View Full Version : LNB monoblock mistery

09-12-2010, 11:05 AM
Hi guys,
I installed a 6deg LNB mono block on my Wave T90 dish. I positioned it on Astra as I use a French provider box and it has no diseq. But when I try to get Hotbird I still get Astra!! By the way it is a quad LNB. 2 cables goes on my french box as it has two tuners. And 1 cable goes to my box upstairs. I tried all diseq possibilities. Why can I not receive Hotbird?
Any ideas?

09-12-2010, 09:24 PM
dunno what a wave t90 is but with a normal dish and monoblock if positioned on astra you get nothing on the second lnb cos it would pointing at 25 east you need to position on 13 to get 19 ,but like i said i dont know what a wave t90 is so it might be different

09-12-2010, 10:58 PM
Your post is a little confusing,are you saying you have the monobloc lnb connected to a non diseq enabled box?
You go on to say you have tried all diseq options?
Can you be more specific as to what model monobloc you have and which receiver it is connected to.
I think some monobloc lnbs may need diseq switching,this may explain why you only get one sat.
There is also a duo lnb which looks like a monobloc lnb but has all the switching inbuilt.
If you post exactly what you have I am sure someone will be able to help you.-PP

15-12-2010, 01:29 PM
It is a good post...........

15-12-2010, 04:35 PM
Right, the first thing I have just done is to Google a picture of a Wave 90T dish. Now I know what sort of dish you have.

Lets try to think this through. You've fixed the LNB in front of the reflector and both feed horns are looking at it. It is possibe that the Monoblock isn't designed for your type of dish. I wonder why you're not using two separate LNBs?

Anyway, if the gap between the feed horns is correct then it should work. If not then you'll never get the two feed horns to see both satellites. Different sized dishes have different length LNB holder arms. I think that the length of the arm means that Monoblock LNBs need to have different distances between the feedhorns. I hope I'm right about that and not giving you wrong information.

So now how to connect the cables correctly. If the LNBs feedhors are correctly alligned to both satellites then you need two cables to your French box which you say you have connected up. That will be from the outputs connected to your Astra feedhorn.

That will leave you with two free outputs which should be to the feedhorn seeing Hotbird and just connect the cable to one and run it upstairs to your other box.

Now I bet you're going to say, no, no. I want to see both Astra and Hotbird on my French box. In that case just run one cable to tuner one from the Astra side of the LNB and another cable to tuner two from the Hotbird side to see both satellites.

I hope I have understood correctly what your trying to do. I think you'd be better off with two LNBs but if the distance between the feed horns is correct then you should be able to get it to work.

One thing to remember is to make sure that the correct feedhorn is on Astra or as mentioned in an earlier post written by Hydepark the other side of the LNB will be looking at 25 East and not at Hotbird.

That's my input, I hope that it both makes sense and that it's correct! Good luck with getting your set up to work.