View Full Version : can the arc be right, but usals out?

27-11-2010, 04:41 PM
if i use my usals, i can get most sats, but some overshoot, BUT if i use diseq i can get the sats its missed

therefore my arc isnt out as such is it? as i can pull the sat in with a few diseq "nudges"

therefore, can usals be tweaked, ie say a few degrees east or west depending on what direction the diseq nudge tends to pull in the sat...(east in my case)

ie. if i goto 42e with usals, it misses, but if i diseq it east a few nudges i get it ok, could i then change my usals setting to be 2 or so degrees further east (lat or long) or will that then affect other sats

27-11-2010, 05:33 PM
yes cousre you can mate that is how you set usuals up, 1 degree at a time till ya ge the best signal

27-11-2010, 05:42 PM
oh thought u had to use the EXACT location


28-11-2010, 12:50 PM
Finally cracked my USALS after 6 years of not fully understanding LOL!

for ages now ive been using whatever google says as my USALS setting, but whats frustrated me is that after landing on a sat, i can then get a better signal with some nudges east or west with DISEQ.

so after looking at a map, and understanding lat and long - i then adjusted my usals bit by bit, lat and long only, and then going to a very far west sat (30w) and then 1w and then 39e - to see if the signal was as good with usals, as it was for diseq - after a few hours of tinkering, i have it spot on - so usals is now the same as diseq (inc tweaks) on ALL sats, FAR EAST, and FAR WEST.

in fact im scanning 53.1east now, and its found 2 channels....i can finally be confident with my USALS position.

28-11-2010, 02:17 PM
I had the same problem with usals as well. Took it for granted what elevation and azimuth I was told on some sights was gospel.

The good thing with the TM6900 super is once you have stored a couple of sats on it, you can auto navigate the satellite, as it uses the two sats as a reference. It is very handy as brought in sats that I had difficulty getting with diseq.

28-11-2010, 08:08 PM
usals takes alot of gentle tweaking , but once its spot on it really is the way to go . people seem to expect it to take 1/2 to fit a motorised dish . ive been up my ladder several times this year , what with testing different setups .

best to write down your signal strength on a few popular single sats and then start to tweek .

29-11-2010, 10:33 AM
yes, it was suggested that all i should do was to put in the usals from google, and thats it, and if it wasnt right, then my ARC was wrong, or my pole wasn't vertical.


I new it was, as Diseq brought them in.

After a lot of tweaking i note, that EAST sats tend to be stronger than the WEST ones, my USALS is now setup biased by about 2% signal strength to the WEST to compenstate for the stronger EAST sats.

Ark Right
29-11-2010, 03:32 PM
Allways goto ref on a new motor befor install just incase its not at the ref point.

29-11-2010, 10:13 PM
yer, i read that 6 years ago, I set it to 0, and centered dish on mount, and setup on 1w


29-11-2010, 11:27 PM
yes, it was suggested that all i should do was to put in the usals from google, and thats it, and if it wasnt right, then my ARC was wrong, or my pole wasn't vertical.


I new it was, as Diseq brought them in.

After a lot of tweaking i note, that EAST sats tend to be stronger than the WEST ones, my USALS is now setup biased by about 2% signal strength to the WEST to compenstate for the stronger EAST sats.


All sats has weaker and stronger transponders :)

01-12-2010, 01:04 PM
Did some more tweaking to my USALS last night, and im now 100% confident i have it spot on.

on 30w and on 45e - nudging with diseq movement cannot squeeze any more signal out of it - tested using same channels each time.


01-12-2010, 05:41 PM
Changed my usals by one degree too, m8,I reckon my motor to mount setting is a gnat out but by modifying usals now works brill,not worth going out there to reset mounting.:respect-050:

01-12-2010, 06:06 PM
yay! well done

im looking forward to driving my dish to some weird sats tonight and blind scanning (how sad am i)

02-12-2010, 01:30 PM
just put up a motorised dish geting 42east to 30 west on diseq only, my lat 54.3174 and long is 6.8957 the arch is ok ,iam getting goot singals my receiver is tm54000super, and would like to know can i set usals from my setting room because the dish is 20 foot up. what do i change in the usals is it the lat or long?
thanks benen

02-12-2010, 01:45 PM
just put up a motorised dish geting 42east to 30 west on diseq only, my lat 54.3174 and long is 6.8957 the arch is ok ,iam getting goot singals my receiver is tm54000super, and would like to know can i set usals from my setting room because the dish is 20 foot up. what do i change in the usals is it the lat or long?
thanks benen

a) i'd remove your lat and lon and people can now see where u live using google maps.

that location in Google shows you being in the sea just north of Germany

although you didnt say North or South, or East or West...

b) i would start off leaving the lat alone for now, and try adjusting the longtiude half a degree at a time.

02-12-2010, 02:01 PM
A few months back i changed my 1.2 dish to a 1.5 but couldn't get round to 30w because of a fence so went back to the 1.2 and since then i cant get 39e or 30w but can get from 28e to 18w, any ideas why. The ground post is vertical and can get a good signal and quality on 1w.

