View Full Version : Tm800-hd

08-01-2011, 06:40 PM
As you TM800HD owners may know there has been a recall of the TM800 due to freezing and some other issues.

I can confim after visiting the TM factory to take mine back for the recall, the box is now in full working order and the picture is super.

They led me to believe there will be more updates which can be done at home to improve other features, boot up time etc.

Also I been reading on some other forums people not understanding why they need to return the remote.

Well basicly some versions of the remote will not work on the new software you can tell this by looking at the back of the remote if the CE symbol on the back is any colour other than blue, it will need replacing

Hope this helps you.

and thanks Technomate for doing the free upgrade

08-01-2011, 11:26 PM
very Dificult to beleve when about 20 owners of TM 800 has sold their stb in ****...after waiting so long..

This sis some coments what they talk abot TM 800...

They are same Mebers are here in satpims but they never like tell truth here...if they are real honest people should do same commenst here ahw they done in some differnt please.

*4 Jan *just wondering havnty heard of anything in a few days ??

*4 Jan*
my vu+duo will be here by friday i hope - cant wait - what do you think of the vu+ forrest are you using vix image ?

*6 Jan*
the silence from TM/UR team is beginning to worry me !!!!!!!!!

yes thats true didgi - but they should not have released the box until they at least had a working image- the basic things like wifi and hdd arnt even working right. they have used joe public as beta testers and this has been wrong of them .

they got greedy and relesaed the box in time for the world cup and the box as well all know was not ready for release .

i hope they get it right becasue i have used tm boxes for years and rate them highly until this tm800 came along.

*7 Jan *
I to am waiting on my VU+duo coming but i am still staying on this board becasue i paid good money for my tm 800 and i want to see it through to the end to hopefully see it become a great box but to be honest at the minute i have grave doubts about it's future !!

*7 Jan *
what gets me is why they wont even name who the other teams are working on the box , why not say who's working on it . at least if it's a well known team like VIX etc it would put peoples mind at rest knowing that a decsent team where working away behind the scene's trying to get a stable working image

Untill here is from member who open "WOW my TM works well " and after some days sold in ****....

douwn are members of Satpims but in differnt please diffrent comments
It seems that there are too many things to be fixed so they dont know what to do,where to start,I really dont care anymore ,My vu+duo is on its way

When you get the next date................
Use the numbers for the euro lottery.Sorry couldn't resist.

Same here , I've given up and got a nice vu+ duo Christmas present

its nice to see that someone kan make positive joke on this never ending problem of TM 800 hd subject

Seems like a lot of people are switching from tm800 to the VU+ looks like technomate are alienating a lot users buy still not being able to get the box 100% running after months of being on sale

yep you are telling me, just gave up and it before Christams and sold it and fle**** for 200 with a 320gb Hard Drive in it. yes i have lost money but the box was just not working correctly

What potential tm800 has that vu+ dou or solo does not?Right now its potential is almost 0,it does not handle teletext&subtitle that every 50 euros recivier does ,so please dont mention the word potential for TM 800 yet

May be its time for TM people start to think in other solutions;They can skip E2 and release a standard Linux image as many other manufacturer do,they stack on I dont wait any further (at least in near future)development on this 1

and this is the catch 22 situation technomate find themselfs in m8, thats causing most of the delays

*most other linux based receivers out there use the broadcom processor, *which has been out for years, which has numerous pre built packages for just about every configuration available. you want to change something? change the source files, download and merge with a different processor package, compile the image, flash to receiver, job done

the *TM800 has an NXP processor, the first time a company has tried something new with linux receivers*, the core processor packages dont exist. enigma and linux packages need to be re-written to work with it, i have an image from april last year, which will flash onto the tm800, and reports it as a PLi DM800, it even connects to PLi's servers for updates. in 9 months, 57 million bits of information has been looked over, time and time again, to change things, to get the tm800 running. every time anything is changed, an image needs to be compiled, and tested, if it dont work, change it back, change something else, compile and image, and test it

its the same with DMM and their clones, except, most of the work has already been done, why do you think all these new receivers are coming out with either broadcom processors, or cheap clones of them? open linux, eagle, Vu+, blade, skybox, solomon, protek unixbox, etc, etc

