View Full Version : hdmi issue + plugins problem

20-12-2010, 01:32 PM
I have just installed the latest 1.0.3 enigma2 image on my azbox premium, everything went fine using Azup ver 1.2.5. This is the first time I am using enigma 2 type image so is kind of slow learning process.

I have the following two problems, My hd tv is connected via hdmi only and upon first reboot I was able to see the white screen with red x in the middle (boot-up screen). Then I went to setup to change my resolution, the initial resolution is component at 480i and I am only connected using hdmi??? When I change it to hdmi connection and set it to 720p I get blank screen ( I lose signal from my receiver to TV) forcing me to reinstall the image again using Azup, I am sure there is away around it but couldn’t find it in the big thread, searching through thousands of threads. Therefore I am stuck with this connection and unable to switch to true hdmi.

The picture quality is not as good as the official image as a result of the above.

The second problem is I downloaded CVS_EMU file and installed it via the plugins section of the setup and started mgcamd, after that I transferred my files to var/keys directory and rebooted my receiver. I was unable to clear channels??? I searched in the forums and couldn’t find anything. Please note that network connection is configured and enabled (green dot bottom left of the screen)

Just to let everyone know, if you have media files i.e movies, music etc stored in your internal hard drive you will not lose them after the upgrade from official image to enigma 1.0.3 image which is really cool.

Other than that this image is looking solid and thanking The_Ripper and team for their excellent work :respect-046:.

20-12-2010, 02:52 PM
The second problem is I downloaded CVS_EMU file and installed it via the plugins section of the setup and started mgcamd, after that I transferred my files to var/keys directory and rebooted my receiver. I was unable to clear channels??? I searched in the forums and couldn’t find anything. Please note that network connection is configured and enabled (green dot bottom left of the screen)

Have activated it to autostart? I hear you can do this with the plugin that was in that CVS_EMU package in the plugin menu. Others have repported it to work, so it's a problem in your setup.

Best regards!

20-12-2010, 03:13 PM
Have activated it to autostart? I hear you can do this with the plugin that was in that CVS_EMU package in the plugin menu. Others have repported it to work, so it's a problem in your setup.

Best regards!

Yep its activated to autostart (black screen pops up and few lines come up and says autostart finished). it might be corrupted files, I am at work right now and I will reinstall the image again and test it, hopefully should work.

Best Regards

20-12-2010, 11:03 PM
I use CVS_EMU and it works great. Only I put the CCcam.cfg in /etc. And did:
chmod 755 /etc/CCcam.cfg

edit: I see it's mgcamd and not cccam :) Sorry. But you can try to put files in /etc like I did, maybe it works with mgcamd too.

20-12-2010, 11:28 PM
CCcam.prio,CCcam.cfg,CCcam.provid ers go in var\etc with 755 mod! Go to https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showpost.php?p=775051&postcount=4 and it explains how to sort out hdmi problem!

22-12-2010, 04:46 PM
Thanks a lot for the feedback guys I have spent the last day and this morning playing around with 1.0.3 and I am learning a few tricks on one of them, after the installation of E2 image is completed and you would like to do a factory reset (clean install) you will need to download the following file from this thread https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showpost.php...postcount=3192


once you transfer the file to the correct directory, then go to setup----> menu -----> factory reset. it will boot-up to the setup menu, where it will ask you to input the prefered settings for your setup i.e type of connection, resolution..... etc. ( you would be able to see the Azbox remote control)
I have noticed during setup (after factory reset) that the component resolution goes all the way to 1080p (is this possible?) where as HDMI PC is restricted to 575p ( even after following bevste advise and Massimo's instructions). I would like for someone to confrim this.

Another problem is the MGCAMD 1.35 version for Azbox is installed and working but when I transfered the relevant files (mg.cfg & newcamd.list) to the correct directory var/etc (both chmod 755) still can not clear a thing, going to plugins and selecting mgcamd and clicking info I get all information regarding connection and ecm times.
I even copied the file to var/keys and user/camd in desperate measure to fix this issue but no luck so far.

I am aware that everyone is using cccam but unfoartunatly I am restricted to mgcamd only, can anyone confirm if mgcamd is working? if its working can you please state steps taken to enable it.

Thanks in advance folks!

22-12-2010, 05:52 PM
Another problem is the MGCAMD 1.35 version for Azbox is installed and working but when I transfered the relevant files (mg.cfg & newcamd.list) to the correct directory var/etc (both chmod 755) still can not clear a thing, going to plugins and selecting mgcamd and clicking info I get all information regarding connection and ecm times.
I even copied the file to var/keys and user/camd in desperate measure to fix this issue but no luck so far.

mgcamd goes to /usr/camd/
and SoftCam.Key , AutoRoll.Key , mg_cfg and newcamd.list go to /var/keys

See with telnet and ps command what process # is mgcamd on and kill the one bearing a lowest number (just do a telnet and type "kill #") #-is a number of mgcamd lowest process, so when you check again with ps command, there isn't any mgcamd process running... then start mgcamd manually by typing /usr/camd/MgCamd135a &