View Full Version : Diema 39* East Bulsat Trouble Clearing.

12-11-2010, 02:08 PM
Get a lot of channels open on the Bulsat package with latest patch, but have lots of trouble clearing the Diema channel especially the football over weekends. Sometimes perfect picture, but most times lots of freeze and bad signal.
Is this a difficult channel to clear or do I need some very fine tuning. Using Technomate 1500+ with motorised 90 cm dish and 0.2 lnb. Strangely, I can sometimes clear this channel by moving the STB to a new position and standing in front of it, "spooky"!! Any advice welcomed.

Best wishes from,


12-11-2010, 02:58 PM
You dont say where you are but the dish size should be fine. I have no trouble with my TM 6900, although there are some channels on some transponders causing small probs with reception on other sats. reading what you say there has been reference to mobile phone/remote signal interference/wi-fi and it would sound likely from the shielding/ moving stated. Any use? Good Luck - Brain

12-11-2010, 04:47 PM
Thanks for the input brain. I'm in Hertfordshire about 10miles north of the M25. The only apps I've got in the room is a wireless telephone. Might be worth a try to relocate the 'phone. Thanks again and

Best wishes from,


12-11-2010, 04:48 PM
Adjust the skew clockwise about 6 to 8 degrees, it makes a lot of differance on 39e.

12-11-2010, 06:11 PM
You dont say where you are but the dish size should be fine. I have no trouble with my TM 6900, although there are some channels on some transponders causing small probs with reception on other sats. reading what you say there has been reference to mobile phone/remote signal interference/wi-fi and it would sound likely from the shielding/ moving stated. Any use? Good Luck - Brain

No problems here in North Lincs either (1mtr dish)!:respect-051:

13-11-2010, 01:41 PM
Just about to watch the 12.45 KO between Villa v Man Utd on Diema 39E and I have constant 98% signal quality (93% level/strength) on my TM5400CI with a TM-1 0.1db Super High Gain LNB and a 1M fixed dish. Weather is broken cloud (no rain).
Totally concur with TonyO on the skew of the LNB.... I upgraded my LNB due to poor reception on 39E and was amazed to see the blue signal bar shoot up to the maximum as I turned the LNB clockwise!! I'm in North East Wales.

13-11-2010, 07:51 PM
Gibson, have you seen the Mr Bean show where he has to move around the room to get a TV signal. Spooky! and hilarious. (he gets a better signal with his clothes off!!):001_07:

14-11-2010, 02:28 PM
Gibson, have you seen the Mr Bean show where he has to move around the room to get a TV signal. Spooky! and hilarious. (he gets a better signal with his clothes off!!):001_07:

Or a cup of cocoa on top of the telly!:respect-050:

14-11-2010, 04:18 PM
what is skew , is it lnb?

14-11-2010, 07:55 PM
I haven't tried the streak bit yet, but it may come to it! Tried various skew combinations and even renewed LNB. Still no luck on Diema though most other channels OK, Eurosport, Eurosport2, Nova, etc. I have also got a inline booster. Not sure what next apart from the Bean method. Could be a little embarassing when the mother-in-law comes round to watch the footy!! And NO I'm not asking her to do the Bean honours. Perish the thought even. Sensible alternatives welcomed.

Best wishes from,


14-11-2010, 09:44 PM
Only time I get some problems is when it rains and the signal fades and freezes the picture. Situated North London. 1.2 motorised dish and TM3400CI+.

14-11-2010, 09:55 PM
try a scan on the frequency 12534 30000 7/8 it maybe that its picked it up a few
out i notice i ave channels upto 5 out and rescanning brings it back

24-11-2010, 06:03 PM
i am having same problem dya realy think its scew only on diema breaking up nova fine is au anywhere for these channels

24-11-2010, 07:57 PM
jondav I've tried almost everything suggested here with skew adjustment and even changing the LNB.
Some channels on Bulsat, especially Diema for me, have a law unto themselves. As I said "spo:rolleyes:oky"!

Best wishes from,


24-11-2010, 08:56 PM
try adding a transponder on 39e 12524 H 30000 (auto)
Then scan that frequency
i have noticed a slight variation on some frequencies
if it dont work you can always delete it
but thats the frequency i receive it on
let us know if it works

keith mawer
25-11-2010, 01:26 AM
hiya i have read the signal is a bit iffy in some areas,,, thankfully its ok for me here in the south, signal 64

25-11-2010, 09:33 AM
no diema for me 1 metre dish manchester signal booms in i will recheck dish when i get a sec maybe 1000 series

26-11-2010, 12:13 PM
no diema for me 1 metre dish manchester signal booms in i will recheck dish when i get a sec maybe 1000 series

Just dont understand mate - all Bulsat 39E working fine for me in North Lincs with 1M dish on TM6900HD Super + 733P patch + latest softcam!:respect-050:

26-11-2010, 01:41 PM
fine with card only on technomate

26-11-2010, 03:07 PM
fine with card only on technomate

So assume you are saying that whichever patch for YOUR stb you are using PLUS the latest softcam, are not opening Bulsat then?:respect-050:

26-11-2010, 03:23 PM
Get a lot of channels open on the Bulsat package with latest patch, but have lots of trouble clearing the Diema channel especially the football over weekends. Sometimes perfect picture, but most times lots of freeze and bad signal.
Is this a difficult channel to clear or do I need some very fine tuning. Using Technomate 1500+ with motorised 90 cm dish and 0.2 lnb. Strangely, I can sometimes clear this channel by moving the STB to a new position and standing in front of it, "spooky"!! Any advice welcomed.

Best wishes from,


Can you pick up channels on 45 East or a signal.

If you can pull in 45 East it will help with the signal from 39 East and 42 East.