View Full Version : All tm800hd to be returned to technomate

02-12-2010, 10:57 AM
great news for all tm800hd owners !!!

TM-800 HD Linux
2nd December 2010
To all owners of the TM-800 HD:

We have reprogrammed the CPU in the TM-800 HD in order to better support the software core and application levels. As a result, we are asking all TM-800 HD owners to kindly return their product (complete with remote control) to Technomate.

We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience caused. We will compensate £8 towards your postage. Please include a copy of your receipt, address and telephone number. Once we receive your TM-800 HD, we will send it out to you within 2 working days. It will be returned to you free-of-charge.

If you are outside the UK, please contact Technomate direct.

We will also update your TM-800 HD to the latest software:

Fixed in 30/11/10 software:
1. No more freezing on HD channels
2. Signal and signal lock have been fixed and also sensitivity has increased
3. OSD speed has been improved
4. Card reader OK
5. Performance improved
6. USB mount fixed
7. Default channel list supported
8. PVR Record & Play fixed (except trick play)

By 6/12/10:
1. PVR trick play
2. AC3 & stereo sound fixed (when AC3 changes to stereo)

By 23/12/10:
1. Web-x TV
2. Media player
3. Network samba
4. Trick play
5. Others

02-12-2010, 12:47 PM
Finaly TM does bring to light the problem with the CPU, when some one here said that it was a problem they was slotered, so this shows that TM have know about this but dinied for so long.

At list it is very nice donne from TM that they will replace the CPU or reprogram it but why shall the end user suffer a 8 pound bill becouse of this, TM must take all costs to do this, and the EU law says that to.

thanks for this news

02-12-2010, 01:57 PM
Why they did not told people Truth...from more then YEAR ....

they they Call me Liaer !?

When i says Cpu problem and project Fail..??

they says they repogamme the cpu !??? What that MEAN???? New stb difenet CPU they will gave Back ...Why still countiniu to hide thinks !

Can they apologise now calling me Lier...or their people here or some where else ...

Where are their supporters now...Do Darkman hate the technomate or telling Members the truth...

Why the truth come so late !?

They need some change becouse they do not sell nothink and they need this kind of advertise .....hmmm

Where are all their announcements about They sold milios of box the Best box ...8 Team are working in this machine ...where are all their chiting advertise...

I will ask Administrator to send this Announcement in technomate section and take of all their Telephone numbers advertise......and their fake prommeses.

This is norther way haw to advertise that company is just keep failing to their costumers


02-12-2010, 02:39 PM
yeah this is now time to say sorry to Darkman all those PPL that call him Liar
now the truth is in louse and we now know that TM did Lie to us all the time

i do not like to say more , but i think all the guys that throw stones at DM few weeks back needs to wake up and come here and appoligize now that they know that TM has FAILD

DM i now belive that you was right, and i appoligize for my part, Im sorry to have doubt you, i now see that you was right adn diserver my respect

02-12-2010, 02:41 PM
i dont think tm have failed - the box is being fixed and from what i have been told by others who have had their box fixed already it is an amazing difference

02-12-2010, 02:51 PM
i dont think tm have failed - the box is being fixed and from what i have been told by others who have had their box fixed already it is an amazing difference

Why New Box NED FIX !? From what i know only Faulty Box need FIX ....

Any way this TM 800 becming for me and many people here from more then a year like

another butifull story

02-12-2010, 03:24 PM
TM deserve credit for providing a free update, sure they tried to tone down some of the rumours going round earlier in the year, but they wouldn't be the first to try and protect their good reputation... ;)

I've no axe to grind, I had a TM6900 and was very happy with it, but have moved on.

02-12-2010, 03:28 PM
Thread closed before it all starts to kick off again.