View Full Version : hdd problem

24-12-2010, 11:12 AM
ok i've just connected a new seagate 2tb external usb to my 800
no problems there then.
but, after a while (maybe an hour, maybe three) it changes from being read/write to read only ?
not a problem for watching allready recorded stuff but a right royal pain in the backside for those timer recordings i've set up
i've tested this on, DE 1.3.3d, NewDE 1.0, Original firmware 3.0.3 and latest Oozoon (based on 3.0.3)
I get the same result with all images
can any clever pimp think of a reason why this might be happenning and/or how this can be solved ?

24-12-2010, 11:15 AM
Maybe it's a too big hdd ?
Did you initialize the hdd, with the image that you are using ?

24-12-2010, 12:03 PM
yes I did wonder about the drive size but from what I've read 2TB isn't a problem for linux or ext3
maybe a dreambox 800 issue then ?
no need to re-initialise everytime it works well on all images (recording/playback)
except it changes to 'read only' after it's been sitting idle for a while
I've just unmounted it and have done a manual mount with

mount -t ext3 -o rw /dev/sda1 /hdd
doubt if this will make any difference but hey who knows ?

just to add it deffo seems to be an idle issue as it allowed me to transfer 500 gig of recordings over to it without any probs

24-12-2010, 12:18 PM
My guess it is something to do with power saving (sleep mode) of the HDD and when it wakes up it is in the wrong mode. The variable time before it happens is probably due to it sleeping after 60 minutes but on some occasions it goes active before the 60m is up (automatic EPG d/l etc.) thus prolonging the time.

Can you disable the sleep mode on the HDD ?

24-12-2010, 01:14 PM
thanks Detlef.:respect-051:
I've just d/l seagate manager and set the power saving mode to 'never'
put the drive back into my 800 and so it's time to wait and see if that sorts it
fingers crossed,

28-12-2010, 07:46 AM
originally posted dec 25th

Just to confirm Detlef, your guess was spot on m8;)
To test I set timer recordings for yesterday afternoon, late last night, early hours of this morning and I've just done an instant record all 100% ok
and yes I've read that drives 'spinning back up' 5 or 6 times a day can do more damage than drives running continuously
thanks again for your help

28-12-2010, 12:56 PM
Just to confirm Detlef, your guess was spot on m8;)
To test I set timer recordings for yesterday afternoon, late last night, early hours of this morning and I've just done an instant record all 100% ok
and yes I've read that drives 'spinning back up' 5 or 6 times a day can do more damage than drives running continuously
thanks again for your help

Try a few of the other settings on the hdd when you don't want to record anything important. There may be one that lets the disk sleep but will wake up in RW when needed. But it won't matter if the disk spins continuously - that is what Sly+ boxes do and they last for several years.