View Full Version : service searching - network scanning bug

18-12-2010, 02:55 PM
ive noticed on the latest f/w - when doing a scan of say 42e (*******) - if you choose NETWORK SCANNING on - it crashes on Transponder 16 , and cannot progress, if you turn network scanning off, it scans fine

18-12-2010, 03:06 PM
its just done it again, on Bulsat 39e - on TP 5 out of 27 11143 V 2933

ill retry again, and see if it does it

then ill turn off network scan

hmmm 2nd time ok, with network scan still on.

18-12-2010, 03:32 PM
its halting alot on 30.5e

21-12-2010, 05:54 PM
icant be the only one with probelm...?

23-12-2010, 08:57 PM
I came across the same problem. Use the service search a few times or if you load the open tv EPG and service search stops working ,the only way to get it back working I found is to do a factory reset saving all your settings to a memory stick first and then reload all your settings from the memory stick.

23-12-2010, 09:16 PM
thanks for posting.

it was after a factory reset and i was scanning all the sats back.

ive stopped scanning for now, it works after a few attempts\ reboots

27-01-2011, 02:51 PM
this bug still exists in the .75 firmware - also, annoying, if you are scanning, and it finishes - but you forget to exit the screen, AND you have a timer recording set and about to start - the STB won't close the search screen and start recording, oh no, it just sits there until you manually shutdown the scanning screen with the exit button.

As soon as you exit, the timer kicks in.

ANNOYING! but avoidable!

12-02-2011, 02:27 AM
Omg this still happens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sort it out


26-02-2011, 01:52 PM
cant beleive this isnt fixed yet, althought it doesnt happen every time, it still happens enough to be a massive bug.

whats the point of a stb if the basic searching for channels doesnt work properly

02-04-2011, 02:30 PM
This still exists in new firmware. I can not scan any satellite successfully, factory reset or not. My box is effectively a brick. It's a joke, and i'm seriously looking at trading this box in for something better.

02-04-2011, 02:49 PM
haha, no one listened to me, the fookin basics!!!

02-04-2011, 08:08 PM
its mostly when network scan is set - it just crashes randomly when sat scanning.

03-04-2011, 01:59 PM
Tried every sat this morning and it will not successfully scan anything. This includes deleting all plugins and factory reset. I think that this along with the still glitchy/freezing xcam are enough for me to finally give up. Shame as the picture quality is excellent with this box. I'm giving it a week for a fix, but if none is forthcoming i'm selling the box.

Midnight R
03-04-2011, 11:25 PM
****! I just tried a scan as well and nothing.

So is that it then?

No scan is a s good as a brick really :confused:

04-04-2011, 10:49 AM
****! I just tried a scan as well and nothing.

So is that it then?

No scan is a s good as a brick really :confused:

What do you mean? Do you mean that after upgrading to .94 the stb cannot find any satellites? Or just the network scan can't? :confused:

Midnight R
04-04-2011, 11:54 AM
I've tried a blind scan and an auto scan both with network scan switched off and nothing!

All with the latest F/W

04-04-2011, 01:23 PM
woo woo wooah!

lets not get carried away - my problem is SOMETIMES (alot) if you choose to scan a sat and have network search turned on, it hangs the scanning, it does NOT hang the box.

if yuo repeat the scan, with network scan turned off, it will 99% of the time scan ok.

BUT its been this way for a LONG time now, and to me, its such a fundamental facilty - it SHOULD be priority to get this addressed immediately, it should be right at top of the BUG list.

but just gets ignored week in week out....

Midnight R
04-04-2011, 02:10 PM
Bully for you mate, mine no working scanny nothing...

04-04-2011, 02:18 PM
Bully for you mate, mine no working scanny nothing...
Oh, dear... Better not risk upgrading then.

04-04-2011, 02:20 PM
Anyway, what does the network scan do?

Midnight R
04-04-2011, 02:22 PM
Upgrading F/W works ok just no scanny working

Box is working fine as it is just cant scan

Still have my chaqnnel list in place

04-04-2011, 03:45 PM
are u saying that if you deleted for example Hotbird 13e, and then did a normal scan, it would find nothing, or does it hang, network scan on or off.

Midnight R
04-04-2011, 04:21 PM
Ahh MM you are the King of the Icecrypt.

It hadn't occured to me to delete the Sat before rescanning.

All is good in my world now.

Ps, Just bought a cheapo Openbox S9 HD for a bit of fun...

04-04-2011, 04:45 PM
Ahh MM you are the King of the Icecrypt.

It hadn't occured to me to delete the Sat before rescanning.

All is good in my world now.

Ps, Just bought a cheapo Openbox S9 HD for a bit of fun...

Sounds encouraging. Might give .94 a try 2nite. What would be an advantage to have the network scan option on whiles scaning???

04-04-2011, 05:20 PM
Haha, to king of the Icecrypt!!!

I have never really understood network scan fully....BUT...i think it works like this:

Lets say Hotbird 13e has 40 transponders entered into the Icecrypts memory.

If you did a scan of Hotbird, this WITHOUT network scan on, the Ice would only scan 40 tp's.

However, if one or more than one of these 40 tp's has a LINK to more TP's (within the TP itself), if you then turned on network scan, when you run a scan, it would then find and ADD these other TP's to the Icecrypts memory, and you might end up with 50 tp's in your memory.

Blindscan is different, but it still ADDS transponders to the Icecrypt (or any receivers) memory which remain for when you NEXT perform a scan.

05-04-2011, 10:55 AM
Haha, to king of the Icecrypt!!!

I have never really understood network scan fully....BUT...i think it works like this:

Lets say Hotbird 13e has 40 transponders entered into the Icecrypts memory.

If you did a scan of Hotbird, this WITHOUT network scan on, the Ice would only scan 40 tp's.

However, if one or more than one of these 40 tp's has a LINK to more TP's (within the TP itself), if you then turned on network scan, when you run a scan, it would then find and ADD these other TP's to the Icecrypts memory, and you might end up with 50 tp's in your memory.

Blindscan is different, but it still ADDS transponders to the Icecrypt (or any receivers) memory which remain for when you NEXT perform a scan.

Thanks ManikM. Always helpful :respect-053:
I have upgraded to .94 yesterday. I also upgraded Mcas to the march version. Tried scanning and it worked, but I did not try it with the network serach option on.

05-04-2011, 02:09 PM
Right guys. I think i've got to the bottom of this. It seems that if you have an old bootloader it has inconsistencies with the newer firmwares. What I've done is downgraded firmware, reinstalled latest bootloader and upgraded firmware.

It will scan and will network scan. Blindscan is still borked at times and to my impression not as sensitive as before. The easiest way of upgrading the bootloader is with the latest hdfreaks plugin. Note that the password for the latest version of this plugin is now 8015 and not 1407. It can still change reseller ID.

06-04-2011, 11:37 AM
Right guys. I think i've got to the bottom of this. It seems that if you have an old bootloader it has inconsistencies with the newer firmwares. What I've done is downgraded firmware, reinstalled latest bootloader and upgraded firmware.

It will scan and will network scan. Blindscan is still borked at times and to my impression not as sensitive as before. The easiest way of upgrading the bootloader is with the latest hdfreaks plugin. Note that the password for the latest version of this plugin is now 8015 and not 1407. It can still change reseller ID.

good work, where can one find the aforementioned plugin?

06-04-2011, 12:45 PM
Its on the german octagon forum under plugins. There is a version 6 there that installs bootloader version 1.54. Obviously you do it at your own risk, etc. Also read up to make sure that this is your problem.


Midnight R
07-04-2011, 09:13 AM
Whoops! box has been relegated due to new cheap and cheerful Openbox S9 (No glitching at all, good blind scan and PQ only about 10% behind the S4000.

07-04-2011, 01:18 PM
im thinking of flogging mine, bored of all the bugs

Midnight R
07-04-2011, 02:09 PM
Yep its a shame as the PQ is fantastic.

But for me stability of the xcam is more of an issue and I hadn't realised how stable a good line can be in another box.

Oh well!

07-04-2011, 03:25 PM
I think they've had enough time to sort this out, I'm starting to think that the box is physically incapable of running without regular glitching and freezing. I don't get why a £300 box can't do what a £50 box can. I'm also nearly certain that this is the fault of the firmware. Apparently you can change times in redcam. I think I'll be looking into this to see if it helps, if not I think I'll be trading in for a Clarke Tech.

25-06-2011, 01:38 PM
i have done a few test scans today (but with the ice 1.09.20 f/w) and it didnt hang once, but i got the MCAS issue, so have reverted to Octagon f/w.

im doing a scan now of 28.2 with network scan on, and going to see what happens.

im also toying with trying the HDFlasher tool for the 1.54 boot loader, and the other plugin that puts back E2 one (but not sure if its maxiuboot)

im feeling brave all of a sudden - although i do have my bootargs nicely backed up

07-07-2011, 07:22 PM
ok, just an update.

i THINK the hanging issue happens if the channel memory is full.

i just tried to scan in a feed, it had signal, but deteced 0 new services, so i deleted some crap off 24.5w and then the feed scanned in, this explains why it was hanging on scanning 9e, AND i noticed that when it "hung", it was still adding radio channels, SLOWLY but no tv channels.

perhaps a more intuitive error could come up on the screen?

(this might explain why it seemed only me had the problem, im forever blind scanning!)

23-07-2011, 05:43 PM
scrap that, it just didnt to me again when scanning 13e

after id factory reset!!

fookin thing