View Full Version : JaZUp 1.3 by Hectore and Pr2

07-01-2011, 06:10 PM
JaZUp by Hectore and Pr2.

Java based application to flash E2 firmware on Azbox and return to official Firmware.
We try to make it safe to flash your Azbox so we include many tests.

Please ALWAYS run JaZUp when your Azbox is still in official firmware to disable Hardware Acceleration before starting any upgrade process! Even without any USB key connected simply press Update button this will check for and disable Hardware Acceleration if needed and also uninstall Priority Manager plugins if installed.

When you install on USB please remember that JaZUp requires 2 USB keys; one with patch.bin and the other one will be used to install E2 on it (min. 256 MB required).

You Firewall can ask you to grant access from JaZUp to your Azbox please allow it.
We only use telnet and FTP.

See other included files for full details.

change log:

- Disable Hardware Acceleration even in Rescue Mode
- Uninstall Priority Manager from official firmware to avoid conflict when upgrading
- better detection of destination device (second USB, HDD)
- Bug new Kernel - no USB detected - reboot Azbox
- clean umount before rebooting
- Improve Azbox search function
- add NL end user guide

20-01-2011, 04:38 PM
When upgrading from RC1 installed on a USB to RC2 my partions were formated even though the boxes were not ticked, is this normal?
Will be going to try RC2 usb to RC3 upgrade this weekend is this normal behaviour or has anyone successfully upgraded from one version to the next with a usb installed system.


20-01-2011, 10:10 PM
Hello Smudger,

When you upgrade E2-> E2 the general partition are always formated. why?
1) We noticed that the system has less problems after formatting.
2) Some people add drivers compiled by others in the /dev/hda1 and during an upgrade, these files remain, but they may be compiled for an old kernel and can crash.
In Linux if you put some files .ko in directories are loaded automatically by the system -> crash is possible.

For "The format extended partition" checkbox option is only for extended partition.

/dev/hda1 on /
/dev/hda2 on /boot
/dev/hda3 is swap
/dev/hda5 on /media/cf

If i understand your seconds sentence correctly, you can upgrade RC2 to RC3 on your USB but your RC2 partition will be formatted.

Hope to help you.

20-01-2011, 10:16 PM
Thanks for explaining.

So would be worth backing up first all settings etc.


21-01-2011, 09:20 AM