View Full Version : cross epg

24-10-2010, 01:41 PM
hi guys i wonder if anyone can help me?ive got my vu+duo running vti 2.1 image i know the vix image has cross 7 day epg can you insert this into the vti image and if so into what file of vti image any help id be greatfull.

25-10-2010, 12:10 PM
Running the same VTI 2.1 with Rytec, and cant get anything but "now and next" on Sly UK epg. Cant get crossepg installed either, so like cro1969 would be grateful if someone could give me a dummyguide run through on the procedure.
Have also tried Satmate but this just doesnt seem to work alongside Rytec.
Is there a simple work around.