View Full Version : C line wont work on TM6900 HD

16-12-2010, 10:51 AM
I have just managed to collect a c line from my friends dreambox 500s with Jade Pli image on it and cccam 2.1.3. I then inputed the details on my technomate TM6900 using the 8281 menu. The trouble is, it wont connect. Anyone knows why my TM with phantom patch 735p installed wont connect to the same server that my friends dreambox connects to?

16-12-2010, 11:17 AM
Hi I started a thread on this topic on the 9th november which unfortunately had drastic consequences. (Giga please please come back and help us all), however briefly you must first establish that the tm is connected correctly to the net, also there are some vers of phantom patches which seem to work better than others (ver 726) seems favourite for alot of people. and finally there is a paramater in cccamconfig on the dreambox which can restrict the versions of cccam it will allow to connect. as the cccam on the tm is 2.1.1 i had to change the param on the dreambox to get the tm to connect. this worked for me. i am not an expert but hope this helps

16-12-2010, 11:45 AM
'C Line' - what is it please guys?:respect-055:

16-12-2010, 11:53 AM
'C Line' - what is it please guys?:respect-055:

################################# ################################# ####
# connections #
################################# ################################# ####
# syntax for to add a client connection to other CCcam
# add yes on end to use friends emus (non public private key/emu,etc...),
# but only works when corresponding F line on server has '1' for <shareemus>
# optional limits just like F line, but for incoming shares (ignore shares more than 'uphops' away)
#C: <hostname> <port> <username> <password> <wantemus> ( { caid:id(:uphops), caid:id(:uphops), ... } )
#note: if {} limits are added, <wantemus> cannot be omitted. Use either yes or no.
# example:
# C: someserver.somedomain 12000 user1 pass1
# C: 12000 user2 pass2
# connects to CCcam without use of friends emus
# C: 12000 user3 pass3 yes
# connects to CCcam, and receives friends emus also.

your friend as reshare permission ?