02-12-2010, 02:49 PM
i am in monaghan in roi

02-12-2010, 03:23 PM
A few months back i changed my 1.2 dish to a 1.5 but couldn't get round to 30w because of a fence so went back to the 1.2 and since then i cant get 39e or 30w but can get from 28e to 18w, any ideas why. The ground post is vertical and can get a good signal and quality on 1w.

are you getting strong signals on 28e and 18w?

r u using USALS? or Diseq (can u try diseq if not)

02-12-2010, 08:07 PM
Thanks manikM, i do have strong signals on these sats and am using diseqc 1.2 on a spider 9000hd through a V Box to a Jaeger 1224 36v motor.

03-12-2010, 09:51 PM
Actually i can only go west as far as 15w

03-12-2010, 11:19 PM
If your dish is spot on then your exact long and lat will give you all the sats if its not then it wont, I've had to adjust my Longitude over time as my East and West positions have moved due to high winds

If your dish ever moves and your East and West positions go out and you want to re align your dish then use your exact long and lat send it to a channel on 1 west then physically move your dish

Sats don't move your position doesn't move your dish does :respect-051:


03-12-2010, 11:27 PM
my dish IS spot on, and my exact locations (according to google) lat\lon DID not give me great results, adjusting it did.

03-12-2010, 11:27 PM
Thanks for getting back to me TNT, i will try that as soon as the weather permits
and will report back.

03-12-2010, 11:32 PM
my dish IS spot on, and my exact locations (according to google) lat\lon DID not give me great results, adjusting it did.

ok M8 I'm not going to argue with you either your position is wrong in which case your be ok if the enemy want to send a scud missile through your letterbox or your East and West position is slightly out and your having to adjust your Longitude


03-12-2010, 11:38 PM
ok M8 I'm not going to argue with you either your position is wrong in which case your be ok if the enemy want to send a scud missile through your letterbox or your East and West position is slightly out and your having to adjust your Longitude



04-12-2010, 03:33 AM
the markings on the dish , motor and brackets are just a guide , some are very vague .

it can give results but nothing beats time spent tweeking the dishs setup to get it spot on.

only use single sats , not grouped or pairs , i.e. 28E has 4 sats so depending on what channel depends on what sat your tuning into . this is just a waste of time as it knocks usals out insted of tuning it in .

04-12-2010, 05:14 AM
nice one mate.

when i first set my dish up, i did the manual DISH setup outside getting the strongest signal i could on 1w - i cant remember which channel i did it on....

but im very confident that my setup is spot on....its taken me 6 years to fully understand the USALs thing, yes its worked fine for the ARC up until now, but ive never until now taken the time to go through the extreme west and the extreme east to make sure that my signal using USALS is maxxed and cannot be tuned further using DISEQ movements.

04-12-2010, 06:33 PM
Well i spent about 90mins working at the settings but still no 30w and then it got too cold so will try again later.

05-12-2010, 01:11 PM
r u aligning on 1w?

05-12-2010, 04:03 PM
Yes aligning on 1w and can now get 39e although there is slight breakup
now and again which means i'm pretty close but can only get as far west as
8w. If i get another go at it i'm sure i can get round to 30w, here's hoping.:respect-057:

05-12-2010, 09:31 PM
hi m8's don't suppose anyone is around now does anyone no the settind for my polormount with a long of 4.6w and 51.4n. I live in haverfordwest west wales. i am using a jaeger 99g htoh mount and if i move dish to 30w and line it up when i go back 13 east i lose and vice versa.



05-12-2010, 10:37 PM
Hi ajp, 13e or 30w are the wrong Sat's to use as reference, with me its Thor o.8w and
you are around that area as well. Someone here would be more capable of answering that one.

06-12-2010, 09:37 AM
are you getting strong signals on 28e and 18w?

r u using USALS? or Diseq (can u try diseq if not)diseqc with a 1.5m dish not recommended

06-12-2010, 10:18 AM
hi toothfairy problem i have with thor 0.8 is a big fat tree blocking the signal and until i can get it removed i will always find it hard to correctly setup my system. i have tried different places in my garden but no sucess, carn't take down myself as am disabled so have to rely on help to do it.



06-12-2010, 10:19 PM
Don't know about that ajp unless you try 5w, by the way is the tree your's.

06-12-2010, 10:20 PM
you can use any satellite to tune your dish , it dont have to be thor .

13e and 30w are no good to use as there are more than one sat at those positions .

the reason people use thor is only to help get the dish pointing due south . its also the highest in the sky for most , so less likly to be obscured .

if your setup is slightly out then it will get worse the further away from your start point . so its best to tune useing the sat in the middle of your usefull arch . i.e. if you view 42e - 7w your better off using a single sat in the middle . so 21.6e or 10e will be your best choice .

it all depends on your system . ifs its ground mounted and has fine tuning adjustments that are easy to move , any single sat will do . if its high up and akward then choose one that suits your needs better as a starting point .

best to read up on how the adjustments effect the arc , its easy once you know how , but it can be time consumming .