*as i posted a few weeks ago, if technomate were to bring out a tm800super, with the nxp chip replaced with a broadcom chip, what would happen?*
would people praise them for admitting they cant get nxp going and for changing to broadcom? NO, they would say that they have cloned the dreambox / Vu+, and even though everything would work just the same as other receivers out there, they would still get flamed for it

damned if they do, damned if they dont, they cannot win

but, they are taking a brave step using a new chip, possibly paving the way for a new generation of receivers, possibly going down a very expensive dead end, at the moment, nobody knows (* this from the guy who support TM actually who do the copy past from Owner of PM...is saying actually what i says about NXP cpu ,,,meaybe they need change CPu now? after failing and is gaving even wrong info for other boxcex like call Vu + copy or gave wrong Cpu to other boxes.. *)

all i can say is goodbye everyone, i gave up on my TM800HD before xmas and bought a VU+ Duo. I will still pop in this forum every so often and see whats going down

Love and Kisses

*You can doit even here too*

But this is the basic programming model wether it be embedded or software. Thousands of professionals go through the routine day in day out. What business would market and retail a product when they don't even have proper knowledge and competence to handle the core function of their product. This should all of been handled at the R&D stage, and based in current performance, dropped at the time. Failing that is should of been pulled before going to retail down to blind reliance on a chipset which failed them on performing the basic requirements on an STB.

It's ridiculous to say how "hard it is" to dev and compile a package... of course it is the layperson. That's why it's done by professionals. I don't know how the engine works in my car but I expect the manufaturer and the engineers that put it in there to know!

Bottom line is we've paid top end price for something that doesn't do what it was promised to do, and nearly seven months on it still doesn't.

The usual well that's what Linux boxes are like etc. just doesn't cut it any more. Half the problem with the box was down to closed chipset code being wrong, which with all the will in the world could never of been fixed by UR or the so called hobbyist scene - the rest is down to UR for incompetence and TM for not acquiring the necessary resources to fulfill not only what was promised, but what was actually sold.

Another failure was not releasing code despite marketing it as open source. Even after finally releasing a subset and consequently full code, it still wouldn't of delivered due to chipset needing a flash.

And as for "well why buy it, you knew it was a work in progress", actually some of us came to the party earlier than the current lot shouting that, and we were promised it was all but done and final images were being fully beta tested and everything was 100%, and even mocked by some for suggesting otherwise. "Why not take the refund", again we were being promised "things were fixed" and "next week" deadlines for new images which were consistently missed and then when things did turn up, features that worked before sunddenly didn't now.... a familar occurance with which now even the late comers are used to.

Digi, is it correct that NXP have been sold 3 times in last 6 months? Samsung- conexant?-Trinity?
This might explain why thers issues with cpu and ITgate not getting access.

Remember this and all the slagging that came after it was posted 6 months ago from darkman?

You would have a hard job slagging off something that was working correctly surely?
Agreed 6 months down the line Digi says its lot better, but others on here are selling them fast still read the posts. So there are loads not happy.
I know stb's are ongoing wip so a certain amount of bugs get ironed out but this product was never fit for purpose when released.

Are TM still doing refunds?

LOL, personally I think they should if they still can't deliver what was promised. Another question would be have TM got any money left after all these recalls?

Well if theyre selling TM800's at 250 quid and Wifi modules for 50 quid...They should have plenty of cash for refunds.

Considering clone DM800HD suppliers are selling at under 140 quid delivered to the UK and theyre still making profit on that..apparently a NXP chipset is cheaper than a Broadcom chipset in China..so how much profit per unit do you think TM are making on TM800HD;s ??

more more

This what really is going On with TM 800....this is th real face...
and all those people are the best supporters of TM...but they do not like talk Honestly in differnt forums SHAME TO THEM AND will BE SHAME to See the Post close or Dissaper....and not live people to tell the truth...........

