View Full Version : problem installing RTI Core 1.0.3

14-12-2010, 10:46 PM

I can't complete the update procedure since I got Connection Failed when trying to update via AZUp 1.2.5 latest RTI 1.0.3

22:37:56 > Connecting...
22:37:56 > Login...
22:37:57 > Login Success.
22:37:57 > Check rescue mode

Please Help me:001_07:

I have just made a reboot and power off/on, but still the same problem..

15-12-2010, 10:28 AM

please find below more details, already reported in problem report post.
Since telnet is ok, Is there any chance to rollback to original FW trough telnet session?

Many thanks,

1. Azbox Premium
2. Dual (DVB-S / DVB-T)
3. Cannot update from originale FW 0.9.5020 to RTI Core 1.0.3 Beta.
- IP address is correctly released by Router/DHCP and IP connectivity between laptop and azbox is ok, because ping and telnet works well.
- When I push update on AZUp 1.2.5 the warning message Connection Failed is displayed, and the log confirm that AZUp is able to connect to the AZBOX:
22:37:56 > Connecting...
22:37:56 > Login...
22:37:57 > Login Success.
22:37:57 > Check rescue mode
- Running a telnet session I'm able to login and the following prompt is displyed:
Powered by The Ripper, telesat && MickeySa
- If I bypass the router (connecting a cable between azbox and laptop) I have many problems in obtainig a reasonable IP Address (release of IP address takes several minutes), and when IP Address is showed on VFD the problems is still the same.
4. RTI core 1.0.3 (the previous upgrade to DS Team 3.0.1a was ok)
5. DOM
6. alredy reported in problem desciption section

15-12-2010, 10:34 AM
Try this:
uninstall azup 1.2.5
reboot PC
Install azup 1.1
and repeat the procedure...

15-12-2010, 10:48 AM
I will try this evening (now I'm in Office...)

BTW, could you please better explain the reason of this suggestion? Do you suspect a bug in AZUp 1.2.5?

15-12-2010, 12:09 PM
Found appears on the VFD display, the USB because there is the problem that not all USB devices work.

15-12-2010, 02:02 PM
Found appears on the VFD display, the USB because there is the problem that not all USB devices work.

I used the same USB stick 2 weeks ago for DS Team 3.0.1a and everithing was ok. Moreover, also the kernel copy step has been completed without any problem with same usb stick

15-12-2010, 11:19 PM
Finally Solved!!!

- Tryed to update 1.0.3 via AZUp 1.1 but still bad result
- Tryed to update 1.0.3 via AZUp 1.2.6 but still bad result
- Tryed to update DS 3.0.3 via AZUp 1.2.6 and everything is ok now!!

I suspect the root cause was the version of AZUp, because as suggested in the offical site I used AZUp 1.2.5, while the version of AZUp attached to RTI Core 1.0.3 package is 1.2.6 !!!

I suggest MickeySa to change the following info, since it could be measleading to all users that have already installed AZUp 1.2.5 and that might face the same problem. Infact, I didn't see the need to use AZUp 2.1.6 because the suggested version was 1.2.5..

*** Please use AzUP v1.2.5 by telesat to Flash this new RTi core 1.0.3 BETA version of Enigma 2 in Your receiver including the KERNEL!!! , and read Release notes of AzUP v1.2.5 ***