View Full Version : BitTorrent plugin

16-01-2011, 12:57 PM
Transmission port for SH4 boxes.

Copy across to /STORAGE/HDD, and set permissions to admin (755).

Telnet onto the box and start/stop with:

/STORAGE/HDD/transmission/usr/script/transmission start
/STORAGE/HDD/transmission/usr/script/transmission stop

Browse to http://[receiver IP]:9091 and login with root/custom

If you want to use a USB drive instead of the HDD then edit /STORAGE/HDD/transmission/usr/script/transmission and /STORAGE/HDD/transmission/config/settings.json by changing all instance of /STORAGE/HDD/ to /STORAGE/USBx/ where USBx is USB1 or 2 as appropriate.

The files from the Torrent Client are stored in /STORAGE/HDD/transmission/download.