View Full Version : OpenBlackHole DM800se 14.01.2011

15-01-2011, 09:03 AM
OpenBlackHole 0.0.1 dm800se
feed working 100%, my own feed with all OBH packages located on


OpenBlackHole image

Enigma2: 04.01.2011

Experimental image: 14.01.2011

bootloader secondstage: 80r1

drivers: dreambox-dvb-modules-dm800se-2.6.18-7.4-dm800se-20101215

openblackhole snapshot = b78489e0ccfb810d0dbaaaf60ede21246 7201994

last main change : http://openblackhole.git.sourceforge...h ole;a=summary

-Black Hole Blue Panel added
-Use OpenBlackHole own skin Army gradient. Thanks to Army to donate this great skin to OPBH project


Enigma2: Experimental exp
Machine: dm800se
Date: 20110114
Issuer: Openblackhole
Link: http://openblackhole.sourceforge.net/
MD5: 6a0bfbfe224a4e4bbd0f19b076b1ff50

Thanks lupomeo(meo) & BlackHole team for OpenBlackHole Project


06-06-2011, 05:43 PM
Hi Passete, where can i download this image from? I have just purchased an 800 se and boy its a steep learning curve. Any help or hinta hugely appreciated.

06-06-2011, 05:56 PM
Hi Passete, where can i download this image from? I have just purchased an 800 se and boy its a steep learning curve. Any help or hinta hugely appreciated.

Use Recent images, this one is "gone" !

06-06-2011, 07:32 PM
OK, found it. Do you have any instruction for the image? I am very new to all this but i dont seem to be able to find a program schedule/guide. Cheers

06-06-2011, 07:39 PM
Try here :


Flash the box as explained with internet browser, reboot and answer to the questions on first reboot.

06-06-2011, 07:46 PM
Thanks, appreciate your time buddy. Do you know if there is like an idiots guide to satelite receivers that i should read? might help me with the basics and save me taking up the time of receiver gurus like your good self.

06-06-2011, 08:19 PM
Well, this is an hard question ... a dm is a never ending story (learning curve) !

Did you tryed to browse all the d reambox sections here ?

07-06-2011, 03:45 PM
Have been slowly working my way through them but there are so many acronyms i do not know, indeed EPG is the latest i have leaerned ;-) I am really worried that i am causing you a headache mate, hope this is not the case. Just posted a new thread with relation to undertaking the USB thing you said i needed to do because i was worried about upsetting you. :-(. If you live anywhere near me i would be happy to pop and see you if you can spare thee time, just to get a handle on how to use this machine. Happy to pay somthing for your 1 to 1 time. If not i am still unable to find where the format device section is that you mentioned in relation to getting the EPG working with a USB stick.

07-06-2011, 03:50 PM
Sorry, but i live in France, not easy to pop in :D
Maybe someone here will help you for this ...

You need to do one thing at the time, otherwise you will give up easely.
Read, Read & be patient and try to understand, i already answer about the epg !

07-06-2011, 06:03 PM
Thanks Passete, I have another couple of questions for you if OK? I have followed the instructions with reference to the EPG but still do not seem to be able to get the full listings, it seems to just be whats on now for a small fraction of the programms i can view.

Secondly do you know where i can get the cam for the nemesis 2.2 083 image you recommended? Again thanks for your patience Pasette

07-06-2011, 06:13 PM
Try to search for "extra url nemesis" for softcam's !
About the epg, did you first setup "crossepg" and then press to download the listings ?

PS if you made the software update, you should have svn084 and not 83

07-06-2011, 10:48 PM
I have updated to 084, the only thing it can be is that i must have set up the "crossepg" incorrectly, not sure how to set it up Pasette, any ideas??

10-06-2011, 04:07 PM
epg settings i use.. as follows..

menu > cross epg > open tv providers > (tick relevent sats) >

epg config as follows
cross epg > configure > scheduled download (every hour in standby)

then go back to cross epg and top of the second page is download now... ok that and jobs a goodun..!! :0)