View Full Version : Newbie help: mclient for xcamclient info

Big Pete
22-11-2010, 02:52 PM
I have a new S4000 and trying to get it to work for me. On my old Dreambox I have a cccam.cfg file with c:lines to a remote server. How do I set this up in my S4000. I have installed the "plugin" and now have mclient and xcamclient options. Which programme do I need? Do I add my cline into the cccam.cfg or the cardclient.conf files?

22-11-2010, 04:44 PM
read the instructions with the plugins at the top of the forum , its all explained up there

22-11-2010, 06:39 PM
Catch 22.
I check instructions at the top of the forum, no help (don't understand) so I look in forum threads and find this one which seems to ask a similar question to mine but the questioner is instructed to read the instructions at the top of the forum.
I've been going around for two weeks now. Is anyone prepared to help on this forum, or are you happy to continue talking to the same guys, the dozen or so who understand the jargonistic, expert only language found here?
I have new S4000 HD and I have been provided some clines in the Dreambox format which I need to convert for the Icecrypt:
c:1iforall1.om.ip.net 12500 1iforall1test0011 ngd7adq1 (this is the same format as my cline but the characters have been changed to protect the innocent)
I have cccam installed. The clines came as a bunch of three and accompanying message says must be grouped together? Can someone help please with no jargon or assumptions? Many thanks.

23-11-2010, 12:35 AM
See kinkdinks post in tools, it gives you the format for cardclient.conf entries.

23-11-2010, 03:54 PM
Thanks, I've read it and I think I understand. I'll try it tonite. cheers.

23-11-2010, 04:43 PM
I suggest that all you guys having difficulty installing your Clines etc into the S4000 try installing them manually using the Xcam client config(start in plugin menu), you enter your cline details via the remote control. Once you have entered all your clines then start the Xcam client itself so it uses your newly installed config. If it all works now have a look at the actual config via ftp in var/etc/protected to see your Cline config.
Or follows Kinkdinks excellent walk through in the Tools section.