View Full Version : New patch with TNT ?

09-11-2010, 01:14 PM
Via3 Hack -TNT sat 19.2E ! This is sure! But when a new patch for TM with EMU including workiing TNT ?
Let's hope very soon... because for example in Spider is already done...

09-11-2010, 02:16 PM
Via3 Hack -TNT sat 19.2E ! This is sure! But when a new patch for TM with EMU including workiing TNT ?
Let's hope very soon... because for example in Spider is already done...

Suppose if we ALL got our way AND our favourites - many others would NOT be mega satisfied mate?
As for Spiderbox, this is a thread in the TM section mate - and we all know what the Spider can do, but unfortunately many of us cant afford one - or even 'run' it if we could!! lol!!!:respect-069:

09-11-2010, 04:06 PM
Holmroad is obviously suggesting that the TNT patch on the spiderbox is not a true patch and has been thanked by the usual TM suspects.
Let me tell you that this is a genuine hack and is no way related to internet connection. Anyone can verify that.
If Technomate patch makers were up to the job, they could do it too.
Good luck waiting for it though! :302:

09-11-2010, 04:21 PM
Holmroad is obviously suggesting that the TNT patch on the spiderbox is not a true patch and has been thanked by the usual TM suspects.
Let me tell you that this is a genuine hack and is no way related to internet connection. Anyone can verify that.
If Technomate patch makers were up to the job, they could do it too.
Good luck waiting for it though! :302:

Hey Anrakh, shall we all start a ****ing competition again.

Or shall we not!
no what I mean

09-11-2010, 04:28 PM
The first thing Technomate patchmakers need to do is to get a patch that will work with both Bulsatcom and Canal+ NL together when keys are available, then they can start working to try to get the TNT channels working.
Just because Sathappy mentioned that he would like a TNT patch - and we all know it can be done now because the spiderbox has it - doesn't make Spiderbox a target for you ****y posters again.
If technomate can't deliver the goods, don't attack the Spiderbox. Just shut the hell up and answer his question.
Joany, I think you meant "Know what I mean?"

09-11-2010, 05:19 PM
i might be wrong but aint most if not all the tnt channels have been open for a while with a diablo 2, and if it is a full via3 hack why is only tnt open and not other providers .

09-11-2010, 05:36 PM
Holmroad is obviously suggesting that the TNT patch on the spiderbox is not a true patch and has been thanked by the usual TM suspects.
Let me tell you that this is a genuine hack and is no way related to internet connection. Anyone can verify that.
If Technomate patch makers were up to the job, they could do it too.
Good luck waiting for it though! :302:

As usual Anrakh, you got my point TOTALLY WRONG, just as you always did over there!
If you read my post CAREFULLY (for a change) - you'll see I was simply pointing out that this thread is in the TM section and that not everyone can 'choose' their favourites for patches etc etc on WHICHEVER stb!
I certainly didnt say anything to be misconstrued by ANYONE (yes even YOU Anrakh!!) as anything against Spiderbox - or even its patches - didnt even MENTION them, as that simply wasnt my point!

09-11-2010, 06:06 PM
And yet you dismiss the posters original and valid Technomate question by disparaging the Spiderbox.

and we all know what the Spider can do, but unfortunately many of us cant afford one - or even 'run' it if we could!! lol!!!

So cut the crap.

As for your comment:

just as you always did over there

I never bothered with your posts "over there" whether posted under your own name or your alter-ego "Klauss" They were just as worthless as your posts in this thread.

Answer the guys question if you can, or just keep quiet. Stay on topic and leave your bias against DM and the spiderbox to one side.
There are valid points in this thread and as usual you TM propagandists are trying to turn the thread into attacks on the Spiserbox and it's supporters.

Stop trying to deflect the thread by dragging it off topic.

09-11-2010, 06:12 PM
this seems to have turned into a slanging match again

the opening poster referred to the spiderbox , thereby dragging this section into a technomate versus spiderbox thread yet again

then the reply componded it by making it more about spiderboxes than technomates

if a technomate patch appears for this package , or any other package , it will be posted

in the meantime there is a via3 hack thread in the viaccess forum so argue the toss there


thread closed