08-01-2011, 11:31 PM
Anyone going for HD linux is much better off getting a Vu+ from this forum's sponsor.
They came out fully functional from the start, not like these botched TM800 receivers that had to all be returned and are still not working properly.

09-01-2011, 12:10 AM
Anyone going for HD linux is much better off getting a Vu+ from this forum's sponsor.
They came out fully functional from the start, not like these botched TM800 receivers that had to all be returned and are still not working properly.

Yes,Vu+ are good receivers,no doubt about it.

So letīs still look at post n:o1 and I quote also Darkman

very Dificult to beleve when about 20 owners of TM 800 has sold their stb in ****...after waiting so long..

This sis some coments what they talk abot TM 800...

They are same Mebers are here in satpims but they never like tell truth here...if they are real honest people should do same commenst here ahw they done in some differnt please.

*4 Jan *just wondering havnty heard of anything in a few days ??

*4 Jan*
my vu+duo will be here by friday i hope - cant wait - what do you think of the vu+ forrest are you using vix image ?

*6 Jan*
the silence from TM/UR team is beginning to worry me !!!!!!!!!

yes thats true didgi - but they should not have released the box until they at least had a working image- the basic things like wifi and hdd arnt even working right. they have used joe public as beta testers and this has been wrong of them .

they got greedy and relesaed the box in time for the world cup and the box as well all know was not ready for release .

i hope they get it right becasue i have used tm boxes for years and rate them highly until this tm800 came along.

*7 Jan *
I to am waiting on my VU+duo coming but i am still staying on this board becasue i paid good money for my tm 800 and i want to see it through to the end to hopefully see it become a great box but to be honest at the minute i have grave doubts about it's future !!

*7 Jan *
what gets me is why they wont even name who the other teams are working on the box , why not say who's working on it . at least if it's a well known team like VIX etc it would put peoples mind at rest knowing that a decsent team where working away behind the scene's trying to get a stable working image

Untill here is from member who open "WOW my TM works well " and after some days sold in ****....

douwn are members of Satpims but in differnt please diffrent comments
It seems that there are too many things to be fixed so they dont know what to do,where to start,I really dont care anymore ,My vu+duo is on its way

When you get the next date................
Use the numbers for the euro lottery.Sorry couldn't resist.

Same here , I've given up and got a nice vu+ duo Christmas present

its nice to see that someone kan make positive joke on this never ending problem of TM 800 hd subject

Seems like a lot of people are switching from tm800 to the VU+ looks like technomate are alienating a lot users buy still not being able to get the box 100% running after months of being on sale

yep you are telling me, just gave up and it before Christams and sold it and fle**** for 200 with a 320gb Hard Drive in it. yes i have lost money but the box was just not working correctly

What potential tm800 has that vu+ dou or solo does not?Right now its potential is almost 0,it does not handle teletext&subtitle that every 50 euros recivier does ,so please dont mention the word potential for TM 800 yet

May be its time for TM people start to think in other solutions;They can skip E2 and release a standard Linux image as many other manufacturer do,they stack on I dont wait any further (at least in near future)development on this 1

and this is the catch 22 situation technomate find themselfs in m8, thats causing most of the delays

*most other linux based receivers out there use the broadcom processor, *which has been out for years, which has numerous pre built packages for just about every configuration available. you want to change something? change the source files, download and merge with a different processor package, compile the image, flash to receiver, job done

the *TM800 has an NXP processor, the first time a company has tried something new with linux receivers*, the core processor packages dont exist. enigma and linux packages need to be re-written to work with it, i have an image from april last year, which will flash onto the tm800, and reports it as a PLi DM800, it even connects to PLi's servers for updates. in 9 months, 57 million bits of information has been looked over, time and time again, to change things, to get the tm800 running. every time anything is changed, an image needs to be compiled, and tested, if it dont work, change it back, change something else, compile and image, and test it

its the same with DMM and their clones, except, most of the work has already been done, why do you think all these new receivers are coming out with either broadcom processors, or cheap clones of them? open linux, eagle, Vu+, blade, skybox, solomon, protek unixbox, etc, etc

