View Full Version : Cccam install help

24-10-2010, 08:52 PM
Can someone post cccam for e2 and instructions on how to make it work?


24-10-2010, 09:05 PM
You can use DCC (a dreambox tool)

FTP CCcam.mipsel into /usr/bin ,rename to CCcam ,chmod 755 (right click > attributes > check 755)
FTP CCcam.cfg into /etc
edit CCcam.cfg accordingly.

To start it
telnet into the azbox and type
CCcam &

If you want to debug what CCcam is doing type

CCcam -dv &

24-10-2010, 09:44 PM
You can use DCC (a dreambox tool)

FTP CCcam.mipsel into /usr/bin ,rename to CCcam ,chmod 755 (right click > attributes > check 755)
FTP CCcam.cfg into /etc
edit CCcam.cfg accordingly.

To start it
telnet into the azbox and type
CCcam &

If you want to debug what CCcam is doing type

CCcam -dv &

CCcam starts perfect, but does not locate CCcam.cfg in etc, it looks for /var/etc ??

24-10-2010, 10:53 PM
use ./CCcam.mipsel -dC /var/etc/CCcam.cfg

25-10-2010, 12:15 AM
CCcam starts perfect, but does not locate CCcam.cfg in etc, it looks for /var/etc ??

You can make a simlink with DCC
/var/etc /etc
Is very simple

25-10-2010, 01:32 PM
I have the same problem, and if I do a symlink and delete the line "tmpfs / var tmpfs defaults 0 0" from etc/ fstab, disconnect the network.
what can i do

25-10-2010, 04:59 PM
This is what I use to start CCcam.

/usr/bin/CCcam ./CCcam -dC /var/etc/CCcam.cfg

How do we create a symlink?

Answered my own post, I use mbox control centre, as you can copy and paste in telnet ln -s /var/etc /etc
CCcam running fine now

26-10-2010, 05:16 AM
Short complete Tuturial for CCcam_2.1.4 (thanks to PR2 and Joel007)

First off all donwload the attched files

Then transfert (fort the transfer you can use DCC or Maze) all the file into /usr/bin after tranfer give the chmod 777 for CCcam_2.1.4 ans 755 for (CCcam.prio,CCcam.cfg,CCcam.provi ders and CCcam.channelinfo

Add you cline into CCccam.cfg

Now Edit the Etc/init.d/rcs by addind this line at the end of this file
/usr/bin/CCcam_2.1.4 -C /usr/bin/CCcam.cfg

Now you can star Cccam_2.1.4 by telnet by typing those 2 command

cd /usr/bin
then tip this
./CCcam_2.1.4 -dC /usr/bin/CCcam.cfg

You dont need te restart your BOX juste wait a few second in scramble channel and the light will come.

26-10-2010, 10:34 AM
Short complete Tuturial for CCcam 1.1.4

First off all donwload the attched files

Then transfert (fort the transfer you can use DCC or Maze) all the file into /usr/bin after tranfer give the chmod 777 for CCcam 1.1.4 ans 755 for (CCcam.prio,CCcam.cfg,CCcam.provi ders and CCcam.channelinfo

Add you cline into CCccam.cfg

Now Edit the Etc/enit.d/rcs by addind this line at the end of this file
/usr/bin/CCcam_2.1.4 -C /usr/bin/CCcam.cfg

Now you can star Cccam_1.1.4 by telnet by typing those 2 command

cd /usr/bin
then tip this
./CCcam_2.1.4 -dC /usr/bin/CCcam.cfg

You dont need te restart your BOX juste wait a few second in scramble channel and the light will come.

now it's perfect

26-10-2010, 02:32 PM
Where can I download CCcam.mipsel?

26-10-2010, 07:11 PM
Where can I download CCcam.mipsel?

cccam.mipsel=CCcam 1.1.4.

Juste follow this and cccam will work

26-10-2010, 11:32 PM
cccam.mipsel=CCcam 1.1.4.

