View Full Version : Still no icecrypt V10875...

11-01-2011, 03:06 PM
...any news ColdAsIce? as the Octagon got a release on the 4th.

11-01-2011, 08:28 PM
I hope its soon because it looks like a good update.

12-01-2011, 10:04 AM
ive been running the octagon one, but cant see much difference, one thing i did notice is that scanning services doesnt hang, and it picked up some tp's on a blind scan, it couldn't before - other than that, same old f/w

no UK EPG tho, like it states.

12-01-2011, 07:26 PM
Your wish has come true.........now with working EPG UK .....well working as they did in the previous Icecrypt release anyway.
ManikM you should stop messing around with all these different firmwares you'll wear your flashRAM out.

14-01-2011, 12:33 AM
lol i like to keep my flashram active mate, or it will dry up.

PS theres a bug in both the new .75 f/w's with the time....problem is this, if you change the time type from auto to manual, and then put the system into standby, and then back online again, the time is lost and its back to manual


14-01-2011, 01:21 PM
Will the .75 f/w run the WebZeal plugin web browser on the s4000. I note that it
will go on the hdd of the s6000 rather than flash.

21-01-2011, 07:00 PM
Will the .75 f/w run the WebZeal plugin web browser on the s4000. I note that it
will go on the hdd of the s6000 rather than flash.

not according to coldasice in another thread

as for this opent tv epg , is there a way of setting it as default on all channels as at the moment I am having to do each channel individually ?

is there a method of getting the mhw epg to show now and next on 28 east for say itv , ch4 , ch5 etc as only getting some bbc at the moment

lastly , the audio is defaulting to NAR for narrative on say bbc1HD so is there a permanent way to turn NAR off ? ( or at least set standard audio to ON ? )


21-01-2011, 10:51 PM
each u can only do one channel , OR a page of channels (however many displayed on the screen it can fit)

i think u can do 100channels max, maybe 120