View Full Version : Multi-LNB Bracket ?

19-11-2010, 07:50 PM
My brother is interested in a multi-LNB bracket for his fixed dish,but has an idea that they come with a square fixing point at the business end of the arm instead of half round where an LNB would normally fit. Surely he is wrong on this point. Could any member enlighten me please. TMULL

19-11-2010, 08:01 PM
depends on the dish arm (make and model) and also the lnb rack, as there are several different types and sizes, but the standard type are the triax rectangular ones for triax td dishes that clip into the rectangular hole at the end of the arm

19-11-2010, 08:45 PM

19-11-2010, 09:15 PM
Ghostleader, Thank you for that.It is very much appreciated as is your PM. Is that a propriety set-up and could you point me in the direction of where to get one( in PM if you deem it necessary) TMULL

19-11-2010, 10:43 PM
What your seeing here, A 80cm perforated ISS dish with two Multi-LNB brackets joined together with 7e,13e,19e & 28e feeding a Octagon 4 0.2dB way diseqc switch feeding my Technomate 6800+ HD receiver and two additional feeds from the 28e quad going straight to my Amstrad **** HD box.

19-11-2010, 10:51 PM
A look at the LNB bracket's & their tilt as they track the sats on the arc:


20-11-2010, 11:55 AM
This kind of responce and help is what makes me proud to be a member of this forum. I shall collect my brother today to view these pictures and post again. At this stage I do not know what sats he is interested in. Thank you for the photos and the time for posting them.I bet a lot of members are interested. TMULL

20-11-2010, 12:37 PM
In contact by phone and he is away on business and unable to come to view the pictures.If possible he wants four sats on the one dish. They are 28-13-16-19 E. As an experienced sat man my self but with a mototised set-up I would imagine that 13-16-&19 would be feasable but the seperation to 28 would be too much. Again I would appreciate your input. TMULL

20-11-2010, 01:17 PM
In contact by phone and he is away on business and unable to come to view the pictures.If possible he wants four sats on the one dish. They are 28-13-16-19 E. As an experienced sat man my self but with a mototised set-up I would imagine that 13-16-&19 would be feasable but the seperation to 28 would be too much. Again I would appreciate your input. TMULL

looking at the above the pictures they appear to show the bracket the wrong way round as most lnb setups would have the lnb,s ABOVE the tracking arm racks , but hey! ,whatever works !! so the above pictures appear to show a dish with standard lnb fitted , and then special arms and lnb holders fitted to the top of the holding (main) lnb with the other lnb,s hanging underneath , so its a bespoke fit and not off the shelf

as for wanting those satellites it is feasible using the triax dishes and the triax multi lnb arm , the problem being getting 16e squeezed between 13e and 19e and usually needs the very thin and more expensive alps type lnb,s for all 3, apart from having 16e the other 3 are fine on standard 40mm collar lnb,s on the bigger type dishes like a triax td88 , and there are several threads in this forum and the dish forum here at satpimps detailing what is actually required , with pictures too , of various dish setups , home-made arms , adapted arms like in this thread , standard triax dish and arms, standard force frontier and specials etc

so the info is already here mr mull , just needs you to actually look at it/them !! ( its a dish question and not an lnb question )

like say this one https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=71846

20-11-2010, 02:54 PM
Thanks Echelon,I did think that 16E would be problematic as my next door neigbor has problems with his motorised 1 metre dish even though I have strong signals on my 1.2 Channelmaster.Thanks also for the link. I think we have a better idea now what we need. As I said earlier,a great forum to be a member of. TMULL

20-11-2010, 03:10 PM
Thanks Echelon,I did think that 16E would be problematic as my next door neigbor has problems with his motorised 1 metre dish even though I have strong signals on my 1.2 Channelmaster.Thanks also for the link. I think we have a better idea now what we need. As I said earlier,a great forum to be a member of. TMULL

no problem m8 , as you can see I went through that idea myself a few years ago

16e was due a brand new satellite but it failed after launch recently so has been scrapped , so the signals wont improve until next summer now when the next sat goes up there to replace the old ones there now

20-11-2010, 07:16 PM
The Germans like to go big!:

http://i531.photobucket.com/albums/dd358/ghostleader77/tvmax110mesh8lnbkotiran.jpg:respe ct-060:

20-11-2010, 07:48 PM
One of my old set-up's, say what you like about Fortec Star dish's but this old girl 65cm from their OEM shop's in China served me well:


20-11-2010, 08:46 PM
A modded Triax Arm (One of the few on the market with 18 degree separation as standard), this was used with a Triax TD 78 for 13e,16e,19e & 28e:
