View Full Version : nothing on 16e

07-01-2011, 09:42 PM
can anyone help i'm only receiving fta on 16e all the others say scrambled channel has anyone else got the same problem if not do they know what it could be as the q and s are around 84% many thanks in advance for any ideas

07-01-2011, 11:14 PM
hi 16e a lot of channel working with service+ idid not acount about 70 or more working

chris B
07-01-2011, 11:27 PM
can anyone help i'm only receiving fta on 16e all the others say scrambled channel has anyone else got the same problem if not do they know what it could be as the q and s are around 84% many thanks in advance for any ideas
Assuming you have the free gift, then you need to ensure that Eut F2 is displaying as 16E and not 15.8E...
Service + will not activate if the sat is set as 15.8.
Post again if you are still stuck.
Good luck.

07-01-2011, 11:34 PM
thanks for the advice but still not working would it be worth doing a factory reset and putting the patch back on but its only 16e thats not working

07-01-2011, 11:53 PM
Try manually scanning in a few channels and see if they open, as mentioned make sure you use the 16E option and not the 15.8E.

08-01-2011, 12:18 AM
thanks mickha will try tomorrow as wife is hogging the tv will let you know

08-01-2011, 02:16 AM
Like Mickha says do a scan

If you are not shure how to do it try this

goto menu

Than motor satup

Then go to Search Option

Right click to you get to tv only

Then goto start search

I hope this helps