View Full Version : pls I need help with Enigma 2

05-12-2010, 11:24 AM
I have Premium
New to Enigma 2 and don't know how to configure my Satellites
from Hisoasat 30.0 W to 42 E
pls step by step
Thanks for help

05-12-2010, 12:22 PM
same as here 2 threads below your. https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=144659
In 3rd point choose positioner and set up ur details there.
Good luck

05-12-2010, 12:56 PM
Thanks so much Mr hakizu for your help
I'll take a look at : https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=144659

friend I ask about many Satellites not only for 4 ports DiSEqC

and I use only one Lnb and moving dishmoving ( Motorised System )


05-12-2010, 05:51 PM
Folow "azbox4ever" instructions in the link i gave u and in 3rd point insted Diseqc choose positioner.

05-12-2010, 10:43 PM
i did everything as you said but nothing is working i guess there is a problem with the software and my tuner.
when i go to positioner setup from the menu msg comes up and tell that no tuner is configured for use with diseqc positioner.
my tuner model " conexant-cx24116"
i did many things too and still no signal or channels on enigma 2 images and what the name of the tuners with the azbox premium
would you please hakizu tell me what the name of the tuner do you have in your azbox?

18-12-2010, 11:36 AM
OK, we'll try to sort out your problem(s) here.
First of all, tell us what model of positioner you have (check out the sticker on the box)?
Second, describe how have you used your motorized till now?
Let me guess: you use a separate remote controller (it came along with a positioner) to steer your dish at a preset sat-position and then you select a channel by AZbox remote controller, right?

18-12-2010, 12:48 PM
OK, we'll try to sort out your problem(s) here.
First of all, tell us what model of positioner you have (check out the sticker on the box)?
Second, describe how have you used your motorized till now?
Let me guess: you use a separate remote controller (it came along with a positioner) to steer your dish at a preset sat-position and then you select a channel by AZbox remote controller, right?

Ok Mr dvlajkovic
You are right
I use a spearrate positioner with separate remote controller .
my positioner named GAINTECH and the name model is JP5000
24 Memories
I hope you and the others can help me to fix my problem
Thanks so much

18-12-2010, 12:51 PM
And again you failed to answer a simple question:

Let me guess: you use a separate remote controller (it came along with a positioner) to steer your dish at a preset sat-position and then you select a channel by AZbox remote controller, right?

Please answer the questions from people wich are trying to help you!

18-12-2010, 01:03 PM
Ok Carp95 and Mr dvlajkovic you are right
my positioner named GAINTECH and the name model is JP5000
24 Memories
and my Azbox model is Premium HD
That all what you need to know ?
You need me to come back to RTi core 1.0.3 BETA now ?
Thanks so much for all members to trying help me

18-12-2010, 03:59 PM
Huh... spent an hour searching for ANY piece of intel on your Gaintech JP5000 positioner... nothing...nada...zilch...

Nevermind, I'll try to explain the diseqc motorized system, hopefully someone else will put together instructions on setting up of usals motorized system.

1. Install RTi core 1.0.3 BETA in your AZbox HD.
2. Download DreamSet 2.32 from this URL:
3. Unpack and start the file "Dreamset.exe"
4. Click on "Setup" button at the top toolbar.
5. Fill in "Connections" tab as it follows:
Configuration Title: AZBOX
Box IP: type in AZbox IP address
User Name: root
Password: leave it empty (nothing should go there!)
Firmware: Custom...
Software: Enigma 2 ver 4
Satellites.xml: /etc/tuxbox/
Services,Bouquets: /etc/enigma2/

Don't touch the rest of the options, just click on "Save Configuration" button at the bottom left.
Select the config you just created at the right hand window and click "Load" button, and then click OK button.
6. Download attached file "E2 53E-30W.zip" and unpack it.
7. In DreamSet click on "Open" button at the top toolbar.
8. At opened dialogue box, make sure you've selected Files of type "Enigma 2 Files (lamedb) and then point to folder where you've unpacked the file "E2 53E-30W.zip" and select in there a file "lamedb" and confirm it by clicking OK.
9. Click on "Transfer" button at the top toolbar and then click on "Write" button. Disregard the warning about failed Reloading settings using HTTP connection, and just click "Yes" button to restart your box.
10.Click on "Exit", and again click on the other "Exit" button at the top toolbar.

