View Full Version : Diablo Cam & Spiderbox 9000

27-11-2010, 02:20 PM
In the last few weeks before I purchased my Spiderbox I noticed the Diablo 2.3 Light cam was prolonging the life if my softcams with regard 19 Cnal NL Irdeto channels I often did not have to load new softcams as if the Diablo was updating my TM 6900 with certain channels,does anyone know if there are any benefits to be had like this in sticking the now redundant cam in my new box, incase anything goes down?

27-11-2010, 02:32 PM
no point in using a diablo in the spiderbox, you will not get any more as all thats on the 2.3 is in the softcam and more

27-11-2010, 03:49 PM
Yeah for sure,sorry for not being clearer what I was asking was not if the Diablo got anything that wasnt on SpBox but if it would prolong the softcam on the Spider as it did , or seemed to do on my TM6900 ut no worries more than enough available anyway thanx.