*as i posted a few weeks ago, if technomate were to bring out a tm800super, with the nxp chip replaced with a broadcom chip, what would happen?*
would people praise them for admitting they cant get nxp going and for changing to broadcom? NO, they would say that they have cloned the dreambox / Vu+, and even though everything would work just the same as other receivers out there, they would still get flamed for it

damned if they do, damned if they dont, they cannot win

but, they are taking a brave step using a new chip, possibly paving the way for a new generation of receivers, possibly going down a very expensive dead end, at the moment, nobody knows (* this from the guy who support TM actually who do the copy past from Owner of PM...is saying actually what i says about NXP cpu ,,,meaybe they need change CPu now? after failing and is gaving even wrong info for other boxcex like call Vu + copy or gave wrong Cpu to other boxes.. *)

all i can say is goodbye everyone, i gave up on my TM800HD before xmas and bought a VU+ Duo. I will still pop in this forum every so often and see whats going down

Love and Kisses

*You can doit even here too*

But this is the basic programming model wether it be embedded or software. Thousands of professionals go through the routine day in day out. What business would market and retail a product when they don't even have proper knowledge and competence to handle the core function of their product. This should all of been handled at the R&D stage, and based in current performance, dropped at the time. Failing that is should of been pulled before going to retail down to blind reliance on a chipset which failed them on performing the basic requirements on an STB.

It's ridiculous to say how "hard it is" to dev and compile a package... of course it is the layperson. That's why it's done by professionals. I don't know how the engine works in my car but I expect the manufaturer and the engineers that put it in there to know!

Bottom line is we've paid top end price for something that doesn't do what it was promised to do, and nearly seven months on it still doesn't.

The usual well that's what Linux boxes are like etc. just doesn't cut it any more. Half the problem with the box was down to closed chipset code being wrong, which with all the will in the world could never of been fixed by UR or the so called hobbyist scene - the rest is down to UR for incompetence and TM for not acquiring the necessary resources to fulfill not only what was promised, but what was actually sold.

Another failure was not releasing code despite marketing it as open source. Even after finally releasing a subset and consequently full code, it still wouldn't of delivered due to chipset needing a flash.

And as for "well why buy it, you knew it was a work in progress", actually some of us came to the party earlier than the current lot shouting that, and we were promised it was all but done and final images were being fully beta tested and everything was 100%, and even mocked by some for suggesting otherwise. "Why not take the refund", again we were being promised "things were fixed" and "next week" deadlines for new images which were consistently missed and then when things did turn up, features that worked before sunddenly didn't now.... a familar occurance with which now even the late comers are used to.

Digi, is it correct that NXP have been sold 3 times in last 6 months? Samsung- conexant?-Trinity?
This might explain why thers issues with cpu and ITgate not getting access.

Remember this and all the slagging that came after it was posted 6 months ago from darkman?

You would have a hard job slagging off something that was working correctly surely?
Agreed 6 months down the line Digi says its lot better, but others on here are selling them fast still read the posts. So there are loads not happy.
I know stb's are ongoing wip so a certain amount of bugs get ironed out but this product was never fit for purpose when released.

Are TM still doing refunds?

LOL, personally I think they should if they still can't deliver what was promised. Another question would be have TM got any money left after all these recalls?

Well if theyre selling TM800's at 250 quid and Wifi modules for 50 quid...They should have plenty of cash for refunds.