Now you're going to setup your tuner in E2.

1. Menu -> Setup -> Service Searching -> Tuner configuration.
2. Choose Tuner -> click OK on "Tuner A: Conexant-cx24116 (DVB-S2)"
3. Make sure to adjust the following options only, and LEAVE THE REST UNTOUCHED!!! -use LEFT/RIGHT keys on Remote Controller Unit (RCU).
Configuration Mode: advanced
Satellite: Astra 1H/KR/L/M (19.2E)
DiSEqC mode: 1.2
Next go to bottom of this screen and keep on pressing DOWN key until you get to the second screen.
Use usals for this sat: no
Stored position: xxx - here type in the number of memorized position in your positioner for Astra 19.2E (it's the number you use to steer your dish with the other RCU!). Fox example, if it's stored at position 13, you will type in 013 and press OK on AZbox RCU.If E2 asks you "Zap back to service before tuner setup", choose "no" and click OK.
Use "Exit" button on RCU to leave all menus until you've got an empty screen.
Click UP or DOWN on RCU to enter sat-channels list.
Keep on clicking on GREEN button on RCU until you have all the satellites listed.
Select Astra 1H/KR/L/M (19.2E) with UP/DOWN on RCU and then click OK.
Select "ARD" folder and press OK to enter in.
Select a channel there and press OK. It should work straight away.
If you get a message "Tuner Failed" with a countdown, just press LEFT/RIGHT on RCU to select any other channel and then get back to a desired one.

This should be it for E2 and diseqc motorized system. Try it out now.
If it works, apply the same principles (as described above) to setup the other satellites.

18-12-2010, 04:52 PM
Huh... spent an hour searching for ANY piece of intel on your Gaintech JP5000 positioner... nothing...nada...zilch...

Nevermind, I'll try to explain the diseqc motorized system, hopefully someone else will put together instructions on setting up of usals motorized system.

1. Install RTi core 1.0.3 BETA in your AZbox HD.
2. Download DreamSet 2.32 from this URL:
3. Unpack and start the file "Dreamset.exe"
4. Click on "Setup" button at the top toolbar.
5. Fill in "Connections" tab as it follows:
Configuration Title: AZBOX
Box IP: type in AZbox IP address
User Name: root
Password: leave it empty (nothing should go there!)
Firmware: Custom...
Software: Enigma 2 ver 4
Satellites.xml: /etc/tuxbox/
Services,Bouquets: /etc/enigma2/

Don't touch the rest of the options, just click on "Save Configuration" button at the bottom left.
Select the config you just created at the right hand window and click "Load" button, and then click OK button.
6. Download attached file "E2 53E-30W.zip" and unpack it.
7. In DreamSet click on "Open" button at the top toolbar.
8. At opened dialogue box, make sure you've selected Files of type "Enigma 2 Files (lamedb) and then point to folder where you've unpacked the file "E2 53E-30W.zip" and select in there a file "lamedb" and confirm it by clicking OK.
9. Click on "Transfer" button at the top toolbar and then click on "Write" button. Disregard the warning about failed Reloading settings using HTTP connection, and just click "Yes" button to restart your box.
10.Click on "Exit", and again click on the other "Exit" button at the top toolbar.

Now you're going to setup your tuner in E2.

1. Menu -> Setup -> Service Searching -> Tuner configuration.
2. Choose Tuner -> click OK on "Tuner A: Conexant-cx24116 (DVB-S2)"
3. Make sure to adjust the following options only, and LEAVE THE REST UNTOUCHED!!! -use LEFT/RIGHT keys on Remote Controller Unit (RCU).
Configuration Mode: advanced
Satellite: Astra 1H/KR/L/M (19.2E)
DiSEqC mode: 1.2
Next go to bottom of this screen and keep on pressing DOWN key until you get to the second screen.
Use usals for this sat: no
Stored position: xxx - here type in the number of memorized position in your positioner for Astra 19.2E (it's the number you use to steer your dish with the other RCU!). Fox example, if it's stored at position 13, you will type in 013 and press OK on AZbox RCU.If E2 asks you "Zap back to service before tuner setup", choose "no" and click OK.
Use "Exit" button on RCU to leave all menus until you've got an empty screen.
Click UP or DOWN on RCU to enter sat-channels list.
Keep on clicking on GREEN button on RCU until you have all the satellites listed.
Select Astra 1H/KR/L/M (19.2E) with UP/DOWN on RCU and then click OK.
Select "ARD" folder and press OK to enter in.
Select a channel there and press OK. It should work straight away.
If you get a message "Tuner Failed" with a countdown, just press LEFT/RIGHT on RCU to select any other channel and then get back to a desired one.

