View Full Version : No signal?

tinto de verano
21-12-2010, 10:54 AM
Last night I set up my brand new Spiderbox HD 9000 Combo. Nice little clever box.
It finally replaces my aging Humax HDCI2000.
So I have a motorised 80 cm dish. The HDCI 2000 was working fine, signal OK...

I set up 2 Solwise 200Mbps Homeplug AV Ethernet adapters with AC Pass through ("piggy" mk2)...

I unplugged the HDCI2000, connected the Spiderbox, set up, hopefully, gift, patch, softkey... latest channel list from Compass... USALS with my latitude and longitude...

But I get "No signal". Rememeber my HDCI200 was working correctly, so I am assuming it is not a problem with dish, motor, cable, connectors.

Whatever the channel, whatever the satellite, I get "No signal".

The "funny" thing is that if I go to 4.8 E Sirius 4 ... then I get good signal (70% and 46%) but I get "Scrambled channel" message.

Any ideas?

Help, please.


tinto de verano

ADDED LATER: I forgot to mention this: when I switch the spiderbox on with the remote, "F100" comes up on the display, then goes to last channel. Is this brief F100 message normal? What does it mean?

21-12-2010, 11:46 AM
The F100 message is normal.
Personally I would try adding a few FTA channels manually, for each satellite.
Try moving your dish to 19.2E, then go into the Spiderbox menu, navigate to manual scan, and select it.
Press the green button, on the remote control, and enter/select the following:

Satellite Astra 1 19.2E
Frequency: 12051
Symbol Rate: 27500
Polarization: Vertical
Modulation: DVB-S QSPK

Do you now get any signal levels showing? If so start search.

You might also try scanning in channel on 4.8E, as you've got a signal there, to confirm that you are actually on 4.8E.

Did you check your Usals settings after loading the channel list? These can alter due to loading someone else's list.

21-12-2010, 11:50 AM
You need to set up the satellites. USALS or DiSEqC.


tinto de verano
21-12-2010, 11:55 AM
Hi Mickha,
Thanks for confirming F100 is normal.
Thanks for your advice.
Actually, I had already gone to Astra 1. I did a manual search there and lots of FTA channels were found and can now be seen.

BUT they are not Astra 1 channels, it turns out that they are BBC, ITV... so the dish is actually on Astra 2 28.2 E!!!!

How can I correct this?


tinto de verano

PS: yes, I did check the USAL settings, mu latitude and longitude is there

21-12-2010, 11:56 AM
Sorry missed the bit saying you had set up USALS.

I had trouble like this for 10 mins so set up DiSEqC and now it works fine if I use either.

But if I remember correctly I was entering latitude and longitude incorrectly as the set up differed from my Dreambox which I was used to.


tinto de verano
21-12-2010, 11:59 AM
Hi folky,

Thanks for your reply.
Set up the satellites?
I though that by selecting USALS, entering my latitude and longitude... and loading Comapass's channel list... satellites would be set up from the channel list...

Maybe I am wrong.

At least now I know the box works (will see about the gift later on).

The dish is actually on Astra 2 when the box/channel list thinks it is on Astra 1...


tinto de verano

21-12-2010, 12:14 PM
Just double check your position as in this post https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=130612

"Press the green button to allow you to enter your longitude and latitude.

Longituse is switched between E & W by pressing the < and > buttons.

Enter your longitude by using the number keys. Note: if your Longitude is 1.5W (for example) you must enter 001.5W in this field.

Enter your latitude, e,g, 55.6N. You can change N to S with the arrow keys too, but most of you won't want to do that."

Also whatever satellite you are on when you scan make sure you change it to the right satellite in motor settings then save and try again.


tinto de verano
21-12-2010, 02:09 PM
Thanks, guys.
Working on it... connecting HDCI2000, then spiderbox...

Any new suggestions, welcome.


tinto de verano

tinto de verano
21-12-2010, 04:40 PM
Connected the Humax HDCI2000 (Diseqc)
Unplugged and disconnected HDCI2000.
Plugged in Spiderbox, Diseqc, got Astra 2, searched and saved channels!
If I change to Usals the dish moves... and I lose signal.
So if I stay on Diseqc Astra 2... I should be able to find more sats and channels...
Any suggestions?
tinto de verano

21-12-2010, 04:56 PM
If using Diseqc, I think you have to go and save each satellite position .