Considering clone DM800HD suppliers are selling at under 140 quid delivered to the UK and theyre still making profit on that..apparently a NXP chipset is cheaper than a Broadcom chipset in China..so how much profit per unit do you think TM are making on TM800HD;s ??

more more

This what really is going On with TM 800....this is th real face...
and all those people are the best supporters of TM...but they do not like talk Honestly in differnt forums SHAME TO THEM AND will BE SHAME to See the Post close or Dissaper....and not live people to tell the truth...........

Few years ago I bought TM-9100 and according some places it was a real killer machine.That I was told when reading that site.But it never was..althought itīs still working,cheap big soapbox but still working with cccam etc.

And now the question for You Darkman if you can give us a tip what other receivers than TM (as you know a lot of them) we have to avoid cause there are so many in market.

So we can also avoid them.

PS. Sorry
Well, Of course have to open threads in proper section.
Or generally what sd/hd boxes to avoid and what not,thanks.

09-01-2011, 12:36 AM
Yes,Vu+ are good receivers,no doubt about it.

So letīs still look at post n:o1 and I quote also Darkman

Few years ago I bought TM-9100 and according some places it was a real killer machine.That I was told when reading that site.But it never was..althought itīs still working,cheap big soapbox but still working with cccam etc.

And now the question for You Darkman if you can give us a tip what other receivers than TM (as you know a lot of them) we have to avoid cause there are so many in market.

So we can also avoid them.

PS. Sorry
Well, Of course have to open threads in proper section.
Or generally what sd/hd boxes to avoid and what not,thanks.

M8 ,with all my respect i need to keep in the topic to respect the rulles .....

( but is very simple...all machines from china today nxp and Ali cpu HD are very cheap from 45-60 dollars in market .i have more then 30 samples all are very bad machines for UK market...They can be good for diffent please of the world, like midle east market loking for very cheap Stb.. but soon will be many dealers they just wait do some dishonest profit and doing falce advertise...I will says other way around: "They are many good stb can be not avoide" .....I think like satpimps Member i will recomande any one to talk with Sponsor,....He sell only very good Machines...all originals ..Like Vu plus- Dreambox ,..Spiderbox...or new CT....( but not TM 800 !)

09-01-2011, 12:44 AM

No Comment !

Just Hope the language is more appropriate and Not Personnel as times of the past have perceived,

Darkman !

Happy New Year M8 ! All the Best for your future endeavours,

Hope you are more considerate with your choice of words in advising the general Hobbyist as to the way to go........

No Offence Honestly !

I Always tend to look at both sides of the Business/Practical Revives....

Hope Cosworth4X4 Nips this in the Bud !

Happy New Year Folks ! :)

Looks like some things Never Change,,,,,,,,:eek:

Hope your Health is more important than what ever STB you Choose for 2011 !

Best Wishes !Ž


10-01-2011, 01:31 AM
To Darkman,

This was meant to reassure anyone sending there TM back for the repair that it is worth doing - I can not comment on the VU+ box as I have never had or even seen one.

However as much as I agree certain problems with the TM should have never of happened, I can confirm Mine works good now, althogh if I am completly honest I did reboot it the other day and it did not reconize the internal hard disk, another reboot and it was fine.

The picture quality of this unit is outstanding with no glitches or freezing anymore.

one last point is atleast TM put there hands up and owned up to there errors, many other companys would not

10-01-2011, 11:05 PM
To Darkman,

This was meant to reassure anyone sending there TM back for the repair that it is worth doing - I can not comment on the VU+ box as I have never had or even seen one.

However as much as I agree certain problems with the TM should have never of happened, I can confirm Mine works good now, althogh if I am completly honest I did reboot it the other day and it did not reconize the internal hard disk, another reboot and it was fine.

The picture quality of this unit is outstanding with no glitches or freezing anymore.one last point is atleast TM put there hands up and owned up to there errors, many other companys would not

Enjoy m8,thanks for the feed back... i hope you did not bought that 8 months agou ,because i can understedn your nightmare from your worlds with red color....