Juste follow this and cccam will work
_________________________________ _______________________________

Short complete Tuturial for CCcam 1.1.4

First off all donwload the attched files

Then transfert (fort the transfer you can use DCC or Maze) all the file into /usr/bin after tranfer give the chmod 777 for CCcam 1.1.4 ans 755 for (CCcam.prio,CCcam.cfg,CCcam.provi ders and CCcam.channelinfo

Add you cline into CCccam.cfg

Now Edit the Etc/enit.d/rcs by addind this line at the end of this file
/usr/bin/CCcam_2.1.4 -C /usr/bin/CCcam.cfg

Now you can star Cccam_1.1.4 by telnet by typing those 2 command

cd /usr/bin
then tip this
./CCcam_2.1.4 -dC /usr/bin/CCcam.cfg


I hope you can help me out.

The attached file you have here is CCcam_2.1.4 and not Cccam_1.1.4. Should I rename it?

I don't have etc/enit.d folder but I have etc/init.d folder, is that what you mean?

When I run CCcam_2.1.4 -dC /us/bin/CCcam.cfg I get alot of errors and I get wrong satelites. I only care about Astra 19.2E, Hotbird 13.0E, Sirius 5.0E and Thor 0.8W.
Could you maby help me with those satelites in all providers & prio cccam files please? I don't have the knowledge.

Thank you very much. :respect-062:

27-10-2010, 01:19 AM

I hope you can help me out.

The attached file you have here is CCcam_2.1.4 and not Cccam_1.1.4. Should I rename it?

I don't have etc/enit.d folder but I have etc/init.d folder, is that what you mean?

When I run CCcam_2.1.4 -dC /us/bin/CCcam.cfg I get alot of errors and I get wrong satelites. I only care about Astra 19.2E, Hotbird 13.0E, Sirius 5.0E and Thor 0.8W.
Could you maby help me with those satelites in all providers & prio cccam files please? I don't have the knowledge.

Thank you very much. :respect-062:

sorry it was a mistake
you're right ,the right name are ect/init.d and and CCcam_2.1.4

Now you can try my tuto again cause I corrected my mistake.

don't forget ,there are 2 command to start CCcam-2.1.4 in telnet

first you must type this
cd /usr/bin

Then you type this
./CCcam_2.1.4 -dC /usr/bin/CCcam.cfg

after starting CCcam_2.1.4 ,you will got this message thant mean all is OK

06:58:41.613 CCcam: online using nodeId 15eb6082e2fad7
06:58:41.622 CCcam: dvb api3 detected
06:58:41.624 CCcam: DM7025 detected
06:58:41.625 CCcam: create 8 cam device(s)
06:58:41.914 CCcam: readKeyfile: cannot open /var/keys/SoftCam.Key or not found
06:58:41.915 CCcam: readKeyfile: cannot open /var/keys/AutoRoll.Key or not found
06:58:41.915 CCcam: static cw not found or bad
06:58:41.925 CCcam: parsed 102 entries from /usr/bin/CCcam.prio

06:58:41.985 CCcam: added 699 provider names from /usr/bin/CCcam.providers

06:58:51.266 CCcam: added 10047 channel names from /usr/bin/CCcam.channelinfo

06:58:51.268 CCcam: server started on port 12000
06:58:53.661 CCcam: not working cam devices, no need to start pmthandler

27-10-2010, 12:23 PM
Ok I'll test in the next few days because I have alot of other things now.

02-01-2011, 04:03 PM
this is all good thanks got it working but seems to stop when i exit dcc, is there a way to get it to work independently? my azbox is hard wired to router, thanks.

02-01-2011, 10:25 PM
did you write this line

/usr/bin/CCcam_2.1.4 -C /usr/bin/CCcam.cfg

Etc/enit.d/rcs by addind this line at the end of this file

if you do, after reboot it will start auto

02-01-2011, 10:34 PM
Put the CCcam.cfg file in /etc if there is a symlink from /var/etc to /etc and /var/etc is where CCcam looks for its files.

Then you don't need to put anything except /usr/bin/CCcam_2.1.4 at the end of rcS and the command /usr/bin/CCcam_2.1.4 & will work from anywhere.

03-01-2011, 11:48 AM
thanks especially anrakh and rest of you guys got it working independently, im a linux newbie bit diferent to my tm1500 haha.

the illuminati
16-01-2011, 09:32 PM
can anyone help with a complete Tuturial how to instail CCcam 2.1.1 for
dummies as i couldn t get it to work .

16-01-2011, 09:42 PM
can anyone help with a complete Tuturial how to instail CCcam 2.1.1 for
dummies as i couldn t get it to work .

Its all explained here. Just read the post's from the beguining

the illuminati
16-01-2011, 09:56 PM
Its all explained here. Just read the post's from the beguining

sorry my mistake i ment 2.2.1 and not 2.1.4
i got 2.1.4 to work but 2.2.1 no way
thanks for the reply

16-01-2011, 10:24 PM
They work the same way. Just change the names in the comands.

01-02-2011, 01:21 PM
Short complete Tuturial for CCcam_2.1.4 (thanks to PR2 and Joel007)

First off all donwload the attched files

Then transfert (fort the transfer you can use DCC or Maze) all the file into /usr/bin after tranfer give the chmod 777 for CCcam_2.1.4 ans 755 for (CCcam.prio,CCcam.cfg,CCcam.provi ders and CCcam.channelinfo

Add you cline into CCccam.cfg

Now Edit the Etc/init.d/rcs by addind this line at the end of this file
/usr/bin/CCcam_2.1.4 -C /usr/bin/CCcam.cfg

Now you can star Cccam_2.1.4 by telnet by typing those 2 command

cd /usr/bin
then tip this
./CCcam_2.1.4 -dC /usr/bin/CCcam.cfg

You dont need te restart your BOX juste wait a few second in scramble channel and the light will come.

i´m running RC4 with Elite and when i start cccam by typing the above telnet commands cccam is running. But when telnet session is closed, cccam dont work anymore. So i have to run telnet constantely.
could someone help me please.

01-02-2011, 01:25 PM
you need to add the "& " symbol to keep the process running when dos window closes

should be something like this:

./CCcam_2.1.4 -dC /usr/bin/CCcam.cfg &

01-02-2011, 01:46 PM
Or just use this package

Unpack rar file

FTP the files in the dir as it's packed and set to 755 (all files except the cfg )(

Now it works with the camd-manager wich you can find in

Menu- settings - camd-manager

CCcam 2.2.1 goes to usr/bin --> set to 755
CCcam_2.2.1_cam.sh goes to usr/script --> set to 755
CCcam-complete_2.2.1_delfile.sh goes to usr/uninstall --> set to 755

CCcam.cfg - Prio - etc goes to etc

Now you can start CCcam 2.2.1 qith the Camd manager

25-03-2011, 10:06 PM
thanks that worked fine for me

28-04-2011, 09:50 PM
2.2.1 does not work for me but 2.1.4 does..
Is there a way to get 2.1.4 to work with camd manager or auto start on boot up as i keep have to ./CCcam_2.1.4 -dC /usr/bin/CCcam.cfg & each time box is rebooted??

29-04-2011, 11:02 AM
Shure just put ,ipk in the root of receiver.
Go to menu - software - install local extensions - internal flash
press 2 times OK and install CCcam.ipk

Put CCcam.cfg in /etc

Now you can start CCcam in camd-manager ( even 2.2.1 will attach that one too )

29-04-2011, 02:36 PM
thanks for the help

30-05-2011, 05:31 PM
Hi guys, I am so new to E2, just installed it today for the first time. I then installed c c cam and got stuct on 100% with black screen after reboot. I installed E2 again and its ok now. But could you direct me to a working version and guide c c cam mipsels please?

Many Thanks,

17-12-2011, 04:04 PM
Hi all,
After reading tons of forums, this is the one that helped me the most.
Got CCcam_2.3.0 working with previous explanations here on a AZbox Premium HD+.
RTi-Core 1.5.3 Enigma2. Thank you Very much.

17-12-2011, 05:05 PM
Just install the TS-panel plugin, the 2.3.0 is already avaiable in here.