This should be it for E2 and diseqc motorized system. Try it out now.
If it works, apply the same principles (as described above) to setup the other satellites.

Thanks so much for this detailed information
I"ll try now

I did everything step by step
as Ex :
I tested 2 Satellites
Hot brid No: 7 and Astra No 9 into my positionser memory ( Stored positions )
but the same problem
No data on transponder
all satellites East only
no West Satellites

the illuminati
18-12-2010, 09:12 PM
Thanks so much for this detailed information
I"ll try now

I did everything step by step
as Ex :
I tested 2 Satellites
Hot brid No: 7 and Astra No 9 into my positionser memory ( Stored positions )
but the same problem
No data on transponder
all satellites East only
no West Satellites

pls pls pls can you send me a privat mesage in Arabic so i can understand
what the h,,l is you prob as it seems neither us nor u are understandin your

18-12-2010, 11:12 PM
@Egyptian11: OK. Setup just Astra (as described above) on 009 position, select mentioned ARD folder and pick some channel there. Does AZbox make your positioner to move the dish at all? If not, do the following...
Turn your dish by positioner's RCU to Astra and then select any channel in ARD folder. Try zapping channels. Do you get any channels opened this way?

As for the satellites in Western positions, they ARE in there, just haven't scanned them as yet. That's why you cannot see pre-scanned lists of those sats and their respective channels. But, that shouldn't be a problem once you're familiar with handling of satellite settings.

Err.. another thought just xed my mind: is your coax cable, coming from dish, connected to a positioner at first, and then another coax cable goes from positioner to AZbox? Or have you connected your coax cable straight from dish to AZbox?

23-12-2010, 06:27 PM
@Egyptian11: OK. Setup just Astra (as described above) on 009 position, select mentioned ARD folder and pick some channel there. Does AZbox make your positioner to move the dish at all? If not, do the following...
Turn your dish by positioner's RCU to Astra and then select any channel in ARD folder. Try zapping channels. Do you get any channels opened this way?

As for the satellites in Western positions, they ARE in there, just haven't scanned them as yet. That's why you cannot see pre-scanned lists of those sats and their respective channels. But, that shouldn't be a problem once you're familiar with handling of satellite settings.

Err.. another thought just xed my mind: is your coax cable, coming from dish, connected to a positioner at first, and then another coax cable goes from positioner to AZbox? Or have you connected your coax cable straight from dish to AZbox?

Each of the motor positioner ( 24 inches ) plus The Dish ( 2.4 ) over the building .
The moter connected by the positioner throught long cable
also The Dish connected by my Azbox by another long cable .
and I move my Dish by my positioner remote control to all the satellites

24-12-2010, 09:47 AM
Each of the motor positioner ( 24 inches ) plus The Dish ( 2.4 ) over the building .
The moter connected by the positioner throught long cable
also The Dish connected by my Azbox by another long cable .
and I move my Dish by my positioner remote control to all the satellites

Oooookay... let's try this approach:
check out these two diagrams and tell me which one suits your configuration, Diagram 1 or Diagram 2?

24-12-2010, 10:12 AM
I think he has diagram 2

24-12-2010, 11:22 AM
I think he has diagram 2

Thanks Friend
you are right
Diagram 2

24-12-2010, 12:28 PM
Diagram 2 isn't a good way to utilize positioner, you should have it connected as per Diagram 1. It's simple, just follow my drawing.
In the meantime, you can use your system "as is" by downloading an updated list of channels attached here (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showpost.php?p=776214&postcount=11) (now there are all the channels viewable in SE Europe 53E-30W).
My detailed instructions given here (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showpost.php?p=776214&postcount=11) still apply, so just follow them carefully and steer the dish as you're used to do. It's got to work.

