View Full Version : FotTS - fixes TS files

24-12-2010, 09:46 AM
Saw this on another forum. A command line tool to fix Fortis (Icecrypt, Octagon, Artevio etc) satellite receiver TS files.

ForTs [options] <ts>

Analyse <ts> an print result to screen
-all Analyse all pakets, takes a while
-hex Dump some pakets in hex
!!! -fixfts Generate a FTRI and write in <ts> as first packet
!!! -fixpat Generate a PAT and write in <ts> after FTS packets
-force Writes FTRI or PAT even if it already exists
-get:<file> Read 188 bytes from <ts> and write to <file>
!!! -put:<file> Read 188 bytes from <file> and overwrite in <ts>

24-12-2010, 09:56 AM
but i didn't catch how to use it, some help please ?