View Full Version : Legitimate Files

29-11-2010, 09:32 AM
Legitimate Files

from now on only post legitimate files free from biss keys or links to other forums in this section

the files should have been tested and approved for the technomates , and only for the technomates

any files posted by approved file posters like compass , kempa82 , techmate , myself , hda5 , kinkdink , etc are usually in the correct format and can nearly always be trusted to work correctly or have come from an approved source

there are many fake or incorrect files for all kinds of equipment and so we ask that the above be adhered to by any file poster from now on

this section has been cleared apart from the legitimate files posted recently

we hope to keep your technomates functioning correctly by making the above requests and we would hope any future file poster shows due diligence from now on and lead by example

thank you