24-12-2010, 12:46 PM
Diagram 2 isn't a good way to utilize positioner, you should have it connected as per Diagram 1. It's simple, just follow my drawing.
In the meantime, you can use your system "as is" by downloading an updated list of channels attached here (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showpost.php?p=776214&postcount=11) (now there are all the channels viewable in SE Europe 53E-30W).
My detailed instructions given here (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showpost.php?p=776214&postcount=11) still apply, so just follow them carefully and steer the dish as you're used to do. It's got to work.

but my design positioner can't connect with my Azbox
only The moter can connect by the positioner throught long cable
no connection cable between my positioner and my Azbox

24-12-2010, 01:11 PM
oh man,We aren't a magicians here to guess what is your positioner design and what connectors it has,how did you connect your positioner and your dish settings in E2.It's still difficult to help you,until no screens of your settings attached here.

24-12-2010, 01:24 PM
Nevertheless - just follow my instructions and all should fly. Otherwise, you've missed something somewhere along the way...
As @rambest suggested, snap a photo of your positioner's rear side and post it here, so we can peek in your actual settings, alright?

24-12-2010, 02:01 PM
Nevertheless - just follow my instructions and all should fly. Otherwise, you've missed something somewhere along the way...
As @rambest suggested, snap a photo of your positioner's rear side and post it here, so we can peek in your actual settings, alright?

You are right
but , I do not know how I can snap a photo of my positioner
my positioner only can contact with my motor by long cable
The moter connected by the positioner throught long cable
this cable consists of ( 4 wires ) - ( blue, red, green and yellow )
behind my positioner there are 4 places eaxh one connected by 1 clour
also the same to my motor ( 4 clours )

24-12-2010, 02:50 PM
Oh... sorry for not being clear enough, by word 'snap' I meant "take a photograph by your photo camera"... do just like this dude does on this picture, but make sure you point your camera at the back side of your positioner, and then post the photo here, if possible... Then we'll ask questions about wires, ok? :respect-048:

Umm... and for those that care about minor rights, pictured models ARE adults, the photo originated from a public news server (http://english.china.com/zh_cn/news/society/11020309/20070807/14264149_2.html) and by no means I promote any illegal acts here, ok? http://techsat.info/forum/images/smilies/angel.gif

24-12-2010, 03:11 PM
Oh... sorry for not being clear enough, by word 'snap' I meant "take a photograph by your photo camera"... do just like this dude does on this picture, but make sure you point your camera at the back side of your positioner, and then post the photo here, if possible... Then we'll ask questions about wires, ok? :respect-048:

http://english.china.com/zh_cn/news/society/11020309/20070807/images/14264149_2007080714461816213900.j pg

Umm... and for those that care about minor rights, pictured models ARE adults, the photo is hosted by public news server and by no means I promote any illegal acts here, ok? http://techsat.info/forum/images/smilies/angel.gif

I do not have web cam or camera :banghead:
the back side of my positioner there are only 4 places each one connected by 1 clour
my cable consists of ( 4 wires ) - ( blue, red, green and yellow ) named M1 M2 SENSOR
my components system as the same your Diagram 2

24-12-2010, 03:52 PM
I do not have web cam or camera :banghead:
the back side of my positioner there are only 4 places each one connected by 1 clour
my cable consists of ( 4 wires ) - ( blue, red, green and yellow ) named M1 M2 SENSOR
my components system as the same your Diagram 2

surely you have access to a mobile phone with an inbuilt camera included and could use that to take the pictures and upload them here ?

24-12-2010, 04:28 PM
Well, if it's like you have described to us above, then I guess you cannot have your receiver to control the positioner via diseqc/usals protocols...
You can try having E2 setup in simple mode, thus pretending your system is fixed, with a reception of just a single satellite, and see if it works out... try Astra 19.2E as I believe you should have a good reception with a dish of 2.4m even though you're in Kairo, right? Download my updated settings from the post above and insert it as explained there, and turn the dish by positioner's remote to that satellite.