View Full Version : SATA connector

23-12-2010, 08:53 PM
Beside the internal HDD in DM8000 I also use an external one in the enclosure, connected to USB on the back panel. To enable the recording on the external HDD also (it can only be played back via USB) Iīd like to connect it to E-SATA on the enclosure (the date transfer speed is much higher this way also). So I need to connect it to the free SATA connector on the motherboard. There are 3 SATA connectors there. One is already connected to the internal HDD (the one on the right side by HDD, viewed from the front of Dreambox). The other, on the front right side (viewed from the front) is USB-SATA converter and connected to DVD. So I would need the free third one (SATA), but I canīt find it. Can someone tell me where exactly itīs located on the motherboard?

23-12-2010, 09:06 PM
I connected my bluray drive, not to the usb/sata convertor, but on the sata connector, just under the metal plate for dvd drive.

I made a red circle on the photo.

24-12-2010, 03:10 AM
Thanks a lot m8, I appreciate your help. So Iīm going to connect my external HDD enclosure via E-SATA to the marked SATA and pull the cable through an unused opening on the back plate (one of CI-slots or optional tuner slots).

Regards luis

24-12-2010, 11:22 AM
Yep, this should Work without problems.

24-12-2010, 02:14 PM
Just one more question m8. After having both HDDs connected to SATA, how do I choose onto which HDD to record (or play back), whatīs the procedure?