overwrite /usr/lib/python2.6/lib-dynload/_ctypes.so, so I had to remove this file manually.

I find it very unstable. Lot of green screens...
Bug list on my azbox:
- setup wi.zard starts after every box start up even if auto start has been disabled
- first media scan result was lost
- always reboot when exit from media jukebox
- sometimes hang up during browsing

30-10-2010, 11:06 PM
is it possible this player come with one of the next release?

31-10-2010, 04:50 AM
probably not .. you can install this without any problems in about ...1 month or so ..

31-10-2010, 11:40 AM
So, is it this program or our E2 that needs to be changed for it to work properly?

01-11-2010, 04:00 PM
i am not familiar with enigma2

is it possible to su[pport/play mms and http links with the new enigma on azbox?


20-01-2011, 04:54 PM
Its great and i have it working under RC3 Enigma2
It's a shame that i cannot stop the movie when its playing
when it's finnished then the azbox asks if i want to leave this recording so
thats good but i cannot stop the movie during playing
has something to do with the assignement of the buttons on remote control a guess?

20-01-2011, 05:27 PM
Its great and i have it working under RC3 Enigma2

How well does it work now? Can you give a full bug list and review please? :302:

20-01-2011, 09:03 PM
when azbox reboot the background from valerie plugin don't show
and because the bootlogo on azbox is white its hard to see what to select

when going into movie selection background of movie picture dont show

stopping a movie while he's playing not possible you have to reboot

after the movie is done the valerie asks do you want to leave this recording
answer yes then valerie goes back to main so thats allright to

for the rest everything works well