View Full Version : Activating gift

30-10-2010, 09:38 AM
Hi all!

I have been trying to activate gift as well but i don't think i'm getting anywhere. At the minute canal & tv2 pl on 1'W are on but not getting tring on 16'E or C+ on 13'E. What is the propper process for loading the gift on the new boxes? Do you register using NuevoXstream or Service plus or both?

When i go into NuevoXstream i get the following: -

Type - ON
Connection status- ON
Server Status- Registration key error
Expired date __/__/_____

When i go into authorisation i get the following: -


I enter register and it comes up 'please wait' but nothing happens. Do i have to enter something into the key section???

When i go into service + i get the following: -

Type- ON
Login ID- I do have a number on screen here

When i select register nothing happens.

I assume i must be getting something when canal on 1'w is clearing but it does not appear to be fully working. I know on some previous instructions mention was made of inputting a long code somewhere- but i never found where to do this.

Hope someone can help.


30-10-2010, 10:05 AM
you wont get nuevostream on new type spider totters, some tring channels are still operating nuevoxstream and service + so you will have to wait till the changeover is fully complete re service+, it has dragged on a bit tho! if at all you cannot watch anything thee is softcam when the server is down on hellas 39e, hope this helps a little.

30-10-2010, 10:46 AM
When i select register in service + nothing happens- but i can get the channels on 1'W. does this mean i have successfully activated gift?


30-10-2010, 11:07 AM
Also forgot to say- when go into service plus it does say connected- does this mean everything is ok?

30-10-2010, 11:23 AM
Also forgot to say- when go into service plus it does say connected- does this mean everything is ok?

Yes and 1W or rather 0.8W are mainly if not all Service+ - If a new box, you won't get NeuvoXstream

30-10-2010, 01:27 PM
Im thinking of buying spider 9000 for 0.8 west is it worth it will the free gift open it ok not sure what you mean by neuvoxstream

30-10-2010, 08:22 PM
tottenham if you go into Gift in Spider box section reference the following :- Channels available on the Gift
by echelon 26-10-2010 02:26 PM this will explain what you can open on each Satellite for Service + and neuvoxstream but if your box is new you will only open Service +

31-10-2010, 10:57 AM
Thanks johnhenry hadnt noticed gift section

01-11-2010, 08:23 PM
tottenham if you go into Gift in Spider box section reference the following :- Channels available on the Gift
by echelon 26-10-2010 02:26 PM this will explain what you can open on each Satellite for Service + and neuvoxstream but if your box is new you will only open Service +

I am thinking of getting a spiderbox9000hd, does this mean that the new boxes are not as good as the older ones??? - not being able to open neuvoxstream (whatever that is)

01-11-2010, 08:34 PM
I am thinking of getting a spiderbox9000hd, does this mean that the new boxes are not as good as the older ones??? - not being able to open neuvoxstream (whatever that is)

The new boxes are the same as the older ones Steve, service + will shortly replace nuevoXtreme and make it redundant , so go ahead and purchase you're Spiderbox.