View Full Version : Request to @Telesat about AzUP

16-12-2010, 11:09 AM
First of all: THANK YOU for this usefull tool!!!

With the last release I can choice to install RTi Core Enigma2 on USB, DOM or HDD.
If I choice to install on USB, it get firmware from USB (FAT32) then create 4 new Linux partition on the same USB drive (the last oone is CF and is very usefull to store logs, storage data etc without keep on the hard drive).

My request:
is it possible in next releases to select from where to load the new RTi Core Enigma2 (patch.bin) to install (USB or better Hard Disk)?
In this way, I don't need everytime to delete linux partition and create a new one FAT32.

I see on startup with new kernel loaded, the message on VFD "Rescue Mode?", is it possible to check for a key pressed for 10 seconds before to startup from USB and in the meanwhile enable AzUP to update the USB pen drive with the new RTi Core Enigma2 (if has the same kernel)?:respect-058:

Am I a dreamer?