View Full Version : A word of warning

03-12-2010, 10:48 PM
People with a weak signal please BEWARE,Picked up what I thought was a great tip , it caused more problems than it solved! I have been struggling with 16 degrees and 39 degrees east and 30W this little tip Disabled my Service + channels and here is how ! The post said by tweaking the position of say 16 degrees E to say 16.2 it can tweak your signal , and yes it does but I also did it on Thor (.8W)and noticed that on my favourites banner o.8W had now become 0w and so disabling my service+ on Thor channels after several hours of rebooting reinstalling a little bit of lateral thinking solved this issue service + must look for SAT IDs something I was totaly unaware of .
After reinstalling an old channel list with original SAT positions and IDs thor channels are now unscrambled Service + recognises them and switches service + on, could anyone reading this from admin please make this a sticky if it allready isnt I for one was totaly unaware.:respect-055:

03-12-2010, 11:20 PM
markinstien glad you are now sorted m8, best to follow your problems on one thread i had just finished replying reference your problem reference Spiderbox Crackle

04-12-2010, 03:20 AM
Yeah sorry about that,thought initially the problems could be linked,loud crack from box one day, next day lose conax channels. But purely coincidence. Bad Scart followed by bad piece of advice, but hey steep learning curve , and thought people following my initial post as well as those just following lead posts could benefit from my mistake! Spiderbox from what I have seen gets an unfair bad press so if it is operator error I Would rather tell as many as possible rather than leave people with concern about potential purchase of what I consider lovely little box!