View Full Version : vix 1.3 crons manager help plz

29-12-2010, 04:33 PM
can someone please tell me the line i would need to enter into cron manger on vix 1.3 to make my box do a full reboot at a set time each day plz i know people are gonna say why do u want to do that and the answer is that i feel it keeps the box nice and fresh imo to reboot everyday i have tried script with it i have tried /sbin/reboot/ , reboot/ and /sbin/shutdown -r now but nothing works just wont reboot at set time on vix 1.3 cron manager. Am i right in guessing that the cron deamon is running on vix 1.3 after bootup all the time eg that i only have to enter the command and time in vix 1.3 cron manager and then see if it triggers at the time set ????

i have now tried rebooting the box after setting the reboot command and still no go i have also tried using the crons manager to run a scrip but it didn't work and also on vix 1.3 there is no var/script folder

driving me mad

any help would be great

thanks cozmo