View Full Version : Strange problem after new update

09-11-2010, 08:36 PM
Hi Guy's,

I wonder if anybody could throw some light on this. I've just updated to the new patch and now something strange has happened. Before the update I could receive both XXL and Dorcel just using UCAS and I know this worked last night as my Internet was down due to a fault in the line, but I could still receive these two channels but nothing else via the Internet which makes sense. Now after the update I can't get XXL at all (Scrambled message) and I can only get Dorcel via Neostream and not if I turn Network off.

I've did a factory reset as suggested and loaded softcam dated 6/11/2010. I've tried going back but can't remember what versions I had before. Is there anything else I should be doing?
And yes I know XXL doesn't start until 11:00 but you should still get the logo showing, and its strange that Dorcell doesn't work without a network now.

Any help really appreciated.


09-11-2010, 11:23 PM
Go to key edit and reset the keys, then load the softcam key and make sure both Ucas are turned On

09-11-2010, 11:56 PM
just checked and both xxl and dorcell both working here
hope that helps

10-11-2010, 08:44 PM
Thanks guy's.

I did notice XXL did come back late last night under UCAS but Dorcell is only available via the network now.