USALS - IMV is better but perhaps you entered Long / Lat incorrectly for your location

tinto de verano
21-12-2010, 05:11 PM
Hi john.dat.
Thanks for helping.
Yes, I also thought USALS would be better.
But, if I am on Diseqc Astra 2, and select USALS, the dish moves and I lose signal
Still on Diseqc now, got Astra2 , trying to add Astra 1 19.2 as suggested earlier by Mickha...
Got it/
I will try to save Astra 1 and move back and forth from Astra 2 to 1... see if everything is saved... I-ll keep tou posted, as I will be needing some more help, I am afraid.
tinto de verano

tinto de verano
21-12-2010, 05:49 PM
OK, can move back and forth between Astra 2 and 1.
Siganal good.
And Service + seems to be working! Nice!
If only I could use USALS and, maybe, Compass's channel list or SatPauls's...
Another late night I guess, especially if I need to add all sats (and channels)manually.
I guess there might be a "calculate" option somewhere...
tinto de verano

21-12-2010, 06:05 PM
Just in case something goes wrong....Always save your newly modified chann' listing - Menu->USB and press Green Button on R/C - Save Chann data UDB to a USB stick formatted to a FAT32 in the SpiderBox .Don't wait until you have modified all Satellites (Long job) in case you have a problem and lose all your Chann' listing/data - just save it every 30 mins, it will overwrite previous saved list ;)

tinto de verano
21-12-2010, 06:15 PM
hi john.dat,
Very good advise indeeed!
I hope I can get usals to work properly.
I think I am entering my position correctly. I phoned goldwafers (what fast and good service, by the way) and they confirmed my latitude and longitude.
I already have my channel list with only these 2 sats... patience...
tinto de verano

21-12-2010, 07:21 PM
Where and how are you entering it m8.

tinto de verano
21-12-2010, 07:39 PM
Hi maud,

thanks for helping.

I seem to remeber you also had a HDCI200... and must now be also enjoying a Spiderbox.

I am entering lat on long in Motor sertup.

Hopefully some good news...

After reading some suggestions from Mikha in another thread...

I am now NOT entering the latitude suggested by google. I have tried adding 9 degrees (10 in the end as I get a stronger signal) East. And it seems to work, it keeps the signal for both Astra 1 and Astra 2.

Why 9 extra degrees E?

Remember I mentioned that when trying to use usals I selected Astra 1 and then search and it would actually find Astra 2 channels? Exactly 9 degrees difference!

I will let you know if I can load compass's channel list and everything works as it should... hopefully... finally...

Thanks you all.

tinto de verano

21-12-2010, 07:45 PM
Yep I've moved on too,had Spider 9000HD for a couple of months now,set for sealions and home streaming,great little box,bought mine from Goldwafers too,sounds like you done ot right,you did remember to save it,cos that was a mistake that I made,entered but not saved,suggest you regularly save channels to usb and then to computer,also find channel editor prog for pc.:bowing-036::bowing-036:

21-12-2010, 07:49 PM
did you enter motor set up then green button for your position,my usals for near Norwich was 001.2 east.

tinto de verano
21-12-2010, 08:02 PM
Hi maud,
Thanks for your advice.
Now that it is hopefully working I will enjoy some footie... and then I will investigate all the recording, streaming, c line... endless features for a very nice price..
Yes, I did use the green button for my position. But I was entering what google had told me (000.2). I finally tried 010.0... perfect.
I might try 010.2 later///

Thansk you all again.

tinto de verano

22-12-2010, 11:41 AM
So was it just the longitude and latitude that needed entering differently?


22-12-2010, 01:26 PM
I forecast further issues ahead with this usals prolem.
You have not set up correctly from the beginning.

I think so too ;)

tinto de verano
22-12-2010, 02:03 PM
hi folky,


Instead of entering the latitude suggested by google, I added 10 degrees East.

And it is now working perfectly.



tinto de verano

tinto de verano
22-12-2010, 02:05 PM
Hi Manic01 and john.dat,

Thanks for your comments.

Fingers crossed...

All fine... for now.

I guess what I should really do is call the installer and ask him to centre/place the dish/motor correctly so I can enter my real latitude without cheating/adding 10 degrees.

But for now, I will try to leave with it.

Thanks again.

tinto de verano

22-12-2010, 02:21 PM
so I can enter my real latitude without cheating/adding 10 degrees.

